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What’s new in assessment and accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 What’s new in assessment and accountability FY11 and Beyond AYP Division of Performance Accountability, Department of Assessment Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
This is what we know today!
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 11/16/2018 Disclaimer This is what we know today! 11/16/2018 Things can change tomorrow!!!! 11/16/2018 Life is so rapidly changing that we must include this disclaimer. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Test your knowledge – T or F
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 Test your knowledge – T or F A score of 4 or higher on FCAT Writing is now required for high standards. All students enrolled in Algebra 1 must take the EOC. First-year ELL students count in AYP reading and mathematics participation rate only. The proficiency target for AYP Reading is 79%. All EOC assessments will be administered online. There are three types of State assessments that we will see in FY11: The FCAT as we know it, the NGSSS FCAT and the EOC assessments. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
Assessments There are three types of State assessments that we will see in FY11: The FCAT as we know it, the NGSSS FCAT and the EOC assessments. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Statewide Testing: Some Schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Statewide Testing: Some Schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Field Test Geometry Biology 10 11 12 Let’s start with what some schools will be experiencing in FY 11: The Geometry Field Test will be administered to all grade 9-12 geometry students in a sample of schools chosen by the State. This is done by demographics The Biology EOC will be a stand-alone field test administered to a sample of schools chosen by the State based on their demographics – FDOE is anticipating that the Biology EOC Field Test will be given to students enrolled in the full year Biology course. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Statewide Testing: All Schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Statewide Testing: All Schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 4 5 FCAT 2.0 Field Test Embedded in FCAT 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The Science FCAT 2.0 written to the 2008 SS will be embedded in the 2011 tests. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. PBT= Paper-based test, FALL 2010 (Oct) FCAT Reading & Mathematics Retake = PBT only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 NA 4 FCAT 5 6 7 8 9 10 FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) 11 12 Here are the FCAT SSS tests that will be given to the students in these grades and subjects. The red indicates Computer Based Testing. Note that grade 9 will NOT have a FCAT SSS Mathematics test and the FCAT SSS in Grade 10 Mathematics will be a CBT. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. PBT= Paper-based test, FALL 2010 (Oct) FCAT Reading & Mathematics Retake = PBT only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 6 7 8 9 10 FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) 11 12 This slide introduces the FCAT 2.0. in Reading and Mathematics. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. PBT= Paper-based test, FALL 2010 (Oct) FCAT Reading & Mathematics Retake = PBT only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 Algebra 1 EOC 6 7 8 9 10 FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) 11 12 On this slide we now have the Algebra EOC assessment added to our matrix. Note that Algebra is also in red which indicates that it is a CBT. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. PBT= Paper-based test, FALL 2010 (Oct) FCAT Reading & Mathematics Retake = PBT only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 Algebra 1 EOC 6 7 8 9 10 FCAT Retake FCAT 2.0 Retake 11 12 In FY12, various things happen. The FCAT SSS Mathematics in grade 10 is discontinued; the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is introduced in grades 10 and 11; the Geometry EOC is introduced; and the Biology EOC in introduced. These are the Baseline administrations. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 Algebra 1 EOC 6 7 8 9 10 FCAT Retake FCAT 2.0 Retake Algebra 1 EOC 11 12 In FY12, various things happen. The FCAT SSS Mathematics in grade 10 is discontinued; the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is introduced in grades 10 and 11; the Geometry EOC is introduced; and the Biology EOC in introduced. These are the Baseline administrations. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 Algebra 1 EOC 6 Algebra /Geometry EOC 7 Algebra/Geometry EOC 8 9 10 FCAT Retake FCAT 2.0 Retake 11 12 In FY12, various things happen. The FCAT SSS Mathematics in grade 10 is discontinued; the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is introduced in grades 10 and 11; the Geometry EOC is introduced; and the Biology EOC in introduced. These are the Baseline administrations. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY12 Statewide Testing: All schools Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 Algebra 1 EOC 6 Algebra/Geometry EOC 7 8 9 Biology EOC 10 FCAT Retake FCAT 2.0 Retake 11 12 Algebra /Geometry EOC In FY12, various things happen. The FCAT SSS Mathematics in grade 10 is discontinued; the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is introduced in grades 10 and 11; the Geometry EOC is introduced; and the Biology EOC in introduced. These are the Baseline administrations. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Algebra 1 EOC Test-Takers
