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In-Training Exam High Yield Topics grab bag

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1 In-Training Exam High Yield Topics grab bag
ITE High Yield Topics Presentations: This is one of multiple presentations included in our revised 2018 EMF ITE resources. Presentation content is divided by system and includes the highest-yield (highest % on the test) systems: Cardiovascular, Trauma, Gastrointestinal, Pediatrics, Pulmonary, Toxicology, ID and Neurology. Each system presentation has three different sections: Visual Diagnosis, Clinical Concepts and Rapid Fire. Scattered throughout are “Knowledge Bomb” slides that provide a more in-depth summary of certain high-yield topics. Timing: Each presentation in this series is of variable length, thus the time required to lead instruction will also be variable. In general, the expected time range for presentations is minutes. The specific time you’ll need will depend not only on presentation length, but also how much embedded conversation or focused review (“knowledge bomb” content) you intend, in addition to the familiarity of your residents with this content. Emergency Medicine Foundations Curriculum

2 In-training Exam (ITE) Content:
Written to level of EM3 Predicts performance on EM Boards 225 MC questions Given 4.5 hrs to take +/- 25 are visual stimuli – pictures/ekg/xrays Highest yield topics Cardiovascular ~ 10% Trauma ~ 10% Abd/GI ~ 8% Thoracic/Respiratory ~ 8% Procedures/Skills ~8% Note that Geriatrics makes up at least 6% of these and Pediatrics at least 8%

3 Foundations Challenge Overview
Rapid Review of High-Yield Test Topics Visual Diagnosis Clinical Concepts Rapid Fire Work in 2-4 different teams Answer challenge questions for points Point value per challenge varies by difficulty Win test prep and pride Running the Meeting: Start by dividing learners into 2-4 teams and direct them to separate areas of the room You should assign a learner or instructor to serve as scorekeeper and ask for updates on the score when you switch topics Provide and guide reasonable time limits to answer challenge questions Monitor time closely as you move through the review to keep pace with planned content If you have the time/energy, you may consider giving a prize/reward for the winning team

4 Foundations Challenge Rules
Create a Team Name Best Team Name starts the Challenge (as arbitrarily determined by your Instructor) Your team must answer the entire question correctly to win points If you team answers incorrectly, the Challenge Question points can be stolen by the next team If they answer correctly, they get your points AND a chance to answer the next question If they answer incorrectly, the turn passes again to the next team in line You may choose to modify the point assignment system (all or nothing vs. partial credit)

5 Grab bag

6 Itchy Rash + Linear Burrows
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Itchy Rash + Linear Burrows Diagnosis??? Erythema Multiforme Most Common Cause??? Scabies HSV Disseminated Gonorrhea Gunmetal gray pustules on palms Diagnosis???

7 3 pts Itchy Rash + Linear Burrows Erythema Multiforme
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Itchy Rash + Linear Burrows Scabies Erythema Multiforme HSV Scabies- linear burrows, itchy rash to hand/feet/groin, Tx permethrin (NOT lindane if peds/pregnant, causes seizure); Most common cause of erythema multiforme HSV Gunmetal gray pustules on palms Disseminated Gonorrhea Gunmetal Gray Pustules on Palms Disseminated Gonorrhea

8 Finding NO difference when one exists
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Finding NO difference when one exists Error Type??? Finding a difference when one does NOT exist Error Type??? Type II error Type I error High sensitivity Best for ruling out disease High Sensitivity or High Specificity???

9 3 pts Finding NO difference when one exists
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Finding NO difference when one exists Type II Finding a difference when one does not exist Type I Type II error Finding no difference when one exists Type I error Finding a tx effect when one does not exist What type of test (high sensitivity or high specificity) is best for Screening/Ruling Out disease verses Confirming disease? High sensitivity tests are best for Screening/Ruling Out disease (low False Neg rate); High specificity tests are best for Confirming disease (low False Pos rate) Best for ruling out disease High Sensitivity

10 3 pts Strawberry Cervix Pre-eclampsia < 24wks
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Strawberry Cervix Diagnosis??? Pre-eclampsia < 24wks Diagnosis??? Trichomonas Molar pregnancy Ovarian torsion Abdominal Pain After Sex Diagnosis???

