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XYZ Consumer Dashboard (Unbranded & Branded)

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1 XYZ Consumer Dashboard (Unbranded & Branded)
September ‘15 thru October ’15 Data Months

2 Context: How to read this dashboard...
Objectives of this campaign… …Inform the metrics we use to assess the overall campaign Drive Consumer awareness of XYZ through broad and targeted media placements, as well as 3rd party partnerships. Encourage engagement with core promotional vehicles (, XYZ , XYZ Direct Mail, as well as 3rd party partnerships). Utilization of brand services (XYZ Central patient services (Hub, co-pay cards, vouchers) and sample/ literature ordering). Entresto adoption & continued adherence behavior among target Patients. Early indicators: Measure quickly if we are doing the right things in the campaign overall (e.g., Correct mix of media spend). Response based metrics: Measure if the campaign is generating the desired level of education and engagement to drive impact. Outcome based metrics: Measure if we are ultimately achieving the sets of desired outcomes (objectives) we set out to achieve.

3 UNBRANDED Topline Results The initial cadence of DM & EM began dropping in early September, starting with an initial DM Welcome Kit drop on September 4th, and additional touches added in October. The DM was followed by EM drops at Day 20, 41 and 62 and will continue running into late November/early December A note for future reference: A Voices of Inspiration (VOI) Advocacy recruitment to the Get On Track database began development in September for November deployment. Simultaneously, a KIP Prospecting to the same Get On Track database was already under development. Due to delays in the VOI development, both the VOI and the KIP Prospecting are expected to deploy within a week of each other, just before the Christmas Holiday. The rapid deployment of s to the same audience during the Holiday season is anticipated to result in a very low to minimal response performance. We will report on the results at a later date.

4 BRANDED Topline Results Branded DM and CIC outbound calling cadence, based on interim promotional messaging, launched successfully in early October -- aligned with an initial Patient drop on 10/5. The Caregiver version that was supposed to drop at the same time as the Patient was delayed due to a last minute copy error catch -- it dropped on 10/23 rather than 10/5. The Week 3 & 5 /CIC Outbound cadence for Patients are mostly on schedule, with only a minor 1 week delay for the Week 3 , while the Caregiver 3 & 6 week cadence is simply following the initial Caregiver timing. Going forward, the interim promotional messaging for both Caregivers/Patients is being extended, and will continue to run thru March 2016, until full XYZ promotional messaging is available for launch

5 October Tactics – Executive Summary
UNBRANDED October Tactics – Executive Summary DM / EM In October, media continued to drive requests for the Heart Failure Handbook via and the Unbranded XYZ print ad/1-800-ABC-XYZZ – resulting in 5,532 additional requestors/enrollees 5,180 DM Welcome Kits w/Handbooks were fulfilled in October. (14,764 cumulative thru 10/30) cadence launched 20 day after initial DM delivery was 11,648(not all EM1) in October with 4, 657 Opens and 306 click thrus Page 6 Media Overall Performance – The Digital unbranded campaign drove a total of 31,038 visits to Digital media (excluding search) has driven 1,139 total leads at a $ CPL- Campaign CTR continues to be strong at 0.17% - well above the 0.08% benchmark Site Performance- Mayo Clinic continues to be a top performer, driving a high CTR of 0.27%, exceeding last month's CTR of 0.24% WebMD continues to have the most efficient CPL at $ with the highest conversion rate of 4.05% 3 of the Top 5 performing placements, not surprisingly, are Heart Failure content Notes Incremental dollars being added in October drove increases in the amount of impressions and leads vs. previous months went live on 9/29 and was paused on 10/1. has refunded Entresto the full amount of the campaign to date Page 10, 14 In October, there were 74,564 visits and 66,836 unique visitors to There was a cumulative total of 182,775 unique visits since August Average page views pre visit were 2.03 pages in October vs in September. Average time per visit remained above the 3:00 minute goal with 3.76 minutes in October vs minutes in September Page 10, 12

6 Tactics – Executive Summary (cont.) Top Page Views for remained constant: Heart Failure Signs = 25, 613 in October vs 27, 797 in September What Is Heart Failure =22, 291 in October vs 21,733 in September Register page = 22, 2291 in October vs. 17,054 in September Diet Activity = 10,655 in October vs. 10,440 in September Heart Failure Medication = 6,404 in October vs. 6,202 in September UNBRANDED In October, 5,551 consumers called ABC-XYZZ to receive a Heart Failure Handbook While gross inbound calls were lower this month, the total number of cumulative calls = 12,433 and enrollments are substantially higher September gained 6,693 enrollments and October has 16,188 enrollments overall Tactics – Executive Summary Page 10, 12 In September the CRM program gained 5,532 enrollments (from all sources) adding up to a cumulative enrollment of 16,188 through October. 106,218 Paid Media Impressions in October vs. (digital and search) vs. 101,475,934 in September; and total visits to Keep it in October were 74,564 vs. 64,215 in September. EM rate of total opens was 4,657 in October vs. 2,098 in September EM – # of Total Clicks (Click To Open Rate)*** was 306 in October vs. 293 in September Tele In-Bound Page 15 Outcomes Page 15, 17

