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Primary Newsletter – Friday 20th April 2018

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 20th April 2018
SUMMER TERM Welcome back after the Easter break. I hope you had a restful time with your families. We have a busy half term planned, especially for year 6 and 2 who will be completing their SATs tests during the month of May. Now the weather is warming up, can I remind you that Summer dresses for girls should be blue, and also black shoes remain the only authorised footwear so no sandals are allowed. Many thanks for your cooperation in ensuring all children dress smart in school. WELCOME I am very pleased to introduce a new member of our team at St Matthew Academy. Mr Umekwe joined us on Monday as our new Deputy Head in primary. Dear Parents and carers    I am extremely privileged to have joined a talented, dedicated and caring team who strive to ensure that every child’s needs are met socially, emotionally, physically and academically. Our curriculum at St Matthew Academy is creative and inspiring and is filled with rich experiences to enhance our pupils’ learning and broaden their horizons. I value the support of our committed parents and carers, as working in close partnership with yourselves and the wider community will only ensure the best possible outcomes for all our pupils. My aim is to provide your child with an excellent 21st century education which will allow them to have the freedom to choose their own future.   NEW TOPICS Every half term, each year group starts an exciting new topic through which all of their learning is linked Please see below for the topic titles for each year group for this half term. I look forward to sharing news of outstanding learning related to our topics throughout the half term. Spring 2 Lower Phase 1 Happy Ever After Upper Phase 1 Paws, Claws and Whiskers Year 2 Africa Year 3 Shadows of the Pyramids Year 4 Look What I’ve Made! Year 5 Who We Are Year 6 The Robots are Taking Over! Meet the Teacher Session – Monday 23rd April 2018 As part of our commitment to work in partnership with you, I would like to invite you to the Summer Term ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Monday 23rd April at 3.30pm. Each class teacher from Reception to Year 6 (apart from class 5E who will have their meeting the following week) will be holding an open session where they will talk with you about the topics the children will be learning about this term, behavioural and uniform expectations, homework and how you can support your child’s learning. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask general questions (please note for more specific questions about your child and their learning, please make a separate individual appointment to see your child’s class teacher).  We have scheduled these meetings at 3.30pm to coincide with the times that you collect your children from school. Parents have told us how useful they find these sessions, we hope you are able to come along. If for any reason you are unable to make the meetings, the class teacher will send details of what was covered at the meeting home with your child.

2 Class: 3E Let Your Light Shine Class : 6E Class: 4W : STAR OF THE WEEK
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 23rd April Parent curriculum meetings 3.30pm Thursday 3rd May Parent curriculum meetings for class 5E 3.30pm Friday 4th May Class 3E Assembly Monday 7th May Bank Holiday – School closed Monday 14th – Friday 18th May Year 6 SATs week Friday 18th May Class 5W Assembly Friday 25th May Last day of term 28th May –1st June Half Term, academy closed STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: Bumblebee Class Asra Frog Class Neryah Dragonfly Class Esther 2E Kia 2W Temitope 3E Kieran 3W 4E Tianna 4W Klaudia 5E Marcus 5W Raheim 6E Rahul 6W Asia ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class : 6E Class: 4W PUNCTUALITY CHALLENGE To continue with our aim for all children to arrive to school on time, try to pack your bag and put out your uniform the night before to make mornings easier. GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school Year 1: Amelia Year 2: Shai Reik and Neviyah Year 3: Derek and Moses Year 4: Carolina and Raynen-Lei Year 5: Danny and Patient Year 6: Asia and Betsaleel GOSPEL REFLECTION In this weeks Gospel, Jesus tells us that He is the good shepherd. He explains that He knows His sheep and that they know Him, too. Christ’s job as our shepherd is to lead, care for, feed, and protect us, His flock. Jesus says that there is to be only one flock that will listen to His voice. Unlike a hired shepherd who is an uncaring worker, Jesus makes serving us His mission. Christ still feeds and cares for us even today in the sacraments of the Church. Class of the Week. For excellent art work based on the work of the artist Cezane. Class: 3E Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive behaviour points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Frog Class Neryah Bumblebee Class Asra Dragonfly Class Olivia 2E Amalia 2W Kevin 3E Theo F 3W Theo 4E Nishan 4W Elisa 5E Hannah 5W Thailiyah 6E Christian 6W Surai Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley

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