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1 2018

2 Externally Set Assignment (40% of AS Grade)
Year 12 Unit 1 PORTFOLIO (60% of AS Grade) September – End of January. Students demonstrate their skills in a range of areas and experiment with a range of ideas and techniques, leading to an outcome Externally Set Assignment (40% of AS Grade) February to end of April. Students choose from a range of starting points set by the exam board and produce a body of work in response to this. There is a 5 hour ‘controlled’ period towards the beginning of the assignment to develop a strong foundation for ideas. A New A Level PHOTOGRAPHY Specification – what is significantly different and how does it differ from GCSE? The Total mark will now be out of 96 instead of 80. This means there will be an extra column after ‘Confident and Highly developed ability’ named ‘Exceptional’ (21 – 24 marks in each Assessment Objective) More emphasis on Technical settings, the mood, atmosphere and Critical understanding shown in your imagery. Then for A2 -Some of the best work from AS will/ can be used to support the year 13 Personal Study Unit 3 Year 13 PERSONAL STUDY (60% of A LEVEL Grade) End of June – End of January. Students have to develop their own theme and create an exciting Art Project based around it. This must include a range of supporting work as well as a well informed outcome and an essay of at least 1500 words. Unit 2 Externally Set Assignment (40% of A Level Grade) February to end of April. Similar to GCSE – Choose one of the exam questions as a starting point and produce an outcome in the 15 hours at the end of the project in controlled conditions.

-Being independent Understanding what you are investigating -Creating beautiful technically advanced outcomes -Recording each week -Being creative, understand and care about aesthetics -Be an engaged student. PLCs – SUCCESS CRITERIA Photography

4 Summer Assignment 2018 Photography
‘Create an image based on the theme ‘RE-PHOTOGRAPHY. Bring with you to the first lesson after the holidays on memory stick or SD memory card’. 1)Design a plan of HOW you are going to create your image. This may be a sketch or diagram, a written plan etc. Think about lighting , angle, costume, show us your technical ability, consider how you are expressing mood, Colours, settings, location, Composition etc… 2)Recreate your chosen artist image. You must choose an image you like and try to reproduce the image using shutter speed, aperture and composition. See the examples included. Due First lesson after the Summer COME AND SEE THE A LEVEL WORK! 2018 SUMMER EXHIBITION DURING FROME FESTIVAL AT ROOK LANE GALLERY Recommended Reading List and useful websites. Vitamin ‘Ph’ Photography book Feature Shoot .com website ‘’- general guide to studying Photography PINTEREST search your theme, ‘This is Colossal’ Website. Also check out a website entitled ‘Student Art Guide.Com’, Inspiration grid also has some nice creative work to inspire you. Contact details for queries regarding Summer Assignment and Course info: or


6 An example of a Renaissance inspired photograph

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