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Nuclear Biomass Tidal Solar Wind Geothermal

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Biomass Tidal Solar Wind Geothermal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Biomass Tidal Solar Wind Geothermal
6 types of Alternate Energy Nuclear Biomass Tidal Solar Wind Geothermal

2 Nonrenewable resources: Can not be replaced after its used
Nonrenewable resources: Can not be replaced after its used. Coal, Petroleum, & Natural Gas are the 3 main fossil fuels which are also examples of nonrenewable resources!

3 Nuclear Energy- Energy produced from the nucleus of an atom
Nuclear Energy- Energy produced from the nucleus of an atom.(fission or fusion) Adv. Enormous amount of Energy from smaller amount of nuclear fuel. No air pollution.

4 Nuclear Energy Nonrenewable.
Dangers: Meltdown, radiation leaks contaminate air, water, land, & life, thermal pollution.

5 Fission - separating or splitting atoms.
Nuclear Energy Fission - separating or splitting atoms. E

6 Nuclear Energy Fusion - joining atoms together. Happens in sun & stars ; needs 20,000,000° C E

7 What is a chain reaction?
A rapid series of nuclear fissions. (like dominoes) Keeps going on & on.

8 March 28, 1979, the worst nuclear power plant accident in US history
March 28, 1979, the worst nuclear power plant accident in US history. A series of equipment problems and worker errors turned a routine incident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 plant outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania into a full-fledged disaster. The reactor core suffered a partial meltdown and released more than 10 million curies of radioactivity into the atmosphere. Nearly 150,000 people left their homes near the facility and did not return until the situation stabilized days later.

9 "Several hundred people at the time of the accident reported nausea, vomiting, hair loss and skin rashes, and a number said their pets died or had symptoms of radiation exposure." "We found a striking increase in cancer & leukemia downwind from Three Mile Island.”

10 Chernobyl, Ukraine Disaster April 26, 1986: Core of the reactor.

11 Sign marks 30 km exclusion zone.
Geiger counter detects radiation 50 times higher than normal. Sign marks 30 km exclusion zone.

12 Biomass is energy from burning . Ex. Wood & garbage
Adv. - Wood is renewable and absorbs CO2 as trees grows! Rids garbage for free!

13 Disadv. -Bad gases such as Carbon- monoxide, CO2 , smoke, & Methane can be produced. Large farm areas are needed.


15 Hydroelectricity is what?
Energy from the flow of moving water from a high place such as a dam which allows it to fall onto a turbine which is connected to a generator which produces electricity.

16 Advantages of Tidal or Water Energy?
Free, renewable resource & no air pollution Water Cycle

17 Disadvantages for tidal or water energy?
Sea water corrodes turbines, storms cause problems, only near areas of water, & changing the flow of water harms the environment & upsets the balance(floods & droughts.)

18 Solar energy can use mirrors to concentrate sun’s rays and heat a water tank to a boil.
Photovoltaic cell

19 Adv. of solar energy- Free, renewable,unlimited supply, can be stored in batteries, no pollution. Disadv. – expensive for photovoltaic cells, radiation causes cancer, cloudy days & bad weather disrupt supply.

20 Advantages of wind Energy are?
Clean (no air pollution), safe, renewable resource & can pump water to reservoirs.

21 Disadv. of wind Energy are?
Few windy areas, must be concentrated in 1 area, noisy, interferes with radio & microwave signals.

22 Geothermal Energy comes from where?
Large water deposits are heated by hot magma and steam is harnessed & pumped to the surface. Steam turns a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.

23 Adv. & Disadv. Of Geothermal Energy
Unlimited source, Free Energy from Earth, little land for plants, no air pollution. Location is limited, geysers, salts & sulfides must be pumped into wells to prevent pollution.

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