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America Struggles with Post War Issues

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1 America Struggles with Post War Issues
How are civil liberties attacked in the post-war era?

2 Red Scare Widens Communism in Russia causes a panic in US since Communists (aka Reds) called for a worldwide communist revolution Due to Anarchist bombing campaigns, many Americans were fearful & did not see a difference between the two groups

3 No bombs or evidence of a revolution are found
Palmer Raids Atty. Gen Mitchell Palmer claims to have evidence of a massive communist bombing campaign to overthrow govt. Palmer & B of I agent J. Edgar Hoover jailed/deported thousands w/o trials No bombs or evidence of a revolution are found Discuss: Why were the Palmer raids a dark chapter in US History?

4 Post War Strikes 1. Boston police strike for more pay
Mass Gov Calvin Coolidge states can’t strike – public safety 2. US Steel Workers strike for more pay US Steel labels strikers “communist agitators” – strike ends 3. Coal Miners led by John L. Lewis strike for pay/work conditions Lewis able to gain sympathy from public, saying “we can’t fight the owners & the govt” – but overall unions down in 20s

5 Immigrant Backlash Sacco & Vanzetti case involved two Italian immigrants accused of robbery & murder (both men were alleged anarchists) Both found guilty & executed despite no eye-witnesses & both men having alibis VQ: What was Vanzetti’s alibi? Why wasn’t his alibi believed and how may the judge have played a role in their conviction? Discuss: Why do you think Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted and executed?

6 1921: Congress passes the Emergency Quota Act
Establishes maximum # of people by country that can enter US KKK sees another rise membership b/c nativist sentiment

7 Post War Racism Black/White tensions rise in cities, competition for jobs & housing 1. Chicago: black swimmer killed, police fail to arrest culprit, riot breaks out, Ntl Guard called in Discuss: Why do you think the Chicago race riots occurred and what may result in this violence? 2. Rosewood, FL: white woman accuses black man of rape, whites attack town, blacks fight back, KKK burns down town

8 ADL: Fights discrimination for Jews & other immigrants
Protecting Rights As a result of Palmer Raids, Red Scare & Nativism two organizations form to help w/ civil rights ADL: Fights discrimination for Jews & other immigrants ACLU: Fought to have those arrested under Sedition Acts & Palmer Raids freed from jail

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