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Gifted Education (the basics)

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1 Gifted Education (the basics)
Presented by: Genny Jenkins Gifted Coordinator and Instructor Rowan County Schools

2 Scientists tell us that 90% of an iceberg’s Volume and Mass is underwater.
An Analogy

3 Success IS TO Effort this AS Is to this

4 Often, gifted kids can achieve this in the classroom
What people see Success Persistence Failure Dedication Sacrifice Hard Work Good Habits Disappointment What people don’t see without any of this…

5 Food for Thought If during the first five or six years of school, a child earns good grades and high praise without having to put forth much effort, what are all the things he doesn’t learn that most children learn by third grade?

6 Consider this… “It is no more fair to require every child in one grade to wear the same size of shoe than it is to provide one set of lesson plans for children who read at various levels.” What if we measured everyone's height with a ruler that is five feet tall?

7 TRUE OR FALSE? Gifted students don’t need help; they’ll do fine on their own. Teachers challenge all the students, so gifted kids will be fine in the regular classroom. Gifted students make everyone else in the class smarter by providing a role model or a challenge. All children are gifted. Acceleration placement options are socially harmful for gifted students. Gifted education programs are elitist. That student can't be gifted, he is receiving poor grades. Gifted students are happy, popular, and well adjusted in school. This child can't be gifted, he has a disability. FALSE

8 What does the law say?
Personnel Issues… How much does the federal government spend on gifted education? The federal government does not provide funding directly to local school districts for programs and services for gifted and talented students. Funding…

9 Resources and Suggestions
Differentiation… Planning Tiered lessons Pre-Assessment Use data to plan…don’t assume anything KNOW YOUR STUDENTS (relationships) Let students work without direct guidance (inquiry) Development = practice + feedback Don’t reinvent the wheel! Take time for yourself. Read.

10 Resources: Go to Rowan County Schools page
Click on any of the elementary school pages. Click on Teacher Websites. Find Genny Jenkins Link is called “General Gifted Resources”

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