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Direct-Current Bridge.

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1 Direct-Current Bridge.
CHAPTER 5 Direct-Current Bridge.

2 5.1 Introduction to Bridge.
Bridge circuits are the instrument s for making comparisons measurements, are widely used to measure resistance, inductance, capacitance and impedance. Bridge circuits operate on a null-indication principle, the indication is independent of the calibration of the indicating device or any characteristics of it. It is very accurate.

3 5.2 The Wheatstone Bridge. The Wheatstone bridge consists of two parallel resistance branches with each branch containing two series resistor elements. A DC voltage source is connected across the resistance network to provide a source of current through the resistance network. A null detector is the galvanometer which is connected between the parallel branches to detect the balance condition. The Wheatstone bridge is an accurate and reliable instrument and heavily used in the industries.

4 5.2 The Wheatstone Bridge. Operation
(i) We want to know the value of R4, vary one of the remaining resistor until the current through the null detector decreases to zero. (ii) the bridge is in balance condition, the voltage across resistor R3 is equal to the voltage drop across R4. At balance the voltage drop at R1 and R2 must be equal to.

5 No current go through the galvanometer G, the bridge is in balance so,
Cont’d… No current go through the galvanometer G, the bridge is in balance so, This equation, R1R4 = R2R3 , states the condition for a balance Wheatstone bridge and can be used to compute the value of unknown resistor.

6 Example 5.1: Wheatstone Bridge.
Determine the value of unknown resistor, Rx in the circuit. assuming a null exist ; current through the galvanometer is zero. Solution: From the circuit, the product of the resistance in opposite arms of the bridge is balance, so solving for Rx

7 Sensitivity of the Wheatstone Bridge.
When the bridge is in unbalance condition, current flows through the galvanometer causing a deflection of its pointer. The amount of deflection is a function of the sensitivity of the galvanometer. Sensitivity is the deflection per unit current. The more sensitive the galvanometer will deflect more with the same amount of current. Total deflection,

8 Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge.
The current flows through the galvanometer can determine by using Thevenin theorem.

9 Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge.
The deflection current in the galvanometer is Rg = the internal resistance in the galvanometer

10 Calculate the current through the galvanometer in
the circuit of below figure.

11 Kelvin Bridge. The Kelvin Bridge is the modified version of the Wheatstone Bridge. The modification is done to eliminate the effect of contact and lead resistance when measuring unknown low resistance. By using Kelvin bridge, resistor within the range of 1 W to approximately 1mW can be measured with high degree of accuracy. Figure below is the basic Kelvin bridge. The resistor Ric represent the lead and contact resistance present in the Wheatstone bridge.

12 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Used in AC Voltmeter Circuit.
Cont’d… Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Used in AC Voltmeter Circuit. The second set of Ra and Rb compensates for this relatively low lead contact resistance . At balance the ratio of Ra and Rb must be equal to the ratio of R1 to R3.

13 Example : Kelvin Bridge.
Figure below is the Kelvin Bridge, the ratio of Ra to Rb is R1 is 5 Ohm and R1 =0.5 R2. Find the value of Rx. Solution: Calculate the resistance of Rx, R1 =0.5 R2, so calculate R2 Calculate the value of Rx

14 Example: 1. Calculate the value or Rx in the below circuit if R1= 400 , R2= 5 k and R3= 2 k. 2. Calculate the value or Rx in the below circuit if R1= 10 k, R2= 60 k and R3= 18.5 k.

15 Example: 1. What resistance range must resistor R3 in below figure have in order to measure unknown resistors in the range of 1 to 100 k.

16 Calculate the value of Rx in the below circuit if Ra=1200 , Ra=1600Rb, R1=800Rb and R1=1.25R2

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