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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Unification of FSK proposals: Status report ] Date Submitted: [17 Sep 2009] Source: Multiple (see inserts for affiliations) Re: [15.4g SUN PHY Proposals] Abstract: [Status report for unification of FSK camps] Purpose: [Status report of the merging process with a summary of the commonalities and differences between the FSK proposals. This is a work in progress, and it is expected that further merging and streamlining will be accomplished based on submissions made in TG4g.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Unification of FSK proposals -Status Report-
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Unification of FSK proposals -Status Report- 09/09/22 Slide 2 <author>, <company>

3 Contributor list ~SFF~(under construction)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Contributor list ~SFF~(under construction) Name Organization Contact address Hiroshi Harada NICT Fumihide Kojima Ryuhei Funada Sum Chin Sean Takaaki Hatauchi Fuji Electric Minoru Tanabe Panasonic Kentaro Sakamoto Tokyo Gas Aiichiro Kashiwagi Osaka Gas Takahiro Banno Toho Gas <author>, <company>

4 Contributor list ~CPP~(under construction)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Contributor list ~CPP~(under construction) Name Organization Contact address Jay Ramasastry Silver Spring Networks Cristina Seibert Benjamin A. Rolfe BCA Clinton Powell SCE Steve Shearer Shearer Inc. Britton Sanderford SENSUS * Other members in CPP proposals will soon be added <author>, <company>

5 Contributor list ~MP~(under construction)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Contributor list ~MP~(under construction) Name Organization Contact address Robert Mason Elster Kuor-Hsin Chang Roberto Aiello Self John Buffington Itron Rodney Hemminger Daniel Popa Hartman VanWyk <author>, <company>

6 Background and objective
Currently three camps have proposed FSK-based SUN as a baseline of g But some parts are commonly used over the camps and these proposals can be co-existed Some contributors in each FSK camp have met together and have started to discuss for the unification of FSK proposals This document is a status report for unification of FSK camps The contents may be changed further as continued discussions occur and agreements are reached

7 Concept of “Unified FSK Framework (UFF)”
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Concept of “Unified FSK Framework (UFF)” “Unified FSK Framework (UFF)” consists of PHY specifications from three FSK camps UFF consists of the common parts between three camps UFF (Unified FSK Framework) CPP (FSK Common Platform Proposal) MP (Merged FSK Proposal) SFF (Short Frame FSK Proposal) <author>, <company>

8 High Level Technical Summary
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> High Level Technical Summary This document presents four topics that have been discussed by the FSK groups: Modulation and Coding Schemes Proposal of unified set of modulation and coding schemes PPDU Format Proposal of unified PPDU format Data Rate Management Proposal of solution to a more efficient data rate determination Multi-PHY-Mode Management in PAN Proposal of solution to accommodating multiple PHY modes in a single PAN <author>, <company>

9 Modulation and Coding Schemes
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Modulation and Coding Schemes Slide 9 <author>, <company>

10 Modulation and coding schemes (1/2)
Modulation schemes* Frequency band Low data rate Medium data rate High data rate MHz(1MHz), MHz (Japan) 50kbps-GFSK 100kbps-GFSK 200/400kbps-GFSK/ 4GFSK 200kHz spacing 400kHz spacing MHz (China) 40kbps-GFSK, 50kbps-GFSK 100kbps-GFSK, 160kbps-GFSK MHz (Europe) 40kbps-GFSK, 200/400kbps-GFSK/4GFSK, 200kbps-4GFSK, 200kbps-OQPSK, 320kbps-4GFSK 100/250kHz spacing 250kHz spacing 250/500kHz spacing MHz (US) 50kbps-MSK/GFSK 100kbps-MSK/GFSK , 160kbps-GFSK 200/400kbps-4MSK/4GFSK, 300/400kHz spacing 300/400/600kHz spacing 2,400-2,483.5MHz (Worldwide) 100kbps-MSK/GFSK, Frequency band Low rate : 5/10 kbps Medium rate: 20 kbps High rate: 40 kbps MHz (Europe), and other bands with narrow channels 12.5/25kHz-GFSK 50kHz-GFSK 100kHz-GFSK * : All modulation indexes are under discussion

11 Modulation and coding schemes (2/2)
Non and ½ coding (TBD)

12 Appendix1: MP modulation scheme
Frequency band Low data rate Medium data rate High data rate MHz(1MHz), MHz(Japan) 50kbps 100kbps 200/ 400kbps GFSK GFSK/ 4GFSK 200kHz spacing (China) 40kbps 160kbps n/a 4GFSK 200 kHz spacing MHz (Europe) 320kbps 2GFSK/4GFSK 200/400kHz spacing 400kHz spacing MHz (US), 2,400-2,483.5MHz (Worldwide)

