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ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. WHAT IS THE INTELLIGENCE? Intelligence is the faculty of understanding Intelligence is not to make no mistakes but quickly to.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. WHAT IS THE INTELLIGENCE? Intelligence is the faculty of understanding Intelligence is not to make no mistakes but quickly to."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS THE INTELLIGENCE? Intelligence is the faculty of understanding Intelligence is not to make no mistakes but quickly to understand how to make them good

3 WHAT IS THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? A.I is the study of ideas that enable computers to be intelligent. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans.

4 HISTORY OF AI Evidence of Artificial Intelligence folklore can be traced back to ancient Egypt. With the development of the electronic computer in 1941, the technology finally became available to create machine intelligence.

5 Can machines think?! During the World War II, Alan Mathison Turing was interested in Crypto Analysis in order to solve the algorithm of Nazis Enigma Machines Turing is widely considered to be thefather of computer science and artificial intelligence. Alan Mathison Turing

6 John MacCarthy In 1955, the term Artificial Intelligence was first offered by John MacCarthy.McCarhty, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines "

7 WHERE THE AI IS USED? Empowered computer companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Xerox, IBM came up with a slogan Personal Computer AI is the basic programming logic of todays our personal computers. intelligence-arrives.htm

8 HOW DOES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WORK? Artificial intelligence works with the help of Artificial Neurons (Artificial Neural Network) (connectionism) And Scientific Learning (Symbolism)

9 A RTIFICIAL N EURONS AND H OW T HEY W ORK Artificial Neural Network (also called Connectionism) is currently one of the major specialist sub-areas within Artificial Intelligence (AI).Connectionism Neurons The four basic function a)Dendrites b)Soma c)Axon d)Synapses


11 TURING TEST The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence. A is a machine, B is a person, C in an interrogator.

12 THE CHİNESE ROOM TEST The Counter Argument Of Turing Test A man called x sits in room with boxes full of strings of Chinese characters and instructor book manipulating strings of Chinese characters.

13 THE CHINESE ROOM TEST T HE C OUNTER A RGUMENT O F T URING T EST Another person called y Send a letter with Chinese characters Get answer with Chinese characters Y think that x knows Chinese JOHN SEARLE says that without UNDERSTANDİNG, neither a computer nor a man are thinking. Video:


15 MACHINE LEARNING The capability of an AI system to improve its performance over a period of time. Machine learning is a scientific discipline.

16 F AILURE -D RIVEN L EARNING Failure-driven Learning is Creating a program that will learn by making mistakes and then finding a solution so that mistake doesn't happen again.

17 L EARNING BY BEING TOLD It's simply interaction of a teacher (human) and the AI student. Instead of saying It's easier to move the little boxes first The teacher could say move little boxes first.

18 L EARNING BY E XPLORATION The purpose of learning to explore is to just gather information, and not really pursue a goal.

19 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE VS HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; never forget! can be copied! is cheaper then human intelligence! No contradiction in AI! can be documented! HUMAN INTELLIGENCE; Is creative! Has…

20 Presented by: Nur Berfin ÇİROĞLU Şebnem ÇOPUR Gönül Zeynep SAVACI Artificial Intelligence

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