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Gestalt Therapy.

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1 Gestalt Therapy

2 Themes Gestalt: A whole or completion, or a form that cannot be separated into parts without losing its essence We are a composite whole made up of interrelated parts, (body, emotions, thoughts, etc.) none or which can be understood outside the context of the whole person We are also part of our own environment and cannot be understood apart from it

3 Themes Awareness and experience of the here and now is more important than the past or the future (The Now) Phenomenological inquiry Sensory awareness in the present moment Individuals have the capacity to self-regulate when they are aware of what is happening in and around them Paradoxical Theory of Change: We change when we become aware of what we are, as opposed to trying to become what we are not Contact needs to be made with ourselves, nature, and others Often requires a period of withdrawal to integrate what is learned

4 Process Gestalt Therapy is not so much verbal as experiential; it is about doing, not saying

5 Process Therapeutic Goals
Move toward increased awareness of themselves Gradually assume ownership of their experience (as opposed to making others responsible for what they are thinking, feeling, and doing) Develop skills and acquire values that will allow them to satisfy their needs without violating the rights of others Become more aware of all their senses Learn to accept responsibility for what they do, including accepting the consequences of their actions Be able to ask for and get help from others and be able to give to others

6 Process Ask “what” and “how” questions instead of “why” (keep things in the present tense) What is happening right now? What is going on right now? What are you experiencing as you sit there attempting to talk? What is your awareness at this moment? How are you experiencing your emotion right now? How are you attempting to withdraw at the moment?

7 Process The past often involves some sort of lack of completion or unfinished business Talk about the past as if in the present. Effects will persist until dealt with Often result in some sort of blockage in the body resulting in physical sensations or problems Leaves debris in our lives and interferes with self awareness

8 Process Spontaneity and Creativity (The Experiment)
Pays close attention to body language and regular language Confrontation

9 Process Experiential Exercises Reversal exercise Exaggeration Dreams
Use of personal pronouns Assuming responsibility Staying with the feeling* Empty chair technique*

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