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Word List Timeline ‘Abbasid Absolutism ( ) Shi‘ite Century ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Word List Timeline ‘Abbasid Absolutism ( ) Shi‘ite Century ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word List Timeline ‘Abbasid Absolutism ( ) Shi‘ite Century ( ) Baghdad River Tigris Sawad hadith shari‘a (Islamic Law) Reign of al-Saffah. Reign of al-Mansur. Reign of Harun al-Rashid.

2 Map Link: ‘Abbasid Caliphate, c. 800:

3 Word List Timeline dhimmis (non- Muslims under Muslim rule) Bayt al-Hikma (House of Wisdom) Khurasan Sufis Reign of al-Amin. Civil war. Reign of al-Ma’mun. Reign of al-Mu‘tasim.

4 Word List Timeline Sawad al-Muwaffaq 836 Caliphate moves to Samarra. Reign of al-Mutawakkil. Reign of al-Muhtadi. Reign of al-Mu‘tamid.

5 Map Link: Regional Dynasties, 9th, 10th Century:

6 Word List Timeline Bahrayn Qarmatians Daylam Mu‘izz al-Dawla Ahmad ibn Buya amir al-umara’ Reign of al-Mu‘tadid. 892 Caliphate returns to Baghdad. Qarmatians hold Black Stone. 945 Buyids take Baghdad.

7 Word List Timeline Buyids shahanshah ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib imam (spiritual leader) ithna ‘asharis/“Twelvers”/Imamis mahdi (fore-ordained leader) Reign of al-Qadir.

8 Word List Timeline Ghaznavids Saljuqs/Seljüks 1055 Saljuqs/Seljüks take Baghdad.

9 Word List Timeline al-Andalus (Muslim Spain) 750 ‘Abd al-Rahman flees to North Africa. Reign of ‘Abd al-Rahman at Cordoba. Reign of ‘Abd al-Rahman III. 929 ‘Abd al-Rahman III takes title of caliph. 932 ‘Abd al-Rahman III consolidates hold on Spain.

10 Map Link: Umayyad Spain and North Africa in the 9th and 10th
Centuries: < Maps/Map%20-%20Umayyad%20Spain%20in%209th %20and%2010th%20Centuries.pdf>

11 Word List Timeline Hisham Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir (al-Mansur/ Almanzor) ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad (Sanchuelo) Reign of al-Hakam II. 1031 Collapse of Umayyad caliphate of Cordoba.

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