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Columbia High School Quality Assurance Internal Review Benchmark I

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1 Columbia High School Quality Assurance Internal Review Benchmark I 2015-16
October 26th, 2015

2 Racial breakdown of school population
For the following slides, please keep in mind the racial breakdown of Columbia for any slide displaying comparisons by race. Racial breakdown of school population

3 Columbia did not meet the attendance goal of at least 95% but did meet the tardy goal of less than 5% Attendance – ADA (20 Day Report) Tardy Rate (1st 9 Weeks)

4 Grissom and Huntsville High Grade 11 students exhibited the highest rate of college readiness on the ACT; benchmark attainment at Huntsville and Lee increased year-to-year Percent of Students Attaining One or More ACT Benchmark Scores High School

5 The Class of 2016 at Columbia attained benchmark scores at lower rates than the Class of 2015 in most content areas Percent of Students Attaining a Benchmark Score by ACT Content Area Content Area

6 Year/Number of AP & IB Students
AP enrollment and pass rate have decreased at Columbia, likely due to increased focus on the IB program (see axis for increased IB enrollment numbers); Columbia currently has about 38 AP students and 122 IB students Percent of Students Year/Number of AP & IB Students

7 Pass rates on IB exams in Math and Social Studies have increased year-to-year at Columbia
% of Students Passing Exam Content Area

8 For Grade 11 Columbia students, performance on the ACT, EOC Exams, and in courses is similar for English and Math; many more students attain at least 80% in their Science and Social Studies courses than attain benchmark on ACT or EOC Percent of Students Content Area

9 For the 1st 9 weeks, Columbia students failed core courses at higher rates than in ; higher percentages of Black students failed core courses than other groups % of Students in Each Grade Failing at Least One Core Course All Students in Grade from Previous Year 43% 37% 25% 22% Grade Level – 1st 9 Weeks

10 Across grade levels at Columbia, the most frequently failed courses at the end of the 1st 9 weeks were Elective and Math Courses Number of Students in Each Grade Failing Each Type of Course – 1st 9 Weeks Grade Level

11 Columbia average ELA proficiency on Schoolnet Benchmark 1 was 18%; average ELA proficiency for the District was 52% Proficiency by Course/Teacher on Schoolnet BM 1

12 Columbia average Math proficiency on Schoolnet Benchmark 1 was 13%; average Math proficiency for the District was 46% Proficiency by Course/Teacher on Schoolnet BM 1

13 Columbia average Science proficiency on Schoolnet Benchmark 1 was 13%; average Science proficiency for the District was 34% Proficiency by Course/Teacher on Schoolnet BM 1

14 Columbia average Social Studies proficiency on Schoolnet Benchmark 1 was 24%; average Social Studies proficiency for the District was 36% Proficiency by Course/Teacher on Schoolnet BM 1

15 Discipline infractions (ODRs) have increased year-to-year at Columbia; Currently, 10% of Columbia students have received at least one ODR, which is similar to 10% last year Number of students with at least 1 ODR (ODR includes ISS & OSS) Number of Days in the School Year

16 The majority of students receiving an ODR/ISS/OSS at Columbia are Black
Percent of Students with Infraction Discipline Category

17 A lower percentage of students (n=21) at Columbia have attended Pinnacle in than the District average. The majority of those students are Black.


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