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Algebra 1 EOC Test-Takers For the school year: Students who earned high school credit in Algebra 1 while in grades 6, 7, 8 during the through school years and who have not taken Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics MUST take the Algebra 1 EOC. All students enrolled in Algebra 1 or an equivalent course MUST take the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment. In FY 11, All grade 9 students who earned high school credit in Algebra while they were in MS and who have not taken the grade 10 FCAT Math MUST take the Algebra EOC. Remember that grade 9 FCAT SSS was discontinued this year. All students in algebra or an equivalent course MUST take the Algebra EOC. Mayor change here is that these tests will be on-line (CBT). Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Field Test EOC Assessment
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Field Test EOC Assessment Field tested in FLDOE selected schools No paper-based test accommodations Students enrolled in the course assessed by the EOC* Geometry – grades 9-12 Biology – in full year course The EOC Field tests will be given to a sample of schools selected by the FDOE based on their demographics. FDOE is anticipating that the Biology EOC Field Test will be given to students enrolled in the full year Biology course. *For courses see Back to School memo at: Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Geometry Field Test EOC Assessment
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Geometry Field Test EOC Assessment Scientific online calculator (TI‐30XS) (handheld may be used, but is not provided by FDOE) Online reference sheet and straightedge Multiple‐choice and Fill‐in response items only The EOC Field tests will be given to a sample of schools selected by the FDOE based on their demographics. FDOE is anticipating that the Biology EOC Field Test will be given to students enrolled in the full year Biology course. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 Biology Field Test EOC Assessment
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY11 Biology Field Test EOC Assessment Online periodic table Multiple‐choice items only The EOC Field tests will be given to a sample of schools selected by the FDOE based on their demographics. FDOE is anticipating that the Biology EOC Field Test will be given to students enrolled in the full year Biology course. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Setting of EOC Performance Standards
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 Setting of EOC Performance Standards Field Test Year 1 Baseline Year 2 Standard Setting Year 3 FT – Field test administration only; EOCs will be field tested in a sample of high schools only. B – Baseline administration; a scale score will be reported; no developmental scale score or achievement levels will be available SS – Standards set; First time reporting of developmental scores, achievement levels, and passing scores This is how performance standards are set. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Reading FCAT 2.0 test design
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 Reading FCAT 2.0 test design Let’s get into the details of each subject area. We will start with reading. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
FY11 Reading Grades 3-6 Grade Level MC #of items 3 50-55 4 5 6 No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
FY11 Reading Grades 3-6 Grade Reporting Categories Level 3 4 5 6
Vocabulary 15-25% Reading Application 25-35% Literary Analysis Fiction/Nonfiction Informational Text/ Research Process 4 5 6
No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
FY11 Reading Grades 6-8 Grade Level MC #of items 6 50-55 7 8 No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
FY11 Reading Grades 6-8 Grade Level Reporting Categories 6 Vocabulary 15-25% Reading Application 25-35% Literary Analysis Fiction/Nonfiction Informational Text/ Research Process 7 8 20-30% No Performance Tasks: SR/ER
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY11 Reading Grades 9-12 Grade Level Test MC# of items 9 FCAT 2.0 50-55 10 11 FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) 55-60 12 NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based test (CBT) as of FY2011. PBT= Paper-based test, FALL 2010 (Oct) FCAT Reading & Mathematics Retake = PBT only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Comparison & Cause/ Effect
FY11 Reading Grades 9-12 Grade Level Reporting Categories 9 Vocabulary 15-25% Reading Application 20-30% Literary Analysis Fiction/Nonfiction Informational Text/ Research Process 25-35% 10 11 Words & Phrases 15-20% Main Idea, Plot , Purpose 20-50% Comparison & Cause/ Effect 10-25% Reference & Research 20-40% 12
Reading Test Item Specifications
To be released in early winter Posted on early winter Appendix B is now on the FLDOE website
Mathematics FCAT 2.0 & EOC test design
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 & EOC test design Mathematics is a different story. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Grades 3-6
