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Ongoing Lead Evaluator

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Presentation on theme: "Ongoing Lead Evaluator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ongoing Lead Evaluator
Day 3

2 Bernadette Cleland, Teaching Learning Solutions
With Credit…

3 Nine Required Components
New York State Teaching Standards and Leadership Standards Evidence-based observation Application and use of Student Growth Percentile method Application and use of the State-approved teacher or principal rubrics Application of assessment tools the district employs Application and use of State-approved locally selected measures of student growth Use of the Statewide Instructional Reporting System Scoring methodology used by the state and the district Specific considerations in evaluating teachers and principals of ELLs and students with disabilities

4 Our Components Managing APPR Connecting it to Learning
Increasing the likelihood that it makes a difference

5 A few reminders… Your approved 3012-d plan must be posted on your website. If you wish to make changes to your plan, you must submit a materials change application to NYSED. **Even with an IE Waiver, any teachers rated Ineffective in the previous year must be evaluated by an IE. When closing out multiple SLO’s for the same educator, be sure to weight by percentage of students.

6 Today’s Objectives I can…articulate teachers’ desires for effective evaluations. I can…consider elements of successful and unsuccessful post-conferences. I can…set personal goals for my own work with teacher evaluation.

7 Warm-Up! Share with your table:
What would your teachers currently say about the teacher evaluation process in your school? What do they like? What do they dislike? What seems forced? What would they like to see be done differently?

8 Text-Based Read & Conversation
Read the Executive Summary of, State of the States’ Teacher Evaluation and Support Systems: A Perspective from Exemplary Teachers and pages 12-14, “Classroom Observations” from the full report. Consider the following questions as you read: Were any of the recommendations or survey responses surprising to you? In what ways do the recommendations and responses reflect the thoughts shared during the Warm-Up discussions? Other “a-ha” moments?   Small Group Discussion

9 Professional Conversations: Part 1
Watch this post-observation conference between an administrator and teacher. What is your reaction?


11 Professional Conversations: Part 1
Watch this post-observation conference between an administrator and teacher. What is your reaction?



14 Professional Conversations: Part 2
Watch another version of a post-observation conference. In what ways is this conversation different from the first one? How did the principal use evidence to drive the conversation?




18 “I think you should be more explicit here in step two.”


20 In the spirit of New Year’s…
Complete the Principal’s Time Management Rubric On which categories are you doing well? On which category would you want to set a personal resolution or goal? Be brave: Share your responses

21 Moving Forward Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns with: Completing observations and post-conferences. Calculating SLO’s. Closing out the school year. We will send out to each district office a list of people who have successfully completed all sessions.

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