13 Appendix2: CPP modulation scheme
Frequency band (MHz) Parameter Low rate 50 kbps Medium rate 100* kbps High rate 200/400 kbps (Japan, 4/5 Ch.) (Japan, 24/23 Ch.) (China, 200 Ch.) Channel spacing (kHz) 200 400 Modulation GFSK** GFSK GFSK/4GFSK Modulation Index 1.0 1.0/0.33 (Europe, 5 Ch.) 250 250/500 4GFSK 0.5 0.33 (US, 85 Ch.) 2,400-2,483.5 (Worldwide, 261 Ch.) 300 300/600 FSK (GFSK) 4FSK (4GFSK) Frequency band (MHz) Parameter Low rate 5/10 kbps Medium rate 20 kbps High rate 40 kbps (Europe), and other bands with narrow channels Channel spacing (kHz) 12.5/25 50 100 Modulation GFSK Modulation Index 1.0(EU), 0.5(other) Note*: Default rate in these bands Note**: BT of 0.5 used with GFSK

14 Appendix3: SFF modulation scheme
Frequency band Low data rate Medium data rate High data rate MHz(1MHz), MHz (Japan) 50kbps-GFSK 100kbps-GFSK 200/400kbps-GFSK/ 4GFSK 200kHz spacing 400kHz spacing Note*: Default rate in these bands Note**: BT of 0.5 used with GFSK

15 Appendix4: PSD on 950MHz from “15.4d” ~Japanese regulation~
Frequency band Frequency Relative limit Absolute limit 950 MHz band (for 10mW GFSK channels) |f-fc| > 0.4MHz - -39dBm 0.4MHz>|f-fc|>0.2MHz -18dBm (within 200kHz width) dBm/100kHz 10dBm No more than -18dBm 0dBm -10dBm -20dBm -30dBm -40dBm 400kHz 200kHz fc

16 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Can be discussed further
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> PPDU Format Can be discussed further Slide 16 <author>, <company>

17 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> PPDU compatibility Desire to get to a common PPDU format, but work is still in progress. Current state shown below (MP PHR needs to be updated to the latest proposal – see document #0628) SFD indicates the employed PHR setting out of the following capabilities 15.4d PHR setting (by 0xDD4H?) SFF PHR setting (by 0xXXXX) CPP PHR setting (by 0xYYYY) MP PHR setting (by 0xAA2D) Mandatory/Optional PHR can be decided when “common mode signal” is determined Compatible PPDU format Octet: variable 2 Bit: variable 16 SHR Preamble SFD 1 variable 2 7 16 PHR PSDU Frame length Reserved PHY payload excluding FCS FCS 15.4d PHR SFF PHR 2 variable 2/4 4 1 11 16/32 PHR PSDU Frame control Frame length (MSB first) PHY payload excluding FCS FCS CRC option CPP PHR 1 2 variable 4 8 16 32 PHR PSDU Scrambler seed (Optional) Payload ctrl PHY payload excluding FCS FCS MP PHR 2 variable 4 5 1 11 32 PHR PSDU CRC Header FEC1 Legacy Format change=0 FEC Data whitening RFU Network ID FEC2 Length PHY payload excluding FCS <author>, <company>

18 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 1: 15.4/4dMAC Octet: 3.75/4/5 1 2 4~20 0/5/6/10/14 variable Bit: 30/32/40 8 7 16 32~160 0/40/48/80/112 SHR PHR PSDU MHR MAC payload MFR preamble SFD Frame length Reserved Frame control Sequence # Addressing field Auxiliary security hr. Data payload FCS <author>, <company>

19 Appendix 2: CPP camp proposal
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 2: CPP camp proposal SFD extension to recognize from the legacy devices Frame length extension to support 1500 octet PHY payload 2 octet PHR consists of Payload ctrl field that indicates payload length 4 octet FCS employed Optional scrambler seed field addition, assuming EXT field? Minimal PPDU format Octet: variable 2 variable 4 Bit: variable 16 32 SHR PHR PSDU Preamble SFD Payload ctrl PHY payload excluding FCS FCS Extended PPDU format (w/ scramble seed) Octet: variable 2 1 variable 4 Bit: variable 16 8 32 SHR PHR PSDU Preamble SFD Scrambler seed (Optional) Payload ctrl PHY payload excluding FCS FCS Payload ctrl field Bit: 1 4 11 EXT Data rate control Payload length <author>, <company>