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Grades 3-6 Grade Level MC/GR Items Grid Types Reference Sheet Calculators 3 MC: 50-55 None 4 MC: 35-40 GR: 10-15 5 New 6 1 Algebra 1 EOC GR/FR: 25-30 Fill-in Response (GR/FR) Online Emulator (TI-108) If you have students in your school taking Algebra EOC they will have to take the Alg. EOC CBT as well as their grade level FCAT 2.0. No Performance Tasks: SR/ER Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Grades 6-8
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Grades 6-8 Grade Level MC/GR Items Grid Types Reference Sheet Calculators 6 MC: 35-40 GR: 10-15 1 New None 7 2 Four Function 8 MC: 30-40 GR: 20-25 Algebra 1 EOC MC: 30-35 GR/FR: 25-30 Fill-in Response (GR/FR) Online Emulator (TI-108) Everything in MS is new. FR is the equivalent of GR, but is done online No Performance Tasks: SR/ER Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Grades 9-10
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Grades 9-10 Grade Level Test Items Type/# Grids Reference Sheet Calculators 9 Algebra 1 EOC MC: 35-40 GR/FR: 25-30 Fill-in Response (GR/FR) New Online Emulator (TI-108) 10 Gr. 10 FCAT SSS FCAT Retake PBT (Oct) Retake All grade 9 students WILL take the Algebra EOC because it is a requirement for AYP. Mayor change here is that these tests will be on-line (CBT). NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment Red = Computer-based test (CBT) FALL 2010 FCAT (Oct) Reading & Mathematics Retake = Paper-based test only Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories Grade Reporting Categories 3 Number: Operations, Problems, and Statistics 50% Geometry and Measurement 30% Number: Fractions 20% 4 Number: Operations and Problems 45% Number: Base Ten and Fractions 25% 5 Expressions, Equations, and Statistics 6 Fractions, Ratios/Proportional Relationships, and Statistics 40% Geometry and Measurement Expressions and Equations Algebra 1 EOC Functions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities 55% Polynomials Rational, Radicals, Quadratics, and Discrete Mathematics Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories Grade Reporting Categories 6 Fractions, Ratios/Proportional Relationships, and Statistics 40% Geometry and Measurement 20% Expressions and Equations 7 Ratios/Proportional Relationships 25% 30% Number: Base Ten Statistics and Probability 8 Expressions, Equations, and Functions 35% Number: Operations, Problems and Statistics Algebra 1 EOC Functions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities 55% Polynomials Rational, Radicals, Quadratics, and Discrete Mathematics The reporting categories of Algebra 1 EOC are not yet set by the state. Nancy said that it will be a few weeks before the categories are finalized. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 Mathematics Reporting Categories Grade Reporting Categories 9 - 10 Number Sense, Concepts, & Operations 17% Measurement Geometry & Spatial Sense 25% Algebraic Thinking Data Analysis & Probability Algebra 1 EOC Functions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities 55% Polynomials 20% Rational, Radicals, Quadratics, and Discrete Mathematics There is no reporting category for grade 9 because there is no FCAT given at this grade level. The grade 10 reporting categories are for the FCAT SSS. The reporting categories of Algebra 1 EOC are not yet set by the state. Nancy said that it will be a few weeks before the categories are finalized. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY11 Writing Grade Level Prompt Reminders 4 Narrative or Expository One prompt at each grade level Mode not announced in advance Rubric and holistic scoring the same One scorer per student response 8 Persuasive or Expository 10 Sometime in the fall the FDOE provides SDPBC with a list of FT selected schools - random sample of schools based on demographics. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY11 Writing Field Test Prompt only December 2011 Possible use in Spring 2013 and Spring 2014 Sometime in the fall the FDOE provides SDPBC with a list of FT selected schools - random sample of schools based on demographics. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Science Fcat test design
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY11 Science Grades 5, 8, & 11 Grade Level MC/GR items Other Updates 5 MC: 60-65 FCAT 2.0 Field Test Embedded in Spring 2011 8 MC: 53-61 GR: 4-7 11 2011 last year of this FCAT test No Performance Tasks: SR/ER Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
Physical & Chemical Sciences Life & Environmental Sciences
FY11 Science Grades 5, 8, & 11 Grade Level Reporting Categories 5 Physical & Chemical Sciences 25% Earth & Space Sciences Life & Environmental Sciences Scientific Thinking 8 11
Science Test Item Specifications
Posted on FLDOE website: Grades 5 and 8 FCAT 2.0 aligned to the NGSSS Posted on FLDOE SharePoint: Biology I EOC Assessment information
FCAT Administration Schedule
District-wide tests and surveys schedule posted on the Department of Assessment Website:
FCAT Administration Schedule
FY11 and Beyond SB 1908 states: Writing is to be administered no earlier than March 1st Other subjects no earlier than week of April 15th NOTE: SB 1908 does NOT address Retakes. Spring Retakes are currently scheduled for early April.
