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Leading the Faith at Work Course. What is Faith at Work? Aim: to enable participants to relate their faith to what they do/are in their working lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading the Faith at Work Course. What is Faith at Work? Aim: to enable participants to relate their faith to what they do/are in their working lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading the Faith at Work Course

2 What is Faith at Work? Aim: to enable participants to relate their faith to what they do/are in their working lives (not forgetting those not traditionally employed such as home carers, students, unemployed, retirees) Rationale: to overcome the experience expressed in Faith in the Countryside report Spirituality in the countryside [workplace] is one of the hardest things. Faith at work: spirituality and discipleship for today's world

3 What is Faith at Work? Two meanings: The title has two meanings. The course is relevant for people who are at work and want to discover how they can live out that faith in the work context. It can also be used to consider how we all need a faith that works in our daily lives. Some of the material is more specific to work than others, so consider your context. Faith at work: spirituality and discipleship for today's world

4 What is Faith at Work? This six-week course is not designed to give clear cut answers, or to arrive at any definite outcomes, but rather to draw a response from participants that will lead to action and response on their part. Faith at work: spirituality and discipleship for today's world

5 What is Faith at Work? Objectives: by the end of the course, participants will be: Enthused about their discipleship Engaging with a lively spirituality Encouraged by telling their stories & being listened to Enlightened by hearing others stories Enabled to make connections between their faith and their daily occupation Equipped with tools to continue their reflections Energised to be actively involved in debate and practical action Faith at work: spirituality and discipleship for today's world

6 Who is it for? Church leaders Lay People Those in work / those out of work All denominations Para church groups Workplace Christian Unions When can it be run? Lent course In Cell Groups As a Churches Together Group As a church study In workplaces With other interested groups At any time! What is Faith at Work?

7 Session 1 – The CALLING To be a disciple throughout the week Session 2 – The CHALLENGE Remaining faithful despite everything What is Faith at Work?

8 Session 3 – The CLOCK ticks on How do we fit it all in? Session 4 – The moral COMPASS How do we keep our integrity? What is Faith at Work?

9 Session 5 – Showing COMPASSION Spirituality in action Session 6 – Making CONNECTIONS Were all in this together! What is Faith at Work?

10 Download the poster from the Faith at Work website Target people specifically with a personal invite Possibly use the first postcard as an invitation Target events happening locally Reach as wide an audience as possible Use ecumenical contacts and links Publicity for Faith at Work?

11 Example of publicity Insert your own information: Venue Date Time Refreshments Any other information required

12 Shaping a Faith at Work session Preparation The first time you use this course you will need to allow plenty of time to prepare for delivering the course and familiarising yourself with the course materials. Look at the course material and choose which parts are most relevant. Note whats on each postcard to link with. Remember that people learn in different ways and you may need to use a variety of learning styles depending on your group.

13 Shaping a Faith at Work session Your group may have a set format but you might want to explore something different….. Possibly using 2 presenters – or sharing leadership in other ways Create a relaxed atmosphere Think about meeting in a non-church environment With large groups, possibly meet Café style, treats on the tables, refreshments With small groups, use comfortable chairs, possibly have refreshments whilst group is running rather than before Be creative! Shaping a Faith at Work session

14 Equipment you may need DVD Player and TV if youre in a house or similar Laptop (for playing the DVD if you have no TV) Tablet device (possibly use this instead of laptop or TV) Data Projector (for larger venues) Screen (for larger venues) Sound System (for larger venues) CD player (useful for playing music in some sessions) You may wish to ask someone to be responsible for the technical side of things. For smaller groups you may wish to print off the notes and use these instead. (We may add transcripts of the video clips to the website to further enable this) Shaping a Faith at Work session

15 Materials required to run the course DVDs – 1 per group Postcards – 1 per participant per session Candles or other focus for prayer Pens, paper, possibly flip chart pads or similar A Bible – the leader needs one - each participant may want one, depending on how you run the session A prayer box Shaping a Faith at Work session

16 How a session is made up Welcome Welcome Word Word Worship Worship Witness Witness Shaping a Faith at Work session

17 Welcome An activity, often including a video clip from church leaders, to help get to know the people in the group and to introduce the weeks theme. Give opportunity to hear about the impact of the session the week before. Provide a prayer box for each session, where people can write prayers to be used in the witness section of the session. Shaping a Faith at Work session

18 Word Scripture to unpack the theme with theological reflection Non scriptural quotes/readings about the theme Videos Follow up questions for discussion Shaping a Faith at Work session

19 WORSHIP Singing (you can choose how/if this happens!) Meditation Prayer Other Create worship from the gifts and resources you have within the group Shaping a Faith at Work session

20 WITNESS How do we put what we have learnt and discussed into practice Prayer Things to go away to think and do Shaping a Faith at Work session

21 Too much material Weve provided at least two and a half hours of material Decide how long your session will be Read through the material and see what you may change or leave out. If you miss things out, dont omit the whole of one section (ie Welcome, Word, Worship, or Witness) A balanced session needs at least one item from each of Welcome, Word, Worship or Witness It is possible to do the course without all the technical stuff if you need or want to Shaping a Faith at Work session

22 Evaluation Downloadable from the Faith at Work website Important in developing the course Forward information to Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services Shaping a Faith at Work session

23 Copyright and Resources Please ensure the appropriate copyright licenses have been obtained for the delivery of the course, for example you may need one for any songs you print off words for ( or video clips you actually download. You will also need to get copyright clearance, where relevant, for any material that you change in the resource material Copyright owners are noted on the leaders notes, with a fuller list on the website. Where no other name is given, copyright lies with Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services. (A fuller copyright notice is on the website.) Shaping a Faith at Work session

24 Discussion and sharing times are important. Encourage people to talk to one another. Take advantage of the discussion and group work times in the programme. The key is to get the information across in a fun and informative way that will encourage and challenge participants rather than speak down to them. Shaping a Faith at Work session


26 The Course Material

27 Postcard

28 Seven postcards, one for each session plus a prayer card Can be used….. for a stand alone session, if you dont have access to IT equipment to accompany the DVD and website material for Personal Reflection during and after the session A4 copies can be downloaded from the website if needed

29 DVD Interviews from Church Leaders Stories and testimonies of local people about life and faith Worship resources Quotes and other support material You will need to pause the DVD at various sections before it moves on. Get to know the DVD before you lead the session

30 Leaders Notes Support about how to lead a group Offers suggestions how to lead the course Details about each section and activity Additional materials Ideas for discussion and thoughts for theological reflection

31 Website Leaders Notes Additional material and links to other resources Downloadable resources and notes for all material Videos Our YouTube channel Links to other YouTube clips Further resources

32 Order your packs through the Lincolnshire Chaplaincy Services office 01522 504072

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