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RSU #38 Board of Education

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1 RSU #38 Board of Education
NWEA Report WINTER 2018 . RSU #38 Board of Education March, 2018

2 NWEA North West Evaluation Association * Non-profit organization
Built on a belief that each and every student matters NWEA North West Evaluation Association * Non-profit organization *Adopted by Union #42 Board in 2007 supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that precisely measure growth and proficiency—and provide insights to help tailor instruction NWEA is over 40 years old – started in 1973 by educators and researchers in Oregon and Washington state who wanted to build a new kind of testing system The MAP GROWTH (MEASURE OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS) assessment that we are using debuted in 2000 and was most recently re-normed and revised in 2015 I accessed some scores for 9th grade going back to but ALL schools/grades came on board in 2007

3 Features of MAP GROWTH Online Multiple choice Items in skill clusters
(aligned to standards) Adaptive *each student may get a different set of test items * untimed * approximately 52 test items ADAPTIVE: Test items are based on how student responded to previous items; test is seeking the student’s instructional level (level at which student is getting approximately half of the items correct and half incorrect) ALSO – there is a K-2 version (items are picturable and questions are read aloud to students), 2-5 version, and a 6+ version, although our rep says they adjust the item bank for 6-8 and 9-12. The gr 2 transition to a multiple choice with more text, less visuals, and no read aloud format has been most challenging for our students. However, we believe it is important for 2nd graders to have some experience with independent test-taking as state assessments start in Gr. 3. We follow the NWEA guidelines and give the primary version to individual students who are not reading connecting text yet (ie. In intensive literacy intervention or special education). Nonetheless, you will notice a “dip” in scores at grade 2 that has been a pattern over time.

4 PRACTICE TESTS https: // Choose MAP Growth Username: grow Password: grow .

5 How do we use NWEA results?
Track student achievement year to year Compare student achievement to other students throughout the country Universal screening - one measure for Evaluating need for special services SCREENING – a general achievement measure used in conjunction with other measures to determine need for Gifted and Talented services, Special Education services, or Interventions in math or reading. Program/Instructional Planning – analysis of data by skill clusters and level

6 HS NWEA DATA TEACHERS AT EVERY LEVEL DO A LOT OF COLLABOARATIVE DATA ANALYSIS WITH COLLEAGUES, including INTERENTIONISTS PRINCIPALS, COACHES, ETC. At the high school, each Dept. has a turn to display data on a large whiteboard in the staff room. This is the English Dept’s analysis of 2018 NWEA data that was on display this month.

This is a SAMPLE PROGRESS report for parents. It shows BLUE column : Student’s RIT standard score (number is above column) COMPARED TO ORANGE column: District RIT average score (number is above column) COMPARED TO YELLOW column: National RIT average score (number is above column FOR the students Grade at that time of year CHART to right shows RIT score and %ile rank range for each test result in bar graph So for EXAMPLE FOR THIS STUDENT – WE’LL CALL HER MAGGIE – PARENTS CAN SEE HER SCORES FOR W18 (FURTHEST TO RIGHT) & FALL 17 (GR 5) SP 17 & W 17 (GR 4), W16 AND F15 (GR 3) OVER THAT TIME PERIOD HER MATH SCORES HAVE SLOWLY BUT STEADILY INCREASED – SILARLY TO HER PEERS MAGGIE’S READING PROFILE IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT – ALTHOUGH SHE HAS MADE STEADY PROGRESS IN MATH, ALSO, SHE HAS ALSO WORKED HER WAY FROM THE 4RTH TO THE 32ND PERCENTILE RANK – HER PARENTS CAN ALSO SEE WHICH AREAS OF READING SHE STILL NEEDS MORE HELP WITH (IN THE NOTES BELOW BAR GRAPH: Literary Text: Key Ideas and Details AVG Literary Text: Language, Craft, Structure LO Avg Informational Text: Language, Craft, Structure: Avg Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details LO AVG Vocabulary: Acquisition and Use – LO Avg MAP STUDENT PROGRESS REPORT

8 RSU #38 NWEA RESULTS 2016-2018 What’s Your Message? Fall Winter Spring
3-5 6-8 9-10 Winter K-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 RSU #38 NWEA RESULTS What’s Your Message? The results you have are based on Student Growth Summary Data for the district that NWEA calculates for us from year to year. ALL students K-10 take the NWEA at least 2x a year –We USED to give it FALL, WINTER, and SPRING We have cut back from 3x a year because of concerns about so much testing – & the preferred times of year to administer it vary by gradespan based on other state testing – HOWEVER, ALL students take it in JANUARY – so the mean percentile ranks for our students are based on RSU #38 students performance in WINTER 2017 – WINTER 2018 and in WINTER WINTER 2017 Spring K

9 NWEA READING Results 2016-2018 How do you read this chart?
Lets start with Grade 1 – For the 73 RSU #38 Gr. 1 students who took the NWEA in W 2017 and W 2018 – scored on average in the 62 percentile nationally when they were in Gr 1 this year and in Gr K last year in READING. This means on average they scored as high or higher than 62 % of the other first graders around the country who took the test. Let’s jump to Gr. 10 – the 69 RSU #38 students who took the NWEA in Wgr. 10 AND in Wgr. 9, scored on average in the 94 percentile in Reading this year in Gr. 10 and last year in Gr. 9, which means they socred as high or higher than 94% of students around the country who took the NWEA test. The students from this same class who took the test in 2016 and 2017 scored in the 90 percentile, which means they scored as high or higher than 90 percent of the other 8th graders taking the NWEA around the country WHAT OTHER PATTERNS DO YOU NOTICE?

10 NWEA MATHEMATICS Results 2016-2018
THIS is a comparable chart of NWEA mean scores for students who took the test in W and in 16-17 So looking at the same two classes first, Gr 1 students who took the test in 17 & 18 scored on average at the 69th %ile as 1st graders and at the 62%ile as Kindergarteners, suggesting modest growth AND in the same range as their average READING scores. The 10th grade class scored at the 84%ile in Math this year and at the 78%ile rank last year as 9th graders, slightly below their performance in READING, but still a strong performance compared to national norms and ALSO showing steady growth from time they entered high school as a strong Gr 8 to now. WHAT OTHER PATTERNS DO YOU NOTICE IN MATH DATA? i.e. Gr. 5 cohort – has lost ground since grade 3 – that is the kind of pattern that catches our attention to dig deeper, look at their state assessments, their common assessments, work with teachers to figure out how to strengthen instruction for them going forward. Every group of students is different, and so the challenge for staff is to look beyond the patterns in “mean scores” and look more carefully at the progress each student within that cohort is making.

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