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How to tackle the 16 mark judgement questions

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1 How to tackle the 16 mark judgement questions

2 Learning objective – to be able to improve responses to a 16 mark Judgement question.
I can describe key factors. Grade 3 I can explain the significance of key factors. Grade 6 I can explain and assess the degree of significance of key factors. Grade 9

3 ‘The use of muskets was the main reason for changes in the nature of warfare during the period 1500 and 1700’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. You may use the following in your answer – The use of musket and pike squares in the English Civil Wars. The establishment of the New Model Army in You must use information of your own.

4 Organise the following statements under the following headings – Use of muskets and pike squares in the English Civil Wars, Establishment of the NMA and Technological developments in weapons. The New Model Army was the first national, permanent army in England. It was a standing army. Using pike squares and muskets in new formations led to them being less vulnerable to cavalry. The Wheel-lock mechanism allowed for pistols to be made which could be used by cavalry soldiers. Muskets were cheap and training was easier compared to a longbow. The New Model Army enforced greater discipline and introduced drill training on a more frequent basis. Using pike squares enabled flexibility and combined both musketmen and pikemen. The New Model Army paid infantry soldiers a reasonable wage. Defended by pike squares, muskets could be fired continuously in groups. Lighter weight cannon allowed them to be used on the battlefield. Pike squares could defend against an attack from any side and could repel a cavalry charge. Pistols led to changes in the deployment of cavalry who could now ride up close to the enemy and fire. The New Model Army was led by experienced men appointed on merit rather than social standing.

5 ‘The use of muskets was the main reason for changes in the nature of warfare during the period 1500 and 1700’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. You may use the following in your answer – The use of musket and pike squares in the English Civil Wars. The establishment of the New Model Army in You must use information of your own.

6 Key points to consider Make sure you focus on the demands of the question. Identify clear criteria for reaching your judgements – if the question is on change, think about the extent of change as well as how long the change lasted. Remember to tie your knowledge to the question. In this case – how did each factor change the nature of warfare and was this change significant. Remember your conclusion must have three components – Judgement – Counter – Support.

7 How did the Norfolk Marriage Plot spark rebellion?
The discovery of the Norfolk marriage plot led to Norfolk being sent to the Tower. The earls of Northumberland and Westmorland feared arrest and decided to launch their planned rebellion anyway. On 8th November, the Earls ordered their tenants to join in with their rebellion to restore Catholicism in England. They marched on Durham Cathedral, expelling James Pilkington and destroying any evidence of Protestantism and held Mass.

8 How was the government able to defeat the Northern Rebellion?
Why did it fail? Earls were poor leaders Unclear aims – replace Elizabeth or just free Mary? Limited support Effective government reaction

9 What was the significance of the Northern Rebellion?
It was the first and most serious rebellious act by English Catholics. The lack of domestic support for the rebels as well as the eventual size of the Royal army demonstrated the popularity of Elizabeth. It led to harsher treatment of English Catholics, such as \the Earl of Huntingdon’s measures in surpressing Catholicism in the north. The revolt encouraged Pope Pius VI to excommunicate Elizabeth. His papal Bull not only excommunicated Elizabeth but also encouraged her assassination. This marked a turning point in the relationship between Elizabeth and Catholics, who now became a greater threat to her.

10 Plenary – a touch of Scrabble
The mystery word that relates to this lesson is worth 12 points ..... Using the Scrabble score card, can you work out which word it is?

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