7 Dashboard UNBRANDED Early Indicators Responses Outcomes Metrics
n Monthly Performance: 10% below benchmark / baseline n Monthly Performance: 20% below benchmark / baseline n Monthly Performance: At/Above benchmark / baseline Dashboard Metrics Performance **Goal / Benchmark Current Month (Oct ‘15) Previous Month (Sep ‘15) Cumulative Data Source & Comments Early Indicators Paid Media Impressions (Display and Print) TBD† 112,851,160 64,559,000 200,329,160 ABC Total Visits ( TBD†† 74,564 64,215 200,067 DEF Total Calls (1-800-ABC-XYZZ)  5,551 7,803  25,787 GHI Responses Paid Media Clicks (Digital and Search) 86,456 51,502 192,674 JKL Total Source Enrollments N/A 5,532 10,962 20,509 MNO Outcomes DM - DM Total Targets/Fulfillment (Delivery Rate) 95% 5,191 (100%) 9,536 (99%) 14,727 (99.7%) PQR EM – EM Total Fulfillment (Delivery Rate)*** 90% 11,648 (11, %) 5,275 (5,119 – 97%) 16,923 (16, %) EM - # of Total Opens (Rate)*** 13% 4,657 (40.5%) 2,098 (40.9%) 6,751 (40.6%) EM – # of Total Clicks (Click To Open Rate)*** 16% 306 (6.5%) 293 (13.9%) 604 (8.9%) ** Benchmarks and Baselines are not definitive predictors of Campaign performance (i.e. Rx Lift, ROI, etc.) *** Includes resends; Excludes Third Party s. † Media monthly benchmarks being calculated for September going forward by Starcom † † 3 month rolling average to be calculated once there is sufficient data

8 October Tactics – Executive Summary
BRANDED October Tactics – Executive Summary DM / EM An Interim Branded CRM program utilizing light promotional messaging launched to 2,279 Patients/Caregivers with an EM Welcome on 10/5, followed by a DM Welcome Package to 3,080 Patients/Caregivers on 11/13. We had previously noted that more registrants provide their USPS address than provide an address. The DM delivery was 100%, but may come down slightly as nixies are processed The EM realized a healthy 93.% delivery rate – above the 90% benchmark The Click to Open Rate was 16.3% of the Opens – just above the benchmark of 16% Page 10 In October, received 5,393 visits & 4,190 unique visitors, vs 4,359 visits & 3,415 unique visitors in September, for a cumulative 14,197 visits Page views per visit averaged 2.52 in October vs in September– still below the goal of 3.00 pages per visit Average time spent per visit was 4.68 in October vs 4.06 minutes in September, much higher than the goal of 3.00 per visit Top Page Views for remained constant: Financial Support Programs = 1,448 in October vs. 874 in September Registration Info page = 1,285 in October vs. 825 in September Patient Support = 845 in October vs. 785 in September Page 8, 17 Media Branded Media will begin in March of 2016 The call center (LASH) received a total of 4,041 enrollment related calls (call volume) in October vs. 3,149 enrollment related calls in September, resulting in XXX enrollments via the phone. Free Trial Offer & Co-Pay activity for October: 2,006 Free Trial Offer Cards were activated vs. 1,470 in September (+36% increase) 430 Co-Pay Cards were activated in October (a total of 883 since July) Tele In-Bound Page 8 Outcomes

9 Dashboard BRANDED Early Indicators Responses Outcomes Metrics
n Monthly Performance: 10% below benchmark / baseline n Monthly Performance: 20% below benchmark / baseline n Monthly Performance: At/Above benchmark / baseline Dashboard Metrics Performance **Goal / Benchmark Current Month (Oct ‘15) Previous Month (Sep ‘15) Cumulative Data Source & Comments Early Indicators Paid Media Impressions (Digital and Print) TBD† N/A ABC Total Visits ( TBD†† 5,393 4,358 13,477 DEF Total Calls (888-ABC-DEFG)  4,041 3,149  8,961 GHI Responses Paid Media Clicks (Digital and Search) JKL Free Trial – Enrollments / Registrations 2,006 1,470 4,552 MNO In Office 1,495 1,142 3,379 800 # 342  232  800 3rd Party 19  7 31 Web 150   89 342 Outcomes DM - DM Total Targets/Fulfillment (Delivery Rate) 95% 3,080 (100%) 97 (98%) 3,472 (99.9%) PQR EM – EM Total Fulfillment (Delivery Rate)*** 90% 2, (1, %) 171 (118 – 87%) 2,671 (2,291 – 92.7%) EM - # of Opens (Rate)*** 13% 1,843 (92.9%) 173 (146.6%) 2,236 (97.6%) EM – # of Clicks (Click To Open Rate)*** 16% 302 (16.3%) 49 (28.3%) 433 (19.3%) ** Benchmarks and Baselines are not definitive predictors of Campaign performance (i.e. Rx Lift, ROI, etc.) *** Excludes Third Party s and AOD s † Media monthly benchmarks being calculated for September going forward by Starcom † † 3 month rolling average to be calculated once there is sufficient data

