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School of ECS Board of Advocates October 6, 2017

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1 School of ECS Board of Advocates October 6, 2017
ME Breakout Session School of ECS Board of Advocates October 6, 2017

2 Agenda Elizabeth Wittliff – Administrative Associate
Alumni, Media, and Outreach Update Bill Jordan – ABET Mission Statement – Program Educational Objectives Assessment Software ECS/ME Space Changes Accomplished Changes Pending Employment Rate At Graduation – Update KEEN Initiatives Curriculum and Co-Curricular Improving Connections Between Engineering and the Business School Value of Faith-Based Character Development Teams and Team Building New Freshman Engineering Sequence

3 Most Significant Space Changes
Relocation and expansion of Materials Laboratory from Rogers 103 to Rogers 212/214 (more than doubling space) Expansion of Machine Shop into Rogers 102 Moving Wind Tunnel from Rogers 101 to the BRIC Conversion of Rogers 101 into special projects space (SAE Baja/BUV) Addition of a Maker Space in Rogers 113 Rogers 104 Becomes a Thermo/fluids Lab Student Lounge Space Update

4 First Floor

5 Employment Rate at Graduation - Reported
OPTION CSI ECE EGR ME TOTAL GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL 4 3 14 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT 1 30 39 ACCEPTED JOB OFFER 11 13 29 54 OTHER 19 20 5 66 (78) 110 Seeking Employment % 21 45 35

6 Post Grad Employment Numbers
How can we change this?

7 KEEN Initiatives Curriculum and Co-Curricular
Improving Connections Between Engineering and the Business School Value of Faith-Based Character Development Teams and Team Building


9 First-year Redesign: LabVIEW, myRIO, EML, and More
SolidWorks & 3D printing 4-part project Reverse engineering CAD Model & Eco Audit Customer interviews & redesign Separate prototypes Talk briefly about each of these

10 Module 1: Reverse Engineering
Test functions of a digital alarm clock. Dissect the clock. Identify design flaws and suggest improvements.

11 Module 2: CAD Model & Eco Audit
Develop a 3D CAD model in SolidWorks. Perform an Eco Audit to evaluate environmental impact of the clock’s life cycle.

12 Module 3: Interviews & Redesign
Identify a target market and conduct interviews with individuals in the target market. Redesign the clock after researching existing products. Assess impact of the redesign on stakeholders.

13 Module 4: Prototypes Function & form
Develop a functional prototype using myRio and LabView. Generate a 3D printed prototype of the case. Present their alarm clock.

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