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SysML 2.0 – Systems Engineering Process (SEP) Working Group

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1 SysML 2.0 – Systems Engineering Process (SEP) Working Group
Workflow, Practices & Collaboration Focus Area Snapshot March 15, 2016 11/16/2018

2 Outline Background and Context Limitations of SysML v1.4
Focus: Workflow, Practices & Collaboration = Systems Engineering Process Limitations of SysML v1.4 Focus: Modeling Language with no Process recommendations Effectiveness measures as a basis for evaluating concepts Focus : Alignment with Industry Best Practices, Simplicity, Flexibility, Completeness, Collaboration Services needed to support concept Focus: Practices for; SE, MBSE, AML Integration, PLM Integration, Product Lines Illustrate how concept supports the Hybrid SUV scenario Focus: High Level Workflow and Practices 11/16/2018

3 MBSE Capability: Systems Engineering Process
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Systems Engineering Process Task objective Elaborate concepts, requirements, and metrics for an effective systems engineering workflow, its practices and collaboration that support the next generation system modeling language (SysML v2) Use Cases The Workflow and Practices systems engineers and other discipline engineers follow to develop and update the system model throughout the lifecycle to support system specification, design, analysis, and verification activities. Plus their collaboration with other domains, such as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) MoE Best-practices necessary for efficient and innovative model-based systems engineering High Level Intent/Driving Requirement:   The next-generation modeling language must be accompanied by a best practice process for model-based systems engineering Rather than only standardizing a modeling language and logical systems modeling environment (SME) process advice (based on industry norms) must also be provided More streamlined and efficient model-based systems engineering processes could reduce the time and effort to build and maintain models and systems Reduced learning curve when embarking on model-based systems engineering 11/16/2018

4 MBSE Workflow, Practices & Collaboration
Background and Context MBSE Workflow, Practices & Collaboration Hardware Models Q SET CLR S R System Models Component Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Component Models System Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software System Models Operational Models The MBE to-be state leverages MBE across the acquisition life cycle to enhance affordability, shorten delivery time, and reduce risk. In the to-be state, the models become an integral part of the technical baseline, and evolve throughout the programs life cycle. The current state is characterized by gaps between domain silos and lifecycle development phase hand-offs that are often the source of errors until later in the development process when they are more expensive to fix.  The future state of MBE seeks to reduce these errors though seamless integration of model data across domains and across the lifecycle by aligning shared model properties and assumptions. Different engineering disciplines concurrently operate on different facets of the system and/or product design, such that the impact of a change in one model can be readily assessed in another model. Engineering and programmatic knowledge is shared through a common technical baseline. The models developed by each discipline evolve in maturity throughout the life cycle, and are not thrown away and redeveloped as the program transitions from one phase of development to another. This includes the up-front mission analysis models, the system requirements and architecture models, the detailed hardware and software design models, and the detailed simulation models used to assess and verify all aspects of the system as it evolves. Early validation of requirements including those for manufacturing and support, and efficient development of a fully integrated technical baseline result in significant improvement to the development process. The collaborative foundation provides a means to share the information from the model registry across the extended enterprise of customers, teammates and suppliers. The foundation includes the modeling standards that enable information exchange, the model registry that enables ready access to the different models, and a trusted environment which enforces protection of intellectual property and secure access to sensitive and classified data. The collaborative environment also enables reuse from one program to another to enable sharing across a family of products and system of systems. The MBE to-be state includes a workforce that is skilled in the use of the matured modeling methods and tools, an infrastructure that supports this capability, and policies that enable it. MBE Enhances Affordability, Shortens Delivery and Reduces Risk Across the Acquisition Life Cycle Needs Current Capabilities Budget/Schedule

5 Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture - Practices
Background and Context Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture - Practices Initial Scope

6 Systems Engineering Process (SEP)
SysML v1.x Limitations Systems Engineering Process (SEP) SysML v1.x provides no recommendations, norms or examples of MBSE implementation processes or workflows Confusion about how to apply SysML v1.x as there are no standard techniques Block abstraction means Systems and Components are not explicit Activity abstraction means that Functions are not explicit DSL Profiles & Stereotyping lead to widely different SysML implementations No clear roles and responsibilities mapped to viewpoints and/or diagram types System model silos with limited standards for integration with adjoining specialisms Focus on language ignores tool environment concerns, such as collaboration 11/16/2018

