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Pre-Columbian natives

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1 Pre-Columbian natives
APUSH- Mrs. Shaw

2 Guess the population in 1500
Paris London British Isles France 200,000 50,000 3 million 16 million

3 Population of North America as a whole????
What was the biggest city in North America at the time? Before contact, North America probably had between Million Most likely around 15 million (same as France)

4 Cahokia (Mississippian Mound Builders)
Peaked Approx AD Estimated 40,000-60,000 (Medieval London) Largest Settlement north of Rio Grande until the late 1800’s Philadelphia (Largest city in American) had 23,000 in 1763, and didn’t pass historic size of Cahokia until 1800

5 Chacko Canyon (Pueblo people/Anasazi)
Peaked Approx AD Between 5,000 and 15,000 at peak Pueblo Bonito (Anasazi Pueblo) Had between 650 and 800 rooms Housed more than 1,000 residents Was the largest “apartment building” in N. America until NYC surpassed in 19th Century 400 miles of roads leading from other areas Abandoned by 1300

6 Why do we assume North America was so sparsely populated?
Guilt? Mistreatment Subjugation Disease Disease Statistics First 130 years of contact- 95% of people in Americas had died from disease Disease killed as much as 90% of the people of coastal New England

7 What do these quotes have in common?
European observers “ It looked as if God has placed all of or the greater part of the entire human race in these countries” De Las Casas (1542) “I have traveled more than eight hundred leagues along the coast and kept a record of all the people I encountered. The coast is populated by an endless number of Indians” Sebastian Vizcaino (1602) “And the bones and skulls upon the several places of their habitations made such a spectacle” that the Massachusetts woodlands “heavily urbanized populations were wiped out” - New England Colonist (1630’s) What do these quotes have in common? What changes over time?

8 Independent Research (15 minutes)
Each student will be responsible for researching/sharing out the materials found on their particular tribe/topic Create a large poster with the information about your section

9 Creation Stories

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