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Freak the Mighty.

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Presentation on theme: "Freak the Mighty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freak the Mighty

2 Anticipation guide 2. Write A if you agree; write D if you disagree.
1. Read the statement. 2. Write A if you agree; write D if you disagree. 3. On the line below the statement, explain why you agree or disagree with the statement. 4. Do this for #1-6.

3 Genre focus: Realistic Fiction
1. Read the article about realistic fiction. 2. As you read, highlight the characteristics of realistic fiction. 3. Last, answer questions 1-4. 4. Underline and write the question # next to the evidence in the text that provided you with the answer. 5. Finished early? Read the About the Author article in your packet. It is your non-fiction homework for this week. 

4 Morquio syndrome 1. You will need the following: your bookmark, a pencil, and the article. 2. As you read, code the text using the symbols on your bookmark. 3. Use each symbol at least once. 4. Answer questions 1-5 in complete sentences. For question #5, highlight the evidence from the text that helped you answer the question. 5. You may work quietly with your shoulder partner. 

5 About the author 1. Read the questions for the article about the author. 2. SKIM the article. 3. Find the answers to the questions. Underline OR highlight the answers in the text. 4. Write the question number next to the highlighted/underlined information. 5. Answer the questions (1-6). Complete this for homework. Enjoy!

6 Vocabulary Preview for freak the mighty Chapters 1-5
1. For word list ch. 1-5, highlight any words that you do not know. 2. Then, listen for those words as we read.

7 Place your packet on your desk.
Open it to the King Arthur pages. I am going to check it as we read. We will go over it when we’ve finished reading for today.

8 Freak the mighty questions
1. Please choose one questions to answer for the chapters we’ve read today. So, you will answer a question for chapters 1-5 (FIVE questions total, one for each chapter. 2. Write down the chapter number and the question number by each of your answers. 3. Respond to the question in a complete sentence. You do not need to write the question. 4. Finished? Turn to the figurative language pages and do # 1-10.

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