20 Appendix 3: MP camp proposal(1/3:Summary)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 3: MP camp proposal(1/3:Summary) Two types of PHY frames are proposed: Type #1 – Normal frame (no data rate or modulation change) Type #2 – Format Change frame (indicates change of data rate and/or modulation) A Format Change frame is a simple frame followed by a Normal frame All frames have a simple FEC algorithm to protect the PHY header Normal Frame Octet: variable 2 variable 4 Bit: variable 16 5 1 11 32 SHR PHR PSDU CRC Preamble SFD Header FEC1 Legacy Format change=0 FEC Data whitening RFU Network ID FEC2 Length PHY payload excluding FCS <author>, <company>

21 Appendix 4: MP camp proposal(2/3:Summary)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 4: MP camp proposal(2/3:Summary) Normal Frame Header FEC1: 5-bit wide extended Hamming code covering the following 11 bits of information Legacy: Indicates if the frame is from or to a legacy device. If Legacy = 1, the remainder of the frame is defined by the legacy vendor, but are still protected by Header FEC1 Format Change: A value of zero indicates a normal frame PSDU FEC: Indicates if FEC is used for the payload. Options are provided for a simple (i.e. block) or more complex (convolutional) algorithms 0 = no FEC 1 = option #1 2 = option #2 3 = reserved Data Whitening: Indicates if data whitening is used on the PSDU field. If used, the seed value is based on the channel number RFU: Reserved for future use Network Id: An indication of the utility network Header FEC2: 5-bit wide extended Hamming code covering the following 11 bit length field Length: The length of the PSDU which is the payload size before payload FEC. <author>, <company>

22 Appendix 5: MP camp proposal(3/3:Summary)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 5: MP camp proposal(3/3:Summary) Format Change Frame Header FEC1: 5-bit wide extended Hamming code covering the following 11 bits of information Legacy: Indicates if the frame is from or to a legacy device. If Legacy = 1, the remainder of the frame is defined by the legacy vendor Format Change: A value of one indicates a format change frame Setting Delay: Indicates if the following normal frame is transmitted after a default (0) or extended (1) settling delay. Settling delay values are functions of the Modulation/Data Rate/Channel field. Modulation/Channel/Data Rate: Indicates the modulation, channel, and data rate to be used for the following normal frame. Octet: variable 2 Bit: variable 16 5 1 8 SHR PHR Preamble SFD Header FEC1 Legacy Format Change=1 Setting delay Modulation/Channel/Data Rate <author>, <company>

23 Appendix 6: SFF PPDU design
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Appendix 6: SFF PPDU design Different SFD to distinguish between d and g in 950MHz band in Japan One octet ( d) vs two octets Support for short frame (with CRC-16) for efficiency Frame control field to define FEC option Data rate (modulation order, 2/4GFSK for high data rate) CRC option (16 or 32) Proposed PPDU format Octet: variable 2 variable 2/4 Bit: variable 16 4 1 11 16/32 SHR PHR PSDU Preamble SFD Frame control Frame length (MSB first) PHY payload excluding FCS FCS CRC option * FEC option * Data rate (2/4 GFSK) -> no change in symbol rate * Others … 0: CRC-16 (mandatory) 1: CRC-32 (optional) <author>, <company>

24 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Can be discussed further
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Data Rate Management Can be discussed further Slide 24 <author>, <company>

25 PHY data rate management
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> PHY data rate management Data rate in a PHY mode shall be managed either by PHY or by MAC according to the situations PHY Management: Data rate indicator shall be embedded in PHR MAC Management: Data rate shall be negotiated via MAC procedure and used to determine a device’s capabilities, but common signaling is still used for communications MAC management can provide shortened frame without data rate indication field, but it requires additional MAC procedures <author>, <company>

26 Multi-PHY-Mode Management in PAN
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Multi-PHY-Mode Management in PAN Can be discussed further Slide 26 <author>, <company>

27 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Discussed Solutions This document specifies a common signaling (CS) design as the bridge for synchronization control among three PHY modes; FSK, OFDM, DSSS The CS is a PHY layer specification that has to be supported by all three candidate PHY modes The CS shall be used by all three PHY modes when exchanging essential command and control signaling Three options are proposed: Option 1: CS to be employed fully in beacon frames, command frames and acknowledgement frames Option 2: CS to be employed in preamble of all frames Option 3: No CS employed <author>, <company>

28 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Conclusions This document introduce a concept of “Unified FSK Framework (UFF)” and consists of four parts Modulation and Coding Schemes Proposal of unified set of modulation and coding schemes PPDU Format Proposal of unified PPDU format Data Rate Management Proposal of solution to a more efficient data rate determination Multi-PHY-Mode Management in PAN Proposal of solution to accommodating multiple PHY modes in a single PAN <author>, <company>

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