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{. “speaker”:. “Emanuele Zanchettin”,. “session” :

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Presentation on theme: "{. “speaker”:. “Emanuele Zanchettin”,. “session” :"— Presentation transcript:

1 {. “speaker”:. “Emanuele Zanchettin”,. “session” :
{ “speaker”: “Emanuele Zanchettin”, “session” : “JSON before and after SQL SERVER 2016” }

2 Sponsors!

3 Agenda

4 Agenda JSON overview Using JSON before SQL Server 2016 Using JSON with/after SQL Server 2016 A real scenario (simplified) Conclusions would you like to play a game?

5 Have you never used JSON before?
Too much early this morning .. a very busy day .. and now .. ?? Are you awake?  Try to raise your hand, just one Try to smile Who is using … (raise at least one hand) SQL Server? SS Management Studio? Who is … (raise at least one hand) A developer? A DBAdministrator? Other? Have you never used JSON before?

6 me - Emanuele Zanchettin
15+ years experience about IT Data architect and consultant about SQLServer and Azure SQL Database Lead of Software Sci-Tech Labs Daresbury (UK) Co-founder thinkIT (IT) Community Lead Official Microsoft Community Speaker at national and international conferences and user groups about SQLServer e Azure SQL Database

7 JSON overview

8 JSON overview - History
In computing, JSON, acronym of JavaScript Object Notation, is an open-standard file format to transmit data using asynchronous browser/server communication Based on STD JS December 1999 Indipendent Alternative of XML

9 JSON overview – data types
Data types supported by this format are: boolean number string array and associative array null object Not supported data types are: binary  .. Base64 

10 JSON overview – XML vs JSON
XML <employees> <employee> <name>Tim</name> <gender>M</gender> </employee> <name>Tom</name> </employees > JSON { "employees": [ "name": "Tim", "gender": "M" }, "name": "Tom", } ]

11 JSON overview – JSON roles
An object must be included between { and } (braces) Couple keys/values are separated by : (colon) Collections of couple keys/values are separated by , (comma) Arrays are represented by [ ] (square brakets) and values are separated by , (comma)

12 JSON overview – data type conversion
JSON «value» types Number, decimal signed with eventual fraction and exponent E String, delimited by " and managed with \ as escape char Boolean, true or false Null Array, delimited by [] as an empty list or with elements separated by , Object, delimited by { } with eventual couple key/value separated by , Easy, isn’t!? 

13 JSON overview – strings
Be careful in case of managing of UNICODE strings, except " and \ and control char, for example \" double quote \\ reverse bar \/ bar \b behind \f end page \r return \n new row \t tab \u<hex 4 digit> any char with hex representation

14 JSON before of SQL Server 2016

15 JSON before of SQL Server 2016
Not native support  Are there alternatives? Don’t use JSON at DB level  Maintain the JSON as not structured data into the DB  Migrate to SQL Server 2016  !?!? Parsing the JSON at DB level  .. Accepting all limits .. Enjoy, it’s possible to manage in «easy» mode the JSON using previous versions of SQL Server 2016 …

16 DEMO JSON2014

17 JSON with/after SQL Server 2016

18 JSON with/after SQL Server 2016

19 DEMO JSON2016

20 A real scenario (simplified) – do you like wine?
Versions: { // PackageV1 "DeviceIdentifier": null, "Temperatures": null } { // PackageV2 "Temperatures": null, "Version": null { // PackageV3 "Version": null, "Temperature": 0.0, "Humidity": 0.0


22 Conclusions – only vantages
No setup and/or installation needed Few and easy command to remember  Easy to use, to integrate and to maintain Two ways transformation JSON <-> relational model Hibrid model with data storing Total flexibility on JSON structure on data storing Indexes to have better performances

23 Q&A Here, there, around the world

24 Please, don’t forget to complete
Thanks Thank you very much for listening Please, don’t forget to complete the feedback form 


26 Agenda JSON overview Using JSON with/after SQL Server 2016
Using JSON before SQL Server 2016 A real scenario (simplified) Conclusions no thanks would you like to play a game?

27 Have you never used JSON before?
Too much early this morning .. a very busy day .. and now .. ?? Are you awake?  Try to raise your hand, just one Try to smile Who is using … (raise at least one hand) SQL Server? SS Management Studio? Who is … (raise at least one hand) A developer? A DBAdministrator? Other? Have you never used JSON before?

28 me - Emanuele Zanchettin
15+ years experience about IT Data architect and consultant about SQLServer and Azure SQL Database Lead of Software Sci-Tech Labs Daresbury (UK) Co-founder thinkIT (IT) Community Lead Official Microsoft Community Speaker at national and international conferences and user groups about SQLServer e Azure SQL Database

29 Conclusions – only vantages
No setup and/or installation needed Few and easy command to remember  Easy to use, to integrate and to maintain Two ways transformation JSON <-> relational model Hibrid model with data storing Total flexibility on JSON structure on data storing Indexes to have better performances

30 A real scenario – do you like wine?
Versions: { // PackageV1 "DeviceIdentifier": null, "Temperatures": null } { // PackageV2 "Temperatures": null, "Version": null { // PackageV3 "Version": null, "Temperature": 0.0, "Humidity": 0.0


32 JSON with/after SQL Server 2016

33 JSON with/after SQL Server 2016

34 DEMO JSON2016

35 JSON before of SQL Server 2016

36 JSON before of SQL Server 2016
Not native support  Are there alternatives? Don’t use JSON at DB level  Maintain the JSON as not structured data into the DB  Migrate to SQL Server 2016  !?!? Parsing the JSON at DB level  .. Accepting all limits .. Enjoy, it’s possible to manage in «easy» mode the JSON using previous versions of SQL Server 2016 …

37 DEMO JSON2014

38 JSON overview

39 JSON overview - History
In computing, JSON, acronym of JavaScript Object Notation, is an open-standard file format to transmit data using asynchronous browser/server communication Based on STD JS December 1999 Indipendent Alternative of XML

40 JSON overview – data types
Data types supported by this format are: boolean number string array and associative array null object Not supported data types are: binary  .. Base64 

41 JSON overview – XML vs JSON
XML <employees> <employee> <name>Tim</name> <gender>M</gender> </employee> <name>Tom</name> </employees > JSON { "employees": [ "name": "Tim", "gender": "M" }, "name": "Tom", } ]

42 JSON overview – JSON roles
An object must be included between { and } (braces) Couple keys/values are separated by : (colon) Collections of couple keys/values are separated by , (comma) Arrays are represented by [ ] (square brakets) and values are separated by , (comma)

43 JSON overview – data type conversion
JSON «value» types Number, decimal signed with eventual fraction and exponent E String, delimited by " and managed with \ as escape char Boolean, true or false Null Array, delimited by [] as an empty list or with elements separated by , Object, delimited by { } with eventual couple key/value separated by , Easy, isn’t!? 

44 JSON overview – strings
Be careful in case of managing of UNICODE strings, except " and \ and control char, for example \" double quote \\ reverse bar \/ bar \b behind \f end page \r return \n new row \t tab \u<hex 4 digit> any char with hex representation

45 Q&A Here, there, around the world

46 Please, don’t forget to complete
Thanks Thank you very much for listening and playing the game Please, don’t forget to complete the feedback form 

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