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Integumentary Appendages

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1 Integumentary Appendages

2 Hair Chief parts of a hair
Filamentous strands of dead keratinized cells produced by hair follicles Contains hard keratin which is tougher and more durable than soft keratin of the skin Chief parts of a hair Root – imbedded in the skin Shaft – projects above skin's surface

3 Hair Hair Shaft organized into three concentric layers
Medulla – central core Cortex – surrounds medulla Cuticle – outermost layer Pigmented by melanocytes at the base of the hair

4 Cross Section of a Hair Figure 5.7a, b

5 Hair Follicle Root sheath extending from the epidermal surface into the dermis Deep end is expanded forming a hair bulb Papilla - nipple-shaped indentation with blood vessels and nerves    Matrix - germinal layer of cells (actively dividing cells) right above the papilla A knot of sensory nerve endings (a root hair plexus) wraps around each hair bulb Bending a hair stimulates these endings, hence our hairs act as sensitive touch receptors Arrector pili muscle - bundle of smooth muscle contracts to make hair stand erect

6 Longitudinal Section of Follicle
Figure 5.7c, d

7 Hair Follicles

8 Hair Function and Distribution
Functions of hair include: Helping to maintain warmth Alerting the body to presence of insects on the skin Guarding the scalp against physical trauma, heat loss, and sunlight Hair is distributed over the entire skin surface except Palms, soles, and lips Nipples and portions of the external genitalia

9 Sebaceous Glands (oil glands)
Occur over entire body - Except palms and soles Simple alveolar glands Holocrine secretion – entire cell breaks up to form secretion Secretes an oily substance called sebum Most are associated with a hair follicle Functions of sebum Softens and lubricates hair and skin Skin waterproofing Collects dirt

10 Sweat (Sudoriferous) Glands
Two types: Eccrine (Merocrine) Most abundant sweat gland “True sweat” 99% water with some salts Contains traces of metabolic wastes ~ 2% urea Role in thermoregulation Widely present in skin (up to 500/cm2) Apocrine Odorous secretion Absent before puberty Present in axillary, areolar, anal and genital areas

11 Eccrine (Merocrine) Gland
Figure 5.10b

12 Nails Scalelike modification of epidermis made of hard keratin
Parts of the nail Free edge Body - dense mass of keratinized cells Root Nail folds Eponychium – cuticle

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