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Detecting Bias on the Internet

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Presentation on theme: "Detecting Bias on the Internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Detecting Bias on the Internet
Finding a one-sided or slanted point of view

2 Definitions According to Webster’s Dictionary Online: BIAS (adj)-
A. bent; tendency B. an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially: a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment: PREJUDICE C. an instance of such prejudice D. (1): deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates (2): systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

3 Examples of Bias POLITICAL Rush Limbaugh, Radio Talk Show Host
Example: Proclaimed right wing republican uses his talk show to promote his party's platform beliefs.

4 Examples of Bias FINANCIAL
A individual or company creates website to advertise a product or service. Example: Receiving Tax Tips from a website designed and maintained by H&R Block.

5 Examples of Bias SELF-PROMOTERS
Authors of books, websites, or various written works promote their works for self-gratification. Example: Toyota Today Magazine rating its Toyota cars as the best in its class based on some specifications outlined by them.

6 Examples of Bias SPONSORS
An individual or company supports a website with the intention of gaining exposure. Example: Gaining interview and resume writing tips from a website sponsored by Kelly  and Manpower Temporary Services.

7 Facts VS. Bias Steps to follow to detect bias while reviewing websites: Step One: Identify the main idea or topic Step Two: Identify the purpose or intentions

8 Facts VS. Bias Step Three: Step Four: Identify the source of the site.
.com, ,gov, .edu, etc Step Four: Look for facts

9 Facts VS. Bias Step Five: Look for Biases
Biased cues or slanted points of views come in various forms.  The easiest way to recognize them is to identifying them using these characteristics: Emotional Responses Exaggerations Overgeneralizations: All or none statements Stereotypical comments Opinions stated as facts Imbalances or one-sided views: What seems to be the view of the site promoters or creators?

10 Facts VS. Bias Step Six: Step Seven: Compare the lists
Formulate a decision

11 Website Review As you have already learned, the Internet is inundated with information created by anyone and everyone.  Review and compare the two websites below using the seven steps we just learned, review and record your findings.

12 Website Review The following websites include comparable information about automobiles. Navigate to each website with the intention of buying a Toyota Tacoma Truck. Compare each website.

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