11 3 pts Strawberry Cervix Pre-eclampsia < 24wks
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Strawberry Cervix Trichomonas Pre-eclampsia < 24wks Molar Pregnancy Abdominal Pain After Sex Ovarian Torsion

12 Discriminatory Zone for TVUS
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Discriminatory Zone for TVUS bHCG??? PID and RUQ/Shoulder Pain Diagnosis??? 1500 Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome Uterine Atony Most Common Cause of Postpartum Hemorrhage (<24hr) ???

13 3 pts Discriminatory Zone for TVUS PID and RUQ/Shoulder Pain
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Discriminatory Zone for TVUS 1500 PID and RUQ/Shoulder Pain Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome Discriminatory zone for TVUS (bhcg) 1500 PID and RUQ shoulder pain Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome (perihepatitis)- infection to perihepatic space causing RUQ or R shoulder pain; may see "violin-string" adhesions, usually normal LFTs What are the most common causes of postpartum hemorrhage based on timing of presentation? Early (<24hr)- **uterine atony (MC), lacerations, retained POC; Late (>24hr)- retained products, lacerations Atony- massage, oxytocin, IVF; Lacs- surgical repair; Retained products- dx US, surgical removal; all transfuse as needed Most Common Cause of Postpartum Hemorrhage (<24hr) Uterine Atony

14 3 pts Pizza Pie Fundus Corneal Dendrites
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Pizza Pie Fundus Diagnosis??? Corneal Dendrites Diagnosis??? CMV Retinitis HSV Keratitis Thyroid Storm Tachycardia Out of Proportion to Fever Diagnosis???

15 3 pts Pizza Pie Fundus Corneal Dendrites
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Pizza Pie Fundus CMV Retinitis Corneal Dendrites HSV Keratitis Pizza pie on fundus CMV retinitis Corneal dendrites -> HSV Keratitis Tachycardia out of proportion to fever Thyroid storm Tx for thyroid storm? 1) Propranolol 2) PTU/methimaxole 3) Iodine (1 hour after #2) Tachycardia Out of Proportion to Fever Thyroid Storm

16 Alcohol + AMS + Ataxia + Nystagmus
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Alcohol + AMS + Ataxia + Nystagmus Diagnosis??? Stingray Wound How do you deactivate toxin??? Wernicke's Encephalopathy Hot Water Immersion Hypoglycemia Beta-blocker OD Hyperglycemia OR Hypoglycemia

17 3 pts Alcohol + AMS + Ataxia + Nystagmus Stingray Wound
Foundations Challenge RAPID FIRE 3 pts Alcohol + AMS + Ataxia + Nystagmus Wernicke Encephalopathy Stingray Wound Hot Water Immersion Alcoholic with AMS, ataxia, nystagmus Wernicke's Encephalopathy 2/2 Thiamine (B1) deficiency; Tx Thiamine 500 mg IV, improvement in hours What is the appropriate Tx of marine vertebrate wounds (eg stingrays)? (Stingrays, Lionfish, stonefish) wound care, antibiotics (keflex/doxy), r/o foreign body, **hot water immersion to deactivate heat labile toxin, do NOT close wounds Beta-blocker OD: hypo- or hyper-glycemia? Hypoglycemia Beta-blocker OD Hypoglycemia

18 Good Luck!!!

19 References Foundations Teaching Content: References:
Dr. Kristen Grabow Moore, MD, MEd Assistant Professor, Emory University Dr. Andrew Ketterer, MD, MA Medical Education Fellow, Beth Israel Deaconess References: Life in the Fast Lane HippoEM Board Review Rivers Written Board Review Medscape emedicine Northwestern EM Chief Residents Authors: Dr. Kristen Grabow Moore, Emory University and Dr. Andrew Ketterer, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Content Revision Winter 2018 References: Life in the Fast Lane HippoEM Board Review Rivers Written Board Review Medscape emedicine Northwestern EM Chief Residents

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