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-The Ear -Beats Physics Mrs. Coyle.

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Presentation on theme: "-The Ear -Beats Physics Mrs. Coyle."— Presentation transcript:

1 -The Ear -Beats Physics Mrs. Coyle

2 The Ear Auditory Nerve Pinna

3 Audible Frequencies Range of Greatest Ear Sensitivity 1,000-5,000Hz
Audible Range ,000Hz Infrasonic below 20 Hz Ultrasonic above 16,000Hz Ultrasonic waves are used in sonar and in medicine to measure sizes and distances to obstacles.

4 Older people not as sensitive above 10,000Hz
Dogs hear up to 45,000Hz. Cats, bats can hear up to 75,000 – 100,000Hz.

5 Beats Beats occur when two sounds of very close frequency are heard at the same time. Beat Frequency = | f2 - f1 | Beat Pitch is the average of the two frequencies.  Beat pitch = ½ ( f2 + f1 )

6 Beats Simulation “Beats”

7 Beat Example What is the beats frequency and the beat pitch?
Two tuning forks sound simultaneously: one fork has a frequency of 256 hz and the other has a frequency of 260 hz.  What is the beats frequency and the beat pitch? Answer: 4beats/sec, Hz 4beats/sec Hz

8 Timbre : sound quality or tone color.
When two or more frequencies are played together: If the sound is a pleasant sound: Consonance. If the sound is an unpleasant sound: Dissonance.

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