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World Cultures May 18, 2015 Today’s Class Objectives:

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1 World Cultures May 18, 2015 Today’s Class Objectives:
Log on – get to work! Essential Question : What political, economic and social divisions in L.A. hinder Successful democracies? Today’s Class Objectives: Review of your research assignment on movements for independence during the 18th century What we will do, in order: Current events team trivia 15 minutes to rap up your research assignment Review of movements for independence Note quiz

2 Revolutions in Latin America (19c - Early 20c)

3 European Empires: 1660s

4 16c-18c: New Ideas Brewing in Europe

5 Causes of Latin American Revolutions
Enlightenment Ideas  writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Creole discontent at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions. Inspiration of American and French Revolutions. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal in fighting the Napoleonic Wars.

6 1. Enlightenment Ideas Laws of nature [NATURAL LAWS] govern natural science and human society. Give people rights  life, liberty, property! Make fair societies based on reason possible. Challenged the theory of “Divine Right” monarchy.

7 Enlightenment Thinkers

8 2. Creole Discontent

9 3. Inspiration of American & French Revolutions
Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen, 1789 Declaration of Independence, 1776

10 4. Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal In Fighting Napoleonic Wars

11 Provides a model & a diversion!
Napoleon on the March Provides a model & a diversion!

12 Latin American Revolutions!
Provides a model & a diversion!

13 Toussaint L’Ouveture Leads a Revolution in Haiti (1804)

14 Simón Bolivar: The “Brains” of the Revolution
Creole leader of the revolutions in Venezuela. Spent time in Europe and the newly-independent United States.

15 The “Muscle” of the Revolution
José de St. Martín and Bernard O’Higgins

16 Bolivar’s Accomplishment
After uniting Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran Columbia, he left to help free the rest of Latin America……with whose assistance?

17 San Martin Would free Argentina
O’Higgins –met with him to free Chile and the southern part of what is Peru Problem with area north of Peru—present day Equator.

18 Bolivar coming from the North.
They meet up to free all of the Peru Bolivar coming from the North. José de St. Martín and Bernard O’Higgins from the South

19 Bolivar & San Martin Fight for Independence!
New Name of the newly freed areas? Later, areas – one by one – began to withdraw from the union of Gran Columbia to become independent separate nations!

20 Mexico ends Spanish Rule
In what way was the Mexican Revolution different from other LA revolutions? In others, creoles played the leading role In Mexico –Indians and Mestizos played a major role –especially in the beginning!

21 Father Miguel Hidalgo Enlightened priest who believed that all men should be free and own land Sept.1810 he called the peasants of Dolaras to rebell against Spain --el grito de Dolaras --80,000+ Unruly army Army and upper class creoles alarmed… fearing they would lose their land to them and defeated them..

22 Father Jose Morelos Another priest took over the battle with the peasants and fought the upper class for four years. Result: Defeated by the army under the leadership of Agustin de Iturbide in 1815

23 Who lead freedom from Spain? Iturbide declared himself
In 1820 there was a revolution IN SPAIN that put “liberals” in power. Why did those in power in New Spain fear these new rulers of the mother country? because these new rulers were “liberal”…the creoles thought they might lose their powerful positions in the colony They [creoles] united and declared their independence from Spain in 1821! Who became their first leader after independence? Iturbide declared himself EMPEROR of New Spain

24 What about other areas of New Spain?
Areas beneath Mexico declared their independence from Spain too. But: Agustin de Iturbide claimed he was their Emperor too! Result? Iturbide was soon overthrown in Mexico They proclaimed their new nation “The United Provinces of Central America”

25 Latin American States After the Revolutions

26 Brazil Freed from Portugal
The Portuguese royal family escaped Napoleon by fleeing to Brazil. Pedro I set up a new, independent kingdom in 1821 when his father returned to Portugal. They asked for Pedro to allow their independence and HE AGREED No fighting!

27 Results of the Latin American Revolutions

28 1. Independence for Spanish & Portuguese Latin America
By the mid-1820s, revolts create many newly-independent nations. Toussaint L’Ouveture – Haiti Bolívar, San Martín, & O’Higgins in: Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, the United Provinces of Central America, and Gran Columbia!

29 2. No Unity! Failure of Bolivar’s dream for a united South America:
Many newly independent countries struggle with civil wars. By 1830s, geographic factors (mts., the Amazon, etc.) plus cultural differences defeated attempts at unification. Gran Columbia. United Provinces of Central America.

30 3. Independence Brought More Poverty
The wars disrupted trade. The wars devastated the cities and the countryside.

31 4. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos
WHO WERE THEY?: Mid-19c dictators  military authoritarianism. Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats. Immediately followed the fight for independence. Posed as reformers with goals to improve the economy and better the lives of the common people. Dictatorships!

32 5. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos
WHO WERE THEY?: BUT…Overthrew governments and took away basic human rights. Some attempted to make improvements, but most just cared about themselves and their families and friends [nepotism]. Power changes usually occurred at bayonet-point [coup d’etats!]

33 What is the Message?

34 Additional Problems Feuds among leaders. Geographic barriers.
The social hierarchy continued from the past. Conservatives favored the old social order. Liberals wanted land reform. Dependence on foreign nations for capital and for economic investments.

35 The Caribbean: An “American Lake”

36 “The Colossus of the North”
US dominated affairs in the Americas. 1823 – Monroe Doctrine. US takes Texas from Mexican US gains independence for Cuba. Roosevelt Corollary – US will police the America. US sent troops to Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua. US built Panama Canal – “Yankee imperialism.”

37 The Panama Canal

38 “Big Stick” Foreign Policy

39 Cause of the Mexican Revolution of 1910?

40 Mexican Revolutionaries
Emiliano Zapata Pancho Villa Venustiano Carranza Francisco I Madero Porfirio Diaz

41 The Mexican Revolution
Victoriano Huerta seizes control of Mexico and puts Madero in prison [where he will be murdered]. Venustiano Carranza, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, and Alvaro Obregon fought against Huerta. The U.S. also got involved by occupying Veracruz and Huerta fled the country. Eventually Carranza would gain power in Mexico.

42 1913: Economic Imperialism?

43 U. S. Global Investments in 1914


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