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World War I A New Kind of Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I A New Kind of Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I A New Kind of Conflict

2 I. The Western Front Germany violated own Schlieffen Plan
Russians mobilized quicker France was stronger Both sides built trenches & dug in for the winter The stalemate begins

3 II. Trench Warfare Linked bunkers, communication, & gun emplacements
Broiled in summer, froze in winter, damp & cold in spring Rats & lice WWI video clip.asf

4 “Over the Top”

5 Extremely deadly 1st mechanized war “NO MAN’S LAND” Artillery was inaccurate Gas, tanks & U-Boats Loss of Moral


7 WWI Artillery Schlieffen Plan WWI Tanks

8 III. Major Battles Battle of Verdun German offensive 500,000 casualties longest battle in history (10 months), began w/ 9 hr artillery, 1 million shells from 25 miles away The French battle cry: “They Shall Not Pass” Battle of the Somme, Allied offensive 1,000,000 dead

9 IV. Eastern Front Battle lines swayed back & forth over large areas
Germany winning & pushing deep into Russia Russia was least industrialized & lacked the 3 B’s

10 Russians fleeing from 1914 Battle of Tannenberg

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