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Novel Design of Vascular Clamp to Minimize Vessel Injury

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Presentation on theme: "Novel Design of Vascular Clamp to Minimize Vessel Injury"— Presentation transcript:

1 Novel Design of Vascular Clamp to Minimize Vessel Injury
Neha Patel, Nadia Hussein, Eric Walk, Max Hammond, Francis Simpson

2 Surgeon holding clamp (non-dominant hand)
Problem Statement Complaint about damage caused by arterial clamps to vessels Complaint about requirement to use non-dominant hand to operate the device, too much training required Surgeon holding clamp (non-dominant hand)

3 Area where vessel damage can be seen
Performance Criteria Training Time Device Mass Vessel Damage Occlusion of Flow Sterility Cost Profitability Area where vessel damage can be seen

4 Sample carotid endarterectomy surgery
Primary Objective Arterial clamps are used to prevent excessive bleeding in surgery 50 years of stagnant progress in design of arterial clamps Current clamps Create endothelial and smooth muscle damage in vessels Hard to use Goal is to reduce muscular damage and reduce training time Sample carotid endarterectomy surgery

5 Visualizing the Problem


7 Solution Description: Pieces of Clamp

8 Solution Description: Assembled Clamp

9 Goals Training Time – reduce by 50% Device Mass – maintain or reduce
Vessel Damage – reduce by at least 20% Occlusion of Flow – maintain 100% occlusion for 36 hours Sterility – ensure that all parts can be sterilized or are disposable Cost – Less than $2000 per clamp Profitability – Ensure that product can be made without loss

10 Factors Material Number of Disposable Parts Sterilization method
Metal Plastics Number of Disposable Parts Sterilization method Handle Design Closure Method IV tubing Autoclave

11 System and Environment
Used in OR Held in non-dominant hand of the surgeon Placed around the patient’s artery and inflated

12 Experiment Block Diagram
This testing will be completed by the Brophy Lab. Occlude Resected Vessel with New Clamp for 5-10 hours Assess Damage to the Endothelium and Muscular Tissues Compare to Existing Data Determine Relative Vascular Damage Level Have Surgical Resident(s), with no previous exposure to the new design, Use Clamp in animal surgery Assess ease of use with questionnaire of Surgical Resident(s) Compare to questionnaire data for existing clamps Determine Relative Ease of Use Level Need to show examples of damaged and non-damaged vessels, what is damage?

13 Testing Methods Radnoti Glass Technology force transducer
Powerlab data acquisition system and Chart software Depolarized using KCl Confirmed viability via KCl bath Unmanipulated PCA Control clamped with a debakey clamp clamped with a hydrogrip. Rings were then tested for endothelial-dependent relaxation.

14 Testing Methods

15 Testing Methods

16 Testing Methods Clamped period Force (g)

17 Current Status Prototype
Awaiting 2nd run on prototype, 1st was not made correctly Will assemble rubber parts by hand, have acquired appropriate adhesives.

18 Upcoming Tasks Creating Rubber Parts Testing
Planning for Poster Session

19 Performance

20 Conclusions

21 Informal Observations

22 Recommendations

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