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CHAHRM Five Dysfunction of a Team

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Presentation on theme: "CHAHRM Five Dysfunction of a Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAHRM Five Dysfunction of a Team
Workshop “Sacrifice the me for the we.” - Phil Jackson

2 Desired Outcomes Reinforce high performance team best practices
If interested, learn to deliver The 5 Dysfunctions We WON’t be doing trust falls

3 I or someone on my team plan on delivering the 5D’s internally?
Absolutely 0% Not Sure Not a Chance

4 My team is a high performance team
Strongly Agree 0% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 “Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology
“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare”. - Patrick Lencioni

6 Introduction to Teams Takes Time, Discipline & Courage Hard to Achieve
Teamwork is a Competitive Advantage Largely Untapped

7 More on Teams High Performance Teams Have Clear Goals
Learning to Be a Team Is NOT a ONE Shot Deal

8 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni



11 0 Neutral or irrelevant to the goals.
Consensus Reaching 0 Neutral or irrelevant to the goals. 1 2 Emotionally agree or disagree. Technically and emotionally committed to, or against. "Against" requires an alternative and consensus is not achieved until everyone is above -2. 3 A must or must-not to be successful. This implies that this must, or must not occur. This reasoning must be explained to the group. When everyone is above a -2 Consensus has been reached. -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 Disagree/Negative Agree/Positive


13 Communication & Decision Making Advocacy vs. Inquiry

14 Team Charter Critical Elements
Team Purpose Why we exist Operating Agreements How we will work together Score Card: Performance Indicators/Goals What team success looks like Communication/Meeting Structure When & How we communicate

15 The Power of Purpose “The best teams invest a tremendous amount of time and effort exploring, shaping and agreeing on a purpose that belongs to them, both collectively and individual. In fact, real teams never stop this purposing activity.” - Katzenbach and Smith Wisdom of Teams

16 Team Purpose Why does this team exist? What purpose do you serve?
What is the Team’s reason for being? Write the top 3 thoughts that pop in your head To

17 Design Your Purpose Brainstorm some adjectives to describe why
this team exists.

18 Team Assessment Benchmark NOT Report Card

19 Team Assessment Focus Prioritize

20 Fundamental # 1 Building Trust
What do you see in relationships with high trust?

21 Building Trust Team trust is about vulnerability
No quality or characteristic is more than trust. Trust is the foundation Team trust is about vulnerability Self preservation gets in the way. Building trust takes time. It can be accelerated. Must be maintained over time. Key ingredient isn’t time, it’s courage.

22 A Crisis of Trust Leading at The Speed of Trust – Stephen M.R. Covey
Only 51% of employees have trust & confidence in senior management. Only 36% of employees believe their leaders act with honesty and integrity. Within the last 12 months, 76% of employees observed illegal or unethical conduct on the job. 34% of Americans believe that others can be trusted.

23 Building Trust Great teams know each other’s backgrounds.
Know teammate’s style and traits. How to leverage & mitigate traits

24 Personal Histories Exercise
Where did you grow up? Provide a brief history of your career How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the sibling order? What was your first paying job? Your worst job? What is your favorite hobby and why? Other than your parents, who had the greatest positive impact on you? Why?

25 Understanding Style Differences
In Order to Communicate More Effectively Sometimes…changing the way we see people, changes the people we see!

26 Benefits From Knowing Your Teammates
Adjust & Fit Productivity See Through Their Lens Task Assignment Harmony

27 Use Your Favorite Personality Assessment

28 What Separates PDP Trait Adjustments: More: Less:

29 Indicates Serious Issues

30 Summary - Building Trust
Foundation of teamwork Vulnerability Takes time, can be accelerated Maintained over time

31 Building Trust – Personal Commitment
Name one thing you will do personally to help the team build trust.

32 From Building Trust to Embracing Conflict

33 Mastering Conflict Unfiltered, passionate debate around issues.
Trust is important for a very practical reason; without it, teams cannot, and probably should not engage in productive, ideological conflict. Unfiltered, passionate debate around issues. Will be uncomfortable. Norms are critical. Fear can prevent productive debate.

