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Chapter 11 Standards 22,23,24.

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1 Chapter 11 Standards 22,23,24

2 The Civil Rights Movement
Black WWII vets came home ready to change the nation- WHY? President Truman supported civil rights Social justice Matter of national security Jackie Robinson integrated baseball in 1947 Starting ground to change people’s attitudes

3 The Movement Grows 1954 NAACP sued the Board of Education in Topeka Kansas Linda Brown could not attend nearest school to her home In Brown vs Board of Education the supreme court reversed Plessy Vs Ferguson Segregation illegal “separate facilities were inheritably unequal by means of having them separated”

4 Little Rock 9 9 black students ordered to go to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas blocked by state guards President sends in military to force it

5 “Atlanta too busy to hate”
City of Atlanta school integrated peacefully by 1960 Rural Georgia not until 1970

6 Montgomery Bus Boycott
Dec 1, 1955 Rosa Parks sat in white section on the bus and refused to move Arrested MLK selected to lead a bus boycott in the black community 50,000 blacks refused to ride the bus for a year Bus system finally agreed MLK viewed as leader of civil rights movement

7 SCLC MLK started his organization Southern Christian Leadership Conference Black education, voting rights, non violence MLK explained non violence in “letters from Birmingham jail” March on Washington –”I have a dream speech” I Have a Dream Speech

8 Assignment Use your copy of “I have a dream speech” to pick out one line to illustrate Illustrate the concept you choose and use the quote as the title of the drawing. Use colored paper and coloring supplies

9 SNCC Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee
Led by college students to coordinate mass demonstrations Sit ins, freedom rides The Butler

10 SLCC and SNCC did not always agree
SLCC older and more non violent SNCC younger and more intent on quick change Civil Rights Act of ended segregation in all public facilities 24th amendment eliminated all polling tax/tests

11 11.2 Social and Political Changes

12 The Warren Court The supreme court in the 1950s-60s expanded it’s power to enact social change Led by Chief Justice Earl Warren Brown vs. Board of Education Miranda vs. Arizona- Miranda rights Miranda Rights- Text

13 1968- most controversial year
Anti war demonstrations Assignation of MLK Assignation of Bobby Kennedy Riots at the Democratic National Convention

14 Johnson’s “Great Society”
President Johnson issued a “war on poverty” Planned to develop a “great society” through social programs Controversial then and today Job Corp Head Start HUD Medicare Medicaid Assistance checks Disability WIC

15 Other movements get started…
Migrant workers- led by Cesar Chavez United Farm Workers created to fight for better conditions Women’s Movement- Betty Friedan wrote “The Feminine Mystique” which rejected the idea that women are most happy being housewives and mothers Feminists began fighting for equal opportunities, pay, and an end to traditional gender roles

16 Other movements get started…
Environmentalist Movement- Rachel Carson wrote “Silent Spring” Argued that humans were hurting the environment Began the Hippy movement Earth Day started in April 1970 EPA created

17 The Rise of Conservatism
With so many changes after WWII many people were concerned that the govt was controlling too much Conservatism- belief that the govt should have as little role as possible in everyday life Civil Rights Movement Great Society Barry Goldwater- won support for Republican party- Solid South voting Democrat is over

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