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Teacher Leadership System School Board Presentation

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1 Teacher Leadership System School Board Presentation
April 9, 2018

2 Jessie Ketchum, Literacy Curriculum Lead
K-4: Professional Learning Classroom Observations ½ Day PL at the PLC Level for Appropriate Topics Supported implementation of Phonological Awareness Fluency/ Orthographic Mapping Linguistic Comprehension 95% Group (“New” Teachers) Primary Writing (Write Tools Replacement) Early/ Elementary/ FAST Leadership Differentiated Accountability: Core Instruction Interventions

3 Jessie Ketchum, Literacy Curriculum Lead
Literacy Blog

4 Rebecca Berchenbriter, Math Curriculum Lead
K-12 Curriculum, Standards, & Assessment support Number Talks learning & implementation (K-4) Scope & Sequence updates (K-6) Final phases of HS Math Courses redesign Spring 2018: FASTBridge Math screener (K-6) Math Education Research & Sharing Digging deeper into Math Practice standards Monthly resource highlight videos & s Remarkable Math blog

5 Rebecca Berchenbriter, Data Coach
Data Reports from Campus Data Visualization software through Tableau Data Collection and analysis with Google Forms & Sheets Support: Behavior Referrals PBIS implementation data Bus Referrals At Risk programming Building academics

6 Amber Osterkamp, Science Lead
Science Standards Implementation Adoption: In year three of four K-12 Science Council: Created a unit storyline Started designing three-dimensional assessments Experienced learning through blended PL K-12 Science Teachers: Three-dimensional teaching and student learning module PL around creating a three-dimensional unit using the storyline template

7 Amber Osterkamp, Specials Lead
Curriculum Support Moving PLC’s forward PL around the PLC cycle Powering standards Creating proficiency scales Professional learning Facilitating PL Designing and/or supporting creation of PL District PL days Health Council Media Council Specialist Reps

8 Matthew Alexander, Social Studies Lead
K-6 Social Studies Council Expanded membership to three representative per grade level Engaged with state learning on new standards and have developed three units per grade level to pilot next year Developed and implemented an introduction to the new standards for K-4 teachers on the December 4 PL Day 5-12 Social Studies teachers Engaged in state learning on the new standards and shifts in instruction 100% agreement to shift focus towards an inquiry-based approach for instruction Power standards have been selected. Proficiency scales will be developed later this year and into next year. Select PLCs will start piloting new units Next year the K-6 Social Studies Council will become a K-12 Council to insure a comprehensive approach and integration of social studies curriculum, instruction, and assessment

9 Matthew Alexander, Learning Supports
ELL-ELPA21 Assessment. One of the district coordinators. Work to ensure that all ELL teaches are up to date on training and help support their administration of the ELPA21 to their students within the testing window. Once results are back, I will help facilitate a conversation looking at the last three years of data and use that analysis to help determine next steps for the program. Gifted and Talented- I support their work through the GT Council (support development of resources for ACGE and staff PL) as well as being a member at GT Eligibility Meetings. Counselors- I support their work through the various counselor PLCs Building Facilitators- I facilitate their biweekly PLC meetings. We have worked on developing coaching strategies they can use in supporting teachers at their buildings, tightening up definitions and recording of major behavior events, and developing/implementing blended PL learning. We are currently working on the analysis of the Safe School Survey given to students in grades 3-12 and what next steps may be for each building based on the data. Olweus- In August, each paraprofessional in the district was trained in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. The feedback from the training was excellent and paraprofessionals have reported that they feel more empowered to identify and address bullying when the see it or suspect it.

10 Lindsay Spears, Special Education: Curricular Support
Research/obtain quality intervention materials to ensure: Alignment to Core, vertical alignment across the district Professional learning & fidelity of implementation Individualization of interventions: matching needs to materials Plan and facilitate building & district-wide professional learning: Interventions: best practices (literacy, math, social, executive functioning skills) K-12 SE Teachers - December and April (differentiated PL) Accessible Curriculum for ALL - systemic approach to PL Whole building overview on Universal Design of Materials (linked) Scheduling into PLCs and classrooms Developing expert learners, learner agency, personalized learning Scheduling into GE PLCs (Example of PLC Sign Up Sheet) *Include Instructional Coaches & SE teachers in these follow-up meetings to build capacity* Scheduling into classrooms (Example of an In-Class Support Sign-Up Sheet) *Train teachers through training students on the use of tools* Developing expert learners and personalized learning Use of the uPAR, RWG uPAR

11 Lindsay Spears, Special Education: Coaching Support
Personalized Learning → Designing for Access selection of services/tools based on data, training provided to teachers/students PLC Support (K-12): Coaching teachers’ and teams’ through PLC Cycle Examining effectiveness of service delivery model in closing the achievement gap Supporting teachers’ ability to diagnose/intervene by providing coaching on diagnostic tools & interpretation of results (Differentiated Accountability & Intervention System Guide) IEP Development (Transition IEP compliance and peer review process) 2012 2017 # of IEPs that needed to be amended 57 7 # of non-compliance items in IEPs 105 11

12 Deanne Thiede, TLS Lead Longitudinal Coaching Data
* Interactions 1,752 2,761 3,386 Hours 3,721 6,137 5,364 *data pulled on

13 New for 2018 TLS Advisory Committee
Purpose: Review the Teacher Leadership System’s plan (2/15) and data (4/26) to make informed recommendations (Fall 2018) Provide a variety of stakeholder voices to ensure input from all levels of the system Monitor implementation to adhere to the beliefs, philosophies and integrity of the district plan

14 TLS Advisory Committee
Long Term Goal Use data to to refine and improve our Teacher Leadership System.

15 Q & A Thank you!

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