34 Conflict is…. Any situation in which your views/desires are not in agreement with another person’s and there is the perception that if his/her desires/views are met, then yours will not be.

35 Conflict Profiling Exercise
Answer these questions. What do you see in your personality profile that might affect your perception of and ability to engage in conflict? What was the conflict environment in your home while you were growing up? Were their spirited conversations, or did your family avoid difficult conversations? What professional experiences have influenced your ability to engage in unfiltered debate? In general, your experience and comfort with conflict

36 Recent Conflict Situations
Describe briefly a conflict situation that you recently experienced for which the outcome was pleasing to you. Describe another situation for which the outcome was NOT pleasing.

37 Conflict Best Practices
2. Passionate and unguarded discussion of issues. Team meetings are compelling and not boring. Important and difficult issues are put on the table to be resolved. 7. Opinions are voiced, even at the risk of causing disagreement. 12. Team members challenge one another about their conclusions. 18. Team members solicit one another’s opinions during meetings. 23. Team members communicate unpopular opinions to the group. 27. Issues are dealt with before moving to another subject.

38 Team Operating Agreements
Develop a list of Team Operating Agreements which you would be willing to commit to and if followed will have significant impact on team effectiveness. Reach agreement on the top 5-7

39 Governs how a team operates
General Team Operating Agreements Logistics & Interpersonal Governs how a team operates Interruptions - phone calls or checking s Communication Decision-making Constructive conflict Accountability/follow through Availability during non-work hours Confidentiality – nothing leaves room unless agreed Meeting protocols

40 Team Operating Agreements - More Examples
Treat each other with dignity and respect. Most important and difficult issues are discussed first. Opinions are voiced even at the risk of causing disagreement. Team members challenge one another - one on one first and considerately. Don’t interrupt. Do what you say you’re going to do – follow through. Other’s opinions are solicited. Conflict is confronted and dealt with before moving on to another subject. Voice your thoughts and ideas, particularly if they aren’t popular. Decisions are supported outside the team. We always show a united front. Keep it about the topic, not about the individual. We will hold each other accountable. We balance courage and consideration in all we do. Be loyal to those that are absent (don’t talk behind people’s backs). Be on time. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. No surprises. Emotional communication done face to face….not by . Challenge sacred cows. Invite and encourage feedback, particularly constructive feedback. The Team comes before me. Healthy conflict is encouraged and embraced. We openly discuss issues before they fester. If you don’t discuss your position/feelings you lose the right to complain. The Platinum Rule - Treat people like they want to be treated Listen first before you give your position. At the end of team meetings decisions, actions & cascading communication are agreed to. Consensus will be the team decision-making approach rule of thumb, when appropriate * Assume positive intent.

41 Mastering Conflict Summary
Good conflict is about unfiltered, passionate debate around issues Conflict will at times be uncomfortable Conflict norms establish positive behavior The fear of personal conflict should not prevent productive debate

42 Embracing Conflict Personal Commitment
What one thing will you commit to personally to help the team embrace productive conflict?

43 Achieving Commitment Commitment requires clarity and buy-in
It’s all about buy-in and clarity Commitment requires clarity and buy-in Clarity requires avoiding assumptions and ambiguity, and reaching a clear understanding about decisions Clear Team Purpose that is linked

44 Fundamental # 3 Achieving Commitment
Why do some teams have such a strong sense of commitment?

45 Commitment Clarification Process
Five minutes before the end of every meeting, the team leader asks, “What exactly have we decided here today?” Leader writes decisions the group thinks it has made on flip chart. Team members review each decision to make sure that it’s what they thought they agreed on. If not, the group dives back into the conversation until everyone is clear. When everyone agrees that the decisions are clear, everyone writes them down (What, who, when and where). The team decides which of the commitments and agreements should be communicated to the rest of the organization.