Algebra 1 EOC Administration
What we know There is no EOC available for the fall block scheduled course in FY11 - MUST take in spring Three forms of the test will be scored Three-week statewide window One-week school window
Accountability AYP
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
11/16/2018 FY10 and Beyond - AYP AYP Graduation rate goal of 85% or Show annual improvement of at least 2% Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
11/16/2018 FY10 and Beyond - AYP AYP ELL students in Reading and Mathematics. Included in participation rate Less than 365 calendar days* in an ESOL program (LY) NOT included in proficiency rate *Entry date into ESOL program to first day of testing date (FCAT Writing). Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
11/16/2018 FY11 AYP AYP FY2011 Reading and Mathematics Proficiency Targets Reading Mathematics 79 80 79 80 Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 and Beyond School Grade - Writing
4 points and above Minimum cell size = 10 Schools with 10 or more students will receive the average of their school Schools with less than 10 will receive the district average.
FY11 and Beyond School Grade - Science
Minimum cell size = 10 Schools with 10 or more students will receive the average of their school Schools with less than 10 will receive the district average.
New Additional HS Grading Measures – 50% of Total School Grade
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 New Additional HS Grading Measures – 50% of Total School Grade 11/16/2018 Graduation Accelerated Coursework College Ready Growth/Decline Overall Possible Points Participation Possible Points: 175 (in ) 150 (in ) Reading 100 Possible Points Growth 160 Points Maximum At-Risk Possible Points Performance Possible Points: 125 (in ) Mathematics Decline 40 Points Maximum Total Graduation Points = 300 Total Acceleration Points = 300 Total Readiness Points = 200 Total Points Possible = 800 Nancy Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
% Meeting High Standards % Making Learning Gains
FY11 Assessments -School Grade Accountability Reading Mathematics Writing Science % Meeting High Standards FCAT 2.0 (Gr. 3-10) (Gr. 3-8) FCAT (Gr. 10) FCAT (Gr. 4, 8, 10) (Gr. 5, 8, 11) % Making Learning Gains FAA Low 25% Retake Bonus Points FCAT Retake or PBT (Oct) Legend FCAT 2.0 NGSSS FCAT SSS - Computer Based test SSS FAA Florida Alternate Assessment PBT (Oct) Paper-based test Fall Administration Grade A B C D F Points 525+ 0-394
FY12 Assessments included in School Grade Accountability – Grades 3-6
Reading Mathematics Writing Science Standard Curriculum Students FCAT 2.0 FCAT All Students % Making Learning Gains Includes LEP & ESE with FCAT or FAA scores FAA Lowest 25% Includes LEP & ESE Total Points? Grade Points A 525+ B C D F 0-394
FY12 Assessments included in School Grade Accountability – Grades 6-8
Reading Mathematics Writing Science Standard Curriculum Students FCAT 2.0 (Gr. 7) FCAT (Gr. 8) All Students % Making Learning Gains Includes LEP & ESE with FCAT or FAA scores (Gr. 6 & 8) FAA Lowest 25% Includes LEP & ESE Total Points? Grade Points A 525+ B C D F 0-394
FY12 Assessments included in School Grade Accountability – Grades 9-12
Reading Mathematics Writing Science Standard Curriculum Students Meeting High Standards FCAT 2.0 Algebra 1 FCAT NA All Students % Making Learning Gains Includes LEP & ESE with FCAT or FAA scores FAA Algebra 1 ? Lowest 25% Includes LEP & ESE Retake Bonus Points (if applicable) FCAT & FCAT 2.0 Retake FCAT Retake Total Points? Grade Points A 525+ B C D F 0-394 ? = How learning gains will be determined is unknown.
