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Gifted Individualized Education Plan: A Strength Based Document Dr

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1 Gifted Individualized Education Plan: A Strength Based Document Dr
Gifted Individualized Education Plan: A Strength Based Document Dr. Shirley Curl, Special Education Advisor Tanya Morret, Educational Consultant IU 15 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

2 Essential Questions What expectations are defined in PA Code for learners in a general education setting (SAS)? Where does specially designed instruction in Chapter 16 begin? What is Enrichment? What is Acceleration? How are needs met that are not based on strengths? PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

3 § 4.2. Purpose. § 4.1 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to establish rigorous academic standards and assessments to facilitate the improvement of student achievement and to provide parents and communities a measure by which school performance can be determined. PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

4 § 4.4. General Policies. Essential Questions
 It is the policy of the Board that local school entities have the greatest possible flexibility in curriculum planning consistent with providing quality education and in compliance with the School Code, including requirements for courses to be taught (24 P. S. § §   and ); subjects to be taught in the English language (24 P. S. §   ); courses adapted to the age, development and needs of the pupils (24 P. S. §   ); PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

5 § 4.11. Purpose of public education.
 (b)  Public education prepares students for adult life by attending to their intellectual and developmental needs and challenging them to achieve at their highest level possible. In conjunction with families and other community institutions, public education prepares students to become self-directed, life-long learners and responsible, involved citizens. PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

6 Making Connections What is the single biggest factor that determines what instructional goals a child will be held accountable to? Birthdate!! PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

7 Chronological – based on birth Emotional – based on maturity
Children have three ages… Chronological – based on birth Emotional – based on maturity Intellectual – based on the ability to apply knowledge and skills PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

8 § 12.41. Student services.  (b)  Though the variety of student services offered will differ from school to school depending upon its size and the needs of its students, the following categories of services shall be provided by each school entity in planning its student services:    (1)  Developmental services for students that address their developmental needs throughout their enrollment in school. Developmental services include guidance counseling, psychological services, health services, home and school visitor services and social work services that support students in addressing their academic, behavioral, health, personal and social development issues. When prekindergarten is offered, these services must include nutritional services or referrals. So, thanks to Chapter 12, we know that even if students don’t come to us ready socially, emotionally,, etc…we need to be responsive to their needs. Sometimes that support is offered as part of our general educational offering – that is available to all students…but for some that is not enough – that is where Chapters 14, 15, and 16 come into play. PDE Conference 2014

9 Essential Questions What expectations are defined in PA Code for learners in a general education setting (SAS)? Where does specially designed instruction in Chapter 16 begin? What is Enrichment? What is Acceleration? How are needs met that are not based on strengths? PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

10 Gifted education is a service, not a place….
Specially designed instruction to meet the needs of a gifted student that is: (i) Conducted in an instructional setting. (ii) Provided in an instructional or skill area. (iii) Provided at no cost to the parents. (iv) Provided under the authority of a school district, directly, by referral or by contract. (v) Provided by an agency. (vi) Individualized to meet the educational needs of the student. (vii) Reasonably calculated to yield meaningful educational benefit and student progress. (viii) Provided in conformity with a GIEP. Identification is the first part of a two prong definition for gifted education. The second part – and increasingly the one that comes into play more as school districts embrace Chapters 4 and 12 more comprehensively – is “Need.” Does a student need something beyond what we are already providing by natural course of our general education curriculum and instruction. If the answer is yes for a gifted student – that is where Gifted Education starts for that child. Gifted education is a service, not a place…. PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

11 Enrichment Acceleration Combination of Both “Educational placement”
The overall educational environment in which gifted education is provided to a gifted student. Enrichment Acceleration Combination of Both Gifted education is manifested in one of three forms…unlike chapter 14 that has 13 disability categories and ,multiple levels of intervention. So what do we mean by educational placement…. PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

12 Essential Questions What expectations are defined in PA Code for learners in a general education setting (SAS)? Where does specially designed instruction in Chapter 16 begin? What is Enrichment? What is Acceleration? How are needs met that are not based on strengths? PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

13 From the Gifted Guidelines…
“In-depth learning experiences that provide interaction with new ideas, skills, and topics that enhance the curriculum. These experiences are based upon individual student strengths, interests, and needs.” PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

14 Enrichment Extended Learning Relevant Tasks
By any other name… Webb’s Depth of Knowledge 21st Century Skills Enrichment Real World/ Authentic Extended Learning Truly at a grade level it is what we are supposed to be doing for ALL students. Gifted students just might need it sooner, more often, or to a higher level. Relevant Tasks PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

