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Link Academy Trust Strategic Improvement

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1 Link Academy Trust Strategic Improvement
Academy Trust Improvement Lead

2 Academy Trust Strategic Improvement
Academy Improvement is delivered through the Distributed Leadership Model- see diagram next page. Senior Academy Heads undertake a specific area of expertise All Academy Heads contribute to the overall Trust plan, while making it specific to their own schools Upper Pay-scale teachers lead areas of expertise across the Trust Subject experts meet at least termly to effect subject improvement

3 Chief Executive Officer
Academy Trust Improvement Lead Academy Personnel Lead Academy Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Lead Academy Data & Standards Lead Academy Operational Lead Academy Trust Safeguarding & SEND Officer Improvement & Inclusion Hub (IIH)

4 Collaboration Teacher networks Coaching & Mentoring Sharing expertise
Moderation Teacher to teacher support Sharing resources Career Opportunities Science assessment, EYFS developing their use of tapestry, Maths and English group looking at Depth of learning, ICT On-line safety. Church schl Prep for SIAMS Train TA’s Forest schools – links with curriculum

5 School Reviews School led improvement
School performance & benchmarking Identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement Collegiate approach to problem solving and school improvement Moving good schools to outstanding.

6 Investing in staff Ambitious schools with career progression in-built
Learning from and participating in research School based staff lead in-house training. Bespoke training packages High quality external presenters, extended programmes Whole staff training Consistent messages A culture of everyone’s opinions listened to Prioritising Work/ Life Balance- even small adjustments help

7 Career Development Enhanced opportunities for teaching and professional development Opportunities to work with other colleagues and to teach in different contexts Recruitment higher quality applicants as a result of reputation for quality CPD Retention – greater career development within the organisation Developing varied levels of leadership

8 Support Services Working with external organisations we have a range of Behaviour Support, including an Educational Psychologist, Play Therapist etc Links with external experts Internal trained professional support Funding and grant applications to improve provision

9 Improvement Plans Overall Academy Trust Improvement Plan - driver for school improvement of all Academies within the trust, agreed by Academy Heads and Senior Academy Leaders Academy Level Improvement Plans addressing individual school priorities within the overall MAT objectives. The two plans integrate together with consistency across both

10 MAT Consistency & School Uniqueness
Consistency for efficiency School identity Identifying and applying the best elements of each school to achieve improved outcomes for all pupils.

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