10 Appendix

11 CRM High Level Flow - Drives Education Prior to Launch
UNBRANDED CRM High Level Flow - Drives Education Prior to Launch Leads generated from AHA Disease Awareness Campaign and In-Office Brochure Cadence is contingent upon patient/caregiver response and will be rolling ABC Database Direct Mail

12 CRM Stream - Drives Education Prior to Launch
UNBRANDED CRM Stream - Drives Education Prior to Launch Leads generated from AHA Disease Awareness Campaign and In-Office Brochure Cadence is contingent upon patient/caregiver response and will be rolling SEGMENT Welcome Touch 1 Triggered at Day 1/ Upon Registration Touch 2 Deployed at Day 21 Week 3 Re-sent to those who did not open on Day 35 Week 5 Touch 3 Deployed at Day 42 Week 6 Re-sent to those who did not open on Day 56 Week 8 Touch 4 Deployed at Day 63 Week 9 Re-sent to those who did not open on Day 77 Week 11 Touch 5 Deployment Day TBD – Week 13? Re-sent to those who did not open on TBD PATIENTS & UNDIAGNOSED CAREGIVERS Direct Mail

13 CRM Stream for Patients and Caregivers
BRANDED CRM Stream for Patients and Caregivers 13

14 Scorecard UNBRANDED SITE KPIs Oct ’15 Goal+ Early Indicators
Total Visits 74,564 N/A Unique Visitors 66,836 Activities Page Views per Visit 2.03 3.00 Average Time Per Visit 3:76 3:00 Outcomes SRF Downloads Video Views

15 Media Activity UNBRANDED Cumulative August ‘15 September ‘15
October ‘15 Impressions Digital 23,455,160 Print 176,874,000 22,919,000 64,559,000 89,396,000 Clicks 39,671 Paid Search 153,003 54,716 51,502 46,785 Total 200,329,160 112,851,160 192,674 86,456

16 UNBRANDED Web Traffic Report

17 DM/EM Activity Deliverability above benchmark of 90% across all waves
UNBRANDED DM/EM Activity Deliverability above benchmark of 90% across all waves

18 October Digital Campaign Report
UNBRANDED October Digital Campaign Report October Digital Display Campaign Overview Partners Total Impressions Total Clicks CTR Total Registrations Page Lands Total Leads (Thank you Page) Total Activities Conversion % CPL WebMD 11,976,012 16,163 0.13% 12,550 508 13,058 4.05% $360.20 Everyday Health 8,775,982 16,900 0.19% 13,880 482 14,362 3.47% $485.91 Mayo Clinic 2,300,778 6,229 0.27% 4,459 147 4,606 3.30% $691.37 402,388 379 0.09% 149 2 151 1.34% $0.00 Totals 23,455,160 39,671 0.17% 31,038 1,139 32,177 3.67% $455.51 October Insights Overall Performance - Digital unbranded campaign has drove a total of 31,038 visits to - Digital media (excluding search) has driven 1,139 total leads at a $ CPL- Campaign CTR continues to be strong at 0.17% - well above the 0.08% benchmark Site Performance- Mayo Clinic continues to be a top performer, driving a high CTR of 0.27%, exceeding last month's CTR of 0.24%- WebMD continues to have the most efficient CPL at $ with the highest conversion rate of 4.05%- 3 of the Top 5 performing placements, not surprisingly, are Heart Failure content Notes- Incremental dollars being added in October drove increases in the amount of impressions and leads vs. previous months.

19 Source Code Description Total Individuals Enrolled
UNBRANDED Source Enrollments Individuals Enrolled Response Source Code Source Code Description Aug ‘15 Sep ‘15 Oct ‘15 XYZ1 Unbranded Live Agent Registration 1,668 3,965 10,237 XYZ2 Unbranded Web Registration- Default 2,034 2,170 6,808 XYZ3 Unbranded Web Reg 30 27 109 XYZ4 131 98 573 XYZ5 42 34 175 XYZ6 110 565 Total Individuals Enrolled 17,902

20 Scorecard BRANDED SITE KPIs Oct ’15 Goal+ Early Indicators
Total Visits 5,393 N/A Unique Visits 4,190 Activities Page Views per Visit 2.52 3.00 Average Time Per Visit 4:68 3:00 Outcomes PI Downloads 114 Print Voucher 209

21 BRANDED Web Traffic Report

22 DM/EM Activity Deliverability above benchmark of 90% across all waves
BRANDED DM/EM Activity Deliverability above benchmark of 90% across all waves

23 Leah Brady

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