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Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy

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1 Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy
Friday 23rd February 2018 Welcome back Year 1, we hope you had a relaxing week off and ready for our new term! On the playground this week, you may have noticed a crash sight on the field. Over the half term a satellite crashed into our playground. It was cleared away by Mr. Smith and videoed which was sent to us. The children created predictions of what may have happened on the crash sight. These predictions had to include: punctuation, present tense language and finger spaces. Following our video, the children decided what they wanted to learn about. In Maths, we have explored odd and even numbers as well as discussing their value. The children discovered different ways of making the number using different apparatus such as numicon, cubes and tens and ones. The children explored different ways of recording these numbers whether it be on whiteboards, in their books or using paint. In Topic this term we will be learning about Space. This week, the children have explored different materials used to create objects that they may find in the classroom or at home. We have identified simple properties of these materials such as strength and weight. The children have compared the materials using comparison language such as the table is heavier than the pencil. In Phonics we have learnt the new sounds wh, ph and ir. The children have segmented and blended words with these sounds in. They have used their phonics knowledge to spot these sounds in a piece of writing. The spellings this week will have the new sounds within them. How can you help at home? Please continue to read at home with your child remembering to sound out all of the sounds in the word. Continue to help your child recgonise the tricky words in a book such as; the, then, there and was. This will help deepen their understanding of the word. This week’s home learning is: Spellings: when, phone, stir, whistle, bird Mrs. Visram’s group: come, some, people, children, like Maths: Greater than and Less than. Topic: Please see the new topic table. Kind Request: Please could we have any cardboard boxes, water bottles (big and small) or cartons that you may have at home. Important dates: Thursday 1st March – World Book Day Thought of the week: “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference” Walt Disney This week’s star of the week is: Amelia – for trying really hard with her writing and using finger spaces consistently Peter - for amazing handwriting and improving his English Congratulations!

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