46 Cascading Communication
Within hours of any meeting, the team communicates the decisions the team made to the appropriate people. The appropriate people are determined as well as method of communication. Decisions are communicated ideally in person, or by phone, not by , so that people have a chance to ask questions for clarification.

47 Cascading Messages

48 Achieving Commitment Summary
Clarity, buy-in, communication. Clear Team Purpose that is linked.

49 Achieving Commitment Personal Commitment
What one thing will you commit to personally to help the team achieve commitment?

50 Accountability The willingness of team members to remind one another when they are not living up to the standards of the group. Accountability on strong teams occurs directly among peers Peer pressure and distaste of letting down colleagues will motivate a team player more than fear of punishment or rebuke Team leader must demonstrate willingness to confront difficult issues

51 Fundamental # 4 Embracing Accountability
What’s the number 1 thing High Performance Teams do to embrace accountability?

52 Accountability Team Best Practices
Team members: Point out one another’s unproductive behaviors. Quick to confront peers about problems in their respective areas of responsibility. Question one another about their current approaches and methods. Ensure poor performers feel pressure and the expectation to improve. Are all held to the same high standards. Consistently follow though on promises & commitments. Offer unprovoked, constructive feedback to on another.

53 How Teams Manage Accountability
Scope & Effectiveness of Team Meetings

54 If someone were to offer me one single piece of evidence to evaluate the health of an organization, I would want to observe the leadership team during a meeting. - Patrick Lencioni

55 No action, activity or process is more central to a healthy organization than the meeting. As dreaded as the “m” word is, as maligned as it has become, there is no better way to have a fundamental impact on an organization than by changing the way it does meetings. - Patrick Lencioni

56 This is where values are established, discussed, and lived and where decisions around strategy and tactics are vetted, made and reviewed. Bad meetings are the birthplace of unhealthy organizations, and good meetings are the origin of cohesive, clarity and communications. - Patrick Lencioni


58 Meeting Scope & Frequency A Framework
Daily Standup Weekly Tactical Monthly* Strategic 15-30 minutes Key activities of the day Hot topics 45 – 90 Minutes Weekly Activities & Metrics Resolve Tactical Issues Resolve Longer-term Issues Limit 1-2 Topics to Problem-Solve Engage in Productive Conflict Quarterly Off-site Strategy, Trends & Competition Personnel Team Development * Ad Hoc as necessary

59 Team Meetings – Best Practices
Meeting Type Time Purpose & Format Keys to Success Daily Check in- 5 minutes Share daily schedule and activities •Don’t sit down. •Guest recovery •Don’t cancel even when some people can’t be there. Weekly Tactical minutes Review weekly activities and metrics, and resolve tactical obstacles & issues. •Don’t set an agenda until after initial reporting. •Postpone strategic discussions. Monthly Strategic (or Ad Hoc Strategic) 2-4 hours Discuss, analyze, brainstorm, and decided upon critical issues affecting long - term success. •Limit to one or two topics. •Prepare and do research. •Engage in good conflict. Quarterly Off - site Review 1 day Review strategy, long te- rm plan, trends, major issues, key personnel, team development. •Get out of the office. •Focus on work; limit social activities. •Don’t over structure or overburden the schedule.

60 Driving Accountability

61 Team Effectiveness When it comes to teamwork, accountability is the willingness of a team member to remind on another when they are not living up to the standards of the group. It means team members have to be willing to call each other on behavioral issues, as uncomfortable as that might be.

62 Team Effectiveness Exercise
Be Careful What is that person’s single most important behavioral characteristic or quality that contributes to the effectiveness of our team, this is, his or her strength? What is that person’s single most important behavioral characteristic or quality that detracts from the effectiveness of our team, this is, his or her weakness?