15 All teachers are responsible for three years worth of standards – their grade level, as well as one year below the grade level they are teaching and one year above grade level. If , at any time, a student is “off-level” (which I would imagine would be quite often) they need to think about either what skills or knowledge are they missing from the previous year or how can I ramp up the level of complexity of my instruction and expectations so the students who need enrichment or acceleration continue to grow? PDE Conference 2014 11/16/2018 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

16 Enrichment PDE Conference 2014
Enrichment for advanced learners is par tof what General educators are supposed to be doing…. PDE Conference 2014 11/16/2018 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

17 Essential Questions Essential Questions
What expectations are defined in PA Code for learners in a general education setting (SAS)? Where does specially designed instruction in Chapter 16 begin? What is Enrichment? What is Acceleration? How are needs not based on strengths met? PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

18 Acceleration PDE Conference 2014
Out of grade level acceleration that is two or more years above grade level will require some creative planning and instructing usually not in line with what the grade level teacher is expected to do. PDE Conference 2014 11/16/2018 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

19 Acceleration can be…… Early Admission to Kindergarten
Early Admission to First Grade Grade Skipping Combined /Multi-grade Classroom Telescoping the Curriculum/Continuous Progress Curriculum Compacting Credit by Examination Advanced Placement Correspondence Courses Concurrent/Dual Enrollment Mentoring Early Graduation PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

20 Enrichment/Acceleration
Sometimes students need a combination of both. Sometimes enrichment – using accelerated resources – is best accomplished in the classroom assigned with some outside support (ie Gifted Support teacher either pushes in, helps provide resources or task suggestions) and the student is accelerated in particular strength areas. PDE Conference 2014 11/16/2018 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

21 Need is determined at the local level
School districts are also on a continuum…. Need is determined at the local level What is available in the general educational setting? Do the needs of the student go beyond what is already available? What services are reserved for students with a GIEP in one district may not be the same in another…therefore, there is no standard list of what constitutes specially designed instruction across the Commonwealth, all suggestions are subject to further investigation. The more parents know about what is offered in the general educational setting will help them know more about what types of services they should be considering for their child in gifted education. The quality of gifted education services is contingent on the quality of general education services. PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

22 C B A All teachers are responsible for three years worth of standards – their grade level, as well as one year below the grade level they are teaching and one year above grade level. If , at any time, a student is “off-level” (which I would imagine would be quite often) they need to think about either what skills or knowledge are they missing from the previous year or how can I ramp up the level of complexity of my instruction and expectations so the students who need enrichment or acceleration continue to grow? PDE Conference 2014 11/16/2018 PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

23 Gifted Support teachers need your help
So what does this mean for you… Gifted Support teachers need your help Clarity in what you provide as part of your general educational offering Data to support the fact that the curriculum and instruction students receive meet the students’ needs When it is not meeting the students’ needs, recommendations of specially designed instruction PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

24 Essential Questions What expectations are defined in PA Code for learners in a general education setting (SAS)? Where does specially designed instruction in Chapter 16 begin? What is Enrichment? What is Acceleration? How are needs not based on strengths met? PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

25 Chapter 14 regulations take over
Student with a Disability Chapter 14 regulations take over Accommodations, adaptations, and modifications addressed in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

26 Chapter 15 504 Service Agreement
Student with a need based on a Medical Diagnosis Chapter 15 504 Service Agreement Establish aids, services, and accommodations, to access the general education curriculum Referenced in support services (reference Gifted Services in the 504 (Plan, as well) PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

27 courses adapted to the age, development and needs of the pupils
Student with a need based on a weakness Chapter 4 courses adapted to the age, development and needs of the pupils Chapter 12 attending to their intellectual and developmental needs challenging them to achieve at their highest level possible When the need is not elevated due to a disability, PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

28 How are needs not based on strengths addressed in the GIEP?
Present Levels When considering the specially designed instruction a student will need to access his/her gifted goals and achieve the short term learning objectives Support Services When the need is not elevated due to a disability, PDE Conference 2014 PDE Conference 2014

29 The Question… How would you answer?
Who is responsible for meeting the needs of the gifted child? How would you answer?

30 The answer… It’s all hands in!! Gifted Support Teacher
General Classroom Teacher(s) Parents Principal Psychologist Counselor Superintendent We all have a role in helping the gifted child succeed

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