7 MBSE Capability: SEP Simplified Ontology
Background and Context MBSE Capability: SEP Simplified Ontology SE Lifecycle (methodology) Outside SysML 2.0 Scope SME Practice Repository Practice (Process Step or Task) Technique Role SME Workflow (Use Case) Service User 11/16/2018

8 MBSE Capability 1: Systems Engineering Process
Background and Context MBSE Capability 1: Systems Engineering Process Detailed Requirements - Identification, definition and description of: SE Lifecycle (when) Outside the scope of SysML 2.0 but would include; MBSE Systems of Systems System Product Line Engineering Rigor Aspects Agile Aspects PR Practice (Process Steps) (what) e.g. 1 Design Review e.g. 2 Change in Requirement SME Workflow (SME Specific Process Steps) (what) e.g 1 View current design, identify improvements, propose changes, implement changes e.g. 2 Elicit new/changed requirement, analyze the impact of the change, reject requirement, modify system design or compromise 11/16/2018

9 MBSE Capability 1: Systems Engineering Process
Background and Context MBSE Capability 1: Systems Engineering Process Detailed Requirements - Identification, definition and description of: PR Techniques (how) e.g. 1 Peer review, design review workshop, brainstorming, storyboarding e.g. 2 Requirements change impact analysis, requirements coverage analysis SME Service (how) e.g. 1 Automated design review, system model simulation, functional animation e.g. 2 Trace link navigation, missing trace link report PR Roles with Skills (who) e.g. 1 System Design Reviewer with skills & competencies in MBSE e.g. 2 Requirements Engineer and Systems Engineer SME User (who) e.g. 1 The SME login for Bill Smith – who is a model-based systems engineer e.g. 2 The SME login for Kirsty Walker – who is Requirements Engineer 11/16/2018

10 MBSE Capability 2: Systems Engineering Process
Background and Context MBSE Capability 2: Systems Engineering Process Detailed Requirements - Identification, definition and description of: PR & SME Tools (where) e.g. 1 Systems modeling tool (generic, then site specific) e.g. 2 Requirements engineering tool and/or PLM tool (generic, then site specific) PR & SME Deliverables/Products/Outputs e.g. 1 Design review report, list of proposed improvements, improved model e.g. 2 New requirements, updated model, change requests PR Values or Benefits provided (why) e.g. 1 High quality system design, problems found early when cheaper to fix e.g. 2 System meets stakeholders needs, agile response to changing needs MBSE Risks & Mitigation e.g. 1 Incomplete system design – mitigated by Design Review e.g. 2 Requirements not met – mitigated by Requirements change practice Relationships between all of the above e.g. Risks for a Practice, Roles involved in a Practice, Deliverable from a Practice 11/16/2018

11 Systems Engineering Process (SEP)
Effectiveness Measures Systems Engineering Process (SEP) Clear and Understandable Measure: broad review (for clarity) inside and outside usual OMG/INCOSE audience Simple, Pragmatic and Relevant Measure: # of pages of documentation Modular and Applicable in Parts Measure: Can parts of the SEP be used autonomously (e.g. PLM Workflow) Generalist but Applicable to Specific Domains Measure: Reviews to eliminate domain specific language but also trials in different domains Scalable from Rigorous to Agile Measures: Trials Tool and Tool Vendor Agnostic Measures: Review for independence Aligned with Appropriate Industry Standards Measures: OMG Standards (SysML 2.0), OASIS Standards (OSLC, etc.) 11/16/2018

12 Systems Engineering Process (SEP)
Support Services Systems Engineering Process (SEP) Workflow and Collaboration Practice Repository To document and store the SEP SEP Authoring SEP Updating from OMG SEP Extending/Tuning by SysML 2.0 User Organizations and Tool Vendors SEP Distribution/Viewing Assumptions These need to be reviewed; The SysML 2.0 SEP for Workflow and Collaboration and freely distributable and not licensed The SysML 2.0 SEP does not include copyright content from other SE or MBSE processes 11/16/2018

13 Hybrid SUV Scenario - SEP
To Do High level SEP proposal needs to exist before it can be tested with the HSUV scenario 11/16/2018

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