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Spanish III Señora Hoffman-Fields

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1 Spanish III Señora Hoffman-Fields
The Subjunctive Mood Spanish III Señora Hoffman-Fields

2 What is the Subjunctive?
The subjunctive is not a verb tense, but a verb mood. So…what does that mean?

3 What is the Subjunctive?
It is called a mood because it does not deal with factual reality. The subjunctive expresses opinions, feelings, suppositions, dreams, and speculation. All verbs we have studied so far are verbs in the indicative mood…they express what happens in reality.

4 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood -ar verbs
Add these endings to the “yo” form of the verb. yo e nosotros -emos tú es vosotros -éis él ella e Ud. ellos ellas en Uds.

5 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood -er and -ir verbs
Add these endings to the “yo” form of the verb. yo a nosotros -amos tú as vosotros áis él ella a Ud. ellos ellas an Uds.

6 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood Spelling Changes
Some verbs will have a spelling change to preserve the sound of the infinitive. (letters Z, C, and G). Examples: criticar --- critique investigar--- investigue penalizar --- penalice proteger --- proteja extinguir --- extinga buscar --- busque

7 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood Irregular Forms
Some verbs are irregular in the subjunctive. saber ser ir sepa sepamos sepas sepáis sepan sea seamos seas seáis sean vaya vayamos vayas vayáis vayan

8 Formation of the Subjunctive Mood Irregular Forms
Some verbs are irregular in the subjunctive. dar estar haber demos des deis den esté estemos estes estéis estén haya hayamos hayas hayáis hayan

9 Uses of the Subjunctive Mood
One of the uses of the subjunctive mood is using impersonal expressions. Es necesario que el presidente proteja a los ciudadnos. Es raro que Felipe haga la tarea. Es fantástico que Señora Hoffman-Fields sea la profesora.

10 Uses of the Subjunctive Mood
However, when the impersonal expression is used to express certainty or facts, the subjunctive is NOT used. Es cierto que el presidente protege a los ciudadnos. Es evidente que Felipe hace la tarea. Es verdad que Señora Hoffman-Fields es la profesora.

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