63 Embracing Accountability Summary
Two things have to happen Deliver on assignments & core job Peer accountability on behavior

64 Implementing Accountability Personal Commitment
What ONE will you work on to help the team embrace accountability?

65 Focusing on Results Previous 4 areas can be implemented effectively and a team can still blow it…the team must deliver. Great teams accomplish the results they set out to achieve Team members must prioritize the team’s collective results over individual or departmental needs Teams must publicly clarify desired results and keep them visible

66 Fundamental # 5 Focusing on Results
What are the key essentials in delivering results in a team?

67 Focusing on Results Summary
Great teams accomplish results Prioritize the team’s collective results over individual or departmental needs Stay focused – Track Progress Keep it in the “light” Celebrate!

68 Focusing on Results Personal Commitment
What one thing will you commit to personally to help the team focus on results?

69 Tracking Results How will this team know it’s successful?
What are your measures of success? Let’s develop this team’s score card

70 Inattention to Results
Previous 4 areas can be implemented effectively and a team can still blow it…the team must deliver. Great teams accomplish the results they set out to achieve Team members must prioritize the team’s collective results over individual or departmental needs Teams must publicly clarify desired results and keep them visible

71 Results Team Best Practices
Team members: Quick to point out contributions/achievements of others. Collectively have a reputation for high performance. Take personal responsibility to improve team performance if the team fails to achieve their collective goals. Willingly make sacrifices in their area for the good of the team. Are slow to seek credit for their own contributions. Collectively achieves its objectives. Value collective success more than individual achievement. Place little importance on titles and status

72 Your Team’s Score Card Are we winning? Leading indicators are
better than lagging Simpler the better Visible Identifies areas to problem-solve

73 How the score card is used to identify focus areas
Problem Solve Action Plan Variance Monitor


75 Leadership Team Charter
Team Purpose To create and sustain a culture of excellence that delivers outstanding results. Operating Agreements Be loyal to those that are absent Voice thoughts and ideas, particularly if not popular Healthy conflict is encouraged, embraced and resolved Always deliver Issues w/ teammates are first addressed 1:1, then to the team or boss Score Card Performance to Budget Recordable Injuries Customer Index Score Turnover Team Rep Responsive Open to new ideas Diligent Approachable Effectively balance all needs

76 Focusing on Results Summary
Great teams accomplish results Prioritize the team’s collective results over individual or departmental needs Stay focused – Track Progress Keep it in the “light” Celebrate!

77 Focusing on Accountability Summary
Two things have to happen Deliver on assignments/tasks Peer accountability on behavior

78 What 1 commitment will you make to help make this a stronger team?

79 My team is a high performance team
Strongly Agree 0% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

80 Creating & Sustaining a Healthy Culture
Where To From Here? Creating & Sustaining a Healthy Culture Four Key Disciplines

81 Building & Sustaining a Healthy Culture
1. Build a Cohesive Leadership Team 2. Create Clarity CULTUR AL HEALTH 3. Over- Communicate Clarity 4. Reinforce Clarity

82 A Cohesive Leadership Team
Discipline 1 Cohesive teams build trust, eliminate politics, and increase efficiency by…

83 Create Clarity Discipline 2
Healthy organizations minimize the potential for confusion by clarifying… Why do we exist? Mission Where are we headed? Vision How do we behave? Values How will we succeed? Strategy Who & when will execute? Annual Plan What is most important, right now? Deep Dive

84 Over Communicate Clarity
Discipline 3 Healthy organizations align their employees around organizational clarity by communicating key messages through… Repetition Simplicity Multiple Mediums Consistency Cascading Messages

85 Reinforce Clarity Discipline 4 Recruiting & Selection On boarding
Organizations sustain their health by ensuring consistency in 10 Mission Critical Systems Recruiting & Selection On boarding Performance Management Team Orientation Leadership Development Succession Planning Rewards (Compensation) and Recognition Employee Separation Innovation/Problem-solving Customer Philosophy & Systems

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