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY11 AYP Accountability AYP Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY12 AYP Accountability AYP Grade Reading Math Writing Science 3 FCAT 2.0 NA 4 FCAT 5 6 7 8 9 Algebra 1 EOC 10 11 12 NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY12 AYP Accountability AYP The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) peer review guidance provides for middle school students’ scores in a high school course to be “banked” for use in determining the high school’s AYP. ESEA does not allow for middle school student’s scores in high school courses to be used in determining AYP for middle schools . All grade 9 students WILL take the Algebra EOC because it is a requirement for AYP. Mayor change here is that these tests will be on-line (CBT). Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement Year in Grade 9 Reading Math Science Grad Year Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: 300 linked to FCAT (DSS 1926) FCAT : 300 (DSS 1889) Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: Level 3 Algebra 1 EOC : % of Course Grade* Algebra 1 EOC: Level 3 Geometry EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Biology EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Geometry EOC: Level 3 Biology EOC: Level 3 *This requirement does not apply to students who complete the course prior to this year. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement Year in Grade 9 Reading Math Science Grad Year Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: 300 linked to FCAT (DSS 1926) FCAT : 300 (DSS 1889) Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: Level 3 Algebra 1 EOC : % of Course Grade* Algebra 1 EOC: Level 3 Geometry EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Biology EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Geometry EOC: Level 3 Biology EOC: Level 3 *This requirement does not apply to students who complete the course prior to this year. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement Year in Grade 9 Reading Math Science Grad Year Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: 300 linked to FCAT (DSS 1926) FCAT : 300 (DSS 1889) Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: Level 3 Algebra 1 EOC : % of Course Grade* Algebra 1 EOC: Level 3 Geometry EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Biology EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Geometry EOC: Level 3 Biology EOC: Level 3 *This requirement does not apply to students who complete the course prior to this year. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11 FY 11 and Beyond Proposed Graduation Requirement Year in Grade 9 Reading Math Science Grad Year Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: 300 linked to FCAT (DSS 1926) FCAT : 300 (DSS 1889) Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0: Level 3 Algebra 1 EOC : % of Course Grade* Algebra 1 EOC: Level 3 Geometry EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Biology EOC : 30% of Course Grade* Geometry EOC: Level 3 Biology EOC: Level 3 *This requirement does not apply to students who complete the course prior to this year. NOTE: No SR/ER on any assessment. Red = Computer-based testing (CBT) as of FY2011. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
FY 11 Algebra 1 EOC FY11 incoming grade 9 students: Performance on the Algebra 1 EOC shall constitute 30% of the student’s final course grade for students enrolled in an Algebra 1 or an equivalent course . All grade 9 students WILL take the Algebra EOC because it is a requirement for AYP. Big change here is that these tests will be on-line (CBT). NOTE: These tests will be computer-based. Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
FY11 FCAT Graduation Requirement and Concordant Scores
Beginning FY11 A student must take the FCAT a total of one (1) time without earning a passing score in order to use the concordant scores from the ACT or SAT. Reading Mathematics SAT 420 340 ACT 18 15
Comprehensive and Balanced Assessment System
Assess, Analyze, Act...Making a Difference through Assessment District-wide tests and surveys schedule posted on the Department of Assessment Website:
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
Need Assistance? Contact us! Bill Thompson Director (561) , PX48664 Cherie Boone Assessment Manager (561) , PX48855 Dr. Carla Kendall Online Assessment Manager/ Mathematics Test Developer (561) , PX45822 Senella Johnson Reading /Writing Test Development Specialist (561) , PX45842 Nancy E. Brito Accountability/ Instructional Specialist (561) , PX47521 Web Site: FLDOE SharePoint: Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
What's new in assessment & accountability- FY11
Assess, Analyze, Act...Making a Difference through Assessment ĕf kă rē sto Dept. of Assessment, Performnace Accountability
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