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State educational institution of tertiary vocational training North-Western State Technical University of Training by Correspondence Application of Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "State educational institution of tertiary vocational training North-Western State Technical University of Training by Correspondence Application of Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 State educational institution of tertiary vocational training North-Western State Technical University of Training by Correspondence Application of Internet technologies for training in a distributed laboratory facility

2 UltraVNC Skype e-POP Distributed laboratory facility
Laboratory machine workshop CAD laboratory UltraVNC Skype e-POP Distributed audience Student

3 Activities of distributed student audience in the CAD laboratory
Developing the tool motion trajectory and the executive program Instructor Virtual simulation of blank-part handling using a UltraVNC Skype numerical control machine Distributed audience Student

4 Processing a blank part using a numerical control machine
Loading executive program to RAM Resetting movable elements of a machine Executive program text Drilling three through holes Milling a groove Processing two blind holes

5 Testing methodology and exhibiting processing of a blank part using numerical-control machine
The methodology was tested in groups of students of some remote affiliates and training centers located in cities of the North-Western region The methodology was incorporated into the training process as a form or laboratory and practical works

6 This methodology allows one to:
extend interaction of instructors with the students trained at some remote affiliates and training centers located in cities of the North-Western region; more actively implement state-of-the-art information and multimedia technologies in the learning process; arrange training of a remote audience in special subjects that involve operating integrated CAD and numerical-control equipment; provide new options to students for independent learning in the process of performing yearly and diploma projects; boost the efficiency of use of licensed software products.

7 Contacts 8 (812) 571-69-94 Pompeev Kirill Pavlovich
Millionnaya street,5 RUS , St. Petersburg 8 (812) Pompeev Kirill Pavlovich

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