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Future Fiber Architectures

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1 Future Fiber Architectures
John A. Jay Manager, Worldwide Applications Engineering 19 November 2009

2 John A. Jay Manager, Worldwide Applications Engineering, Corning Optical Fiber 26 years in fiber optics at Corning BChE 1983 Georgia Institute of Technology Rapporteur, ITU-T Study Group 15 Question 1 “Coordination of Access Network Transport Standards” IEC Subcommittee 86A (“Fibres and cables”)/Working Group 1(“Optical Fibres”) Founding member of the Fiber to the Home Council

3 Fiber network technology is well established and proven
Fiber is an optimum immediate investment to carry networks to the “post-100 Mb/s era” Fiber network technology is well established and proven Fiber networks are highly reliable Fiber networks reduce operating costs Fiber networks have the smallest carbon footprint of access network technologies Fiber network technology is well established and proven Fiber access network standards, e.g., ITU-T G.983 (1998), are over 10 years old – older than VDSL2 (2006). In Japan alone there are 15 million FTTH subscribers Fiber networks are highly reliable In the 35 years since the first commercial use of fiber optics in telephony, fiber optics have demonstrated an extraordinarily high reliability. Comprehensive testing programs like Verizon NEBS ensures product reliability There is no known “wear out” mechanism for the passive optical plant. I am frequently called about running current technologies, e.g. 40 Gb/s DWDM, on networks installed 25 years ago. Fiber networks reduce operating costs Verizon engineers reported to the Fiber to the Home Council that the lower lifetime maintenance of a Greenfield fiber access network had an NPV of $200/subscriber. Verizon reports FiOS maintenance is 39% less than copper. OSP feeder and distribution alone is 91% less. Fiber networks have the smallest carbon footprint of access network technologies Fiber FiOS power consumption is 38% of copper DSL. Similar CPE, but 12 kWh/yr/line for FiOS vs copper. NTT report “CO2 reduction of 57% by sharing an optical fiber”.

4 Fiber networks have the strongest transmission capability
Current fiber network architectures are upgradeable for technologies taking us in to the 100 Mb/s era Fiber networks have the strongest transmission capability Fiber network standardization is established well past GPON Developing standards drafted (or envisioned) to leverage current fiber product and invested Plant Fiber networks are compatible with all other access network technologies Fiber networks have the strongest transmission capability Highest bandwidth capability Lowest jitter & latency LTE (4G wireless) not capable of voice yet xDSL jitter is too high for 3G & 4G backhaul Fiber network standardization is established well past GPON 10G PON standards are approved in ITU-T and IEEE 100 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s Point-to-Point standards are approved in ITU-T and IEEE Developing standards drafted (or envisioned) to leverage current fiber product and invested Plant Operators and vendors in ITU-T work to prevent obsolescence of current fiber network plant investment Current effort to standardize OMCI for all ITU access standards (PON and Point-to-Point) published and pending Fiber networks are compatible with all other access network technologies PON terminals standardized to interface with Layer 2 and Layer 3 data services, Ethernet services, IEEE services (“Wi-Fi”), xDSL services and MoCA (among others) Must use fiber for 4G wireless backhaul ( as well as from the base station to the antenna up the tower)

5 PON support of 4G wireless Reach extension - 60 km reach or more
Current fiber network architectures are scalable for technologies taking us beyond the 100 Mb/s era PON support of 4G wireless Reach extension - 60 km reach or more WDM PON - A wavelength to each customer RFOG PON support of 4G wireless Base station synchronization/Time of Day delivery Reach extension - 60 km reach or more Enables increased split ratios reduces carriers’ costs Central Office consolidation reduces carriers’ costs Makes FTTH available in less dense population regions WDM PON - A wavelength to each customer Several solutions proposed and in field tests Enables services like MλPS RFOG Extends cable television service fiber direct to subscriber

6 Fiber networks create infrastructure for Innovation and Investment up to and beyond the “100 Mb/s era” Fiber is ready for the 100 Mb/s era today Optical fiber access networks leverage current fiber product and invested Plant Fiber networks are compatible with all other access network technologies Fiber networks complement other access network technologies in cases they are a better solution Fiber networks are the optimum baseline infrastructure for extending broadband and developing new and improved applications Fiber is ready for the 100 Mb/s era today Fiber network standards delivering 100 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s to the home have existed for years. Products (including home terminals) to provide 1 Gb/s to the subscriber have existed for years Optical fiber access networks leverage current fiber product and invested Plant ITU-T and IEEE roadmaps are accommodated by the fiber networks being built today Compatible with all other access network technologies ITU-T standardizes PON interfaces to other access network technologies like Ethernet service, IEEE , xDSL, etc. Complements other access network technologies in cases they are a better solution PON application for wireless backhaul CATV migration to RFOG/DOCSIS-PON Optimum baseline infrastructure for extending broadband and developing new and improved applications “Reach Extension” PON can deliver PON 60 km from the CO and increase split ratios to reduce operators’ costs. WDM-PON and MPλS BB served to low density populations with 3G or 4G wireless Backhaul for xDSL extension devices Low carbon footprint for these service models

7 Back-Up Material

8 Homes Passed + Homes Connected
Fiber networks already prove in over copper for new builds & are closing the gap vs. overbuilds $ Deployment Cost 2000 FTTH Costs Homes Passed + Homes Connected 2008 2010F = $/HP = $/HC 1,450 1000 1,300 2,600 2004 Since 2004, the cost to deploy FTTH has dropped about 45% It now costs network providers about $1,450 to bring optical solutions direct to your home. Due to the adoption of new technical innovations we expect deployment costs to continue to decline to $1,300 by 2010. Since 2004, the cost to deploy FTTH has dropped about 45% -- in other words, it now costs network providers about $1,450 to bring optical solutions direct to your home. Due to the adoption of new technical innovations we expect deployment costs to continue to decline to $1,300 by 2010. As a result, fiber to the home is becoming the preferred choice for most carriers as they expand their networks. Source: Fiber to the Home Council

9 Fiber network products produced for FTTP Innovation reducing labor costs
The Solutions Group’s Factory Installed Termination System (FITS) is a field-proven technology. Fiber optic drop cables are factory terminated to a fiber distribution cable creating a plug-n-play system that eliminates installation steps in the field. Quality is also improved because the entire FITS system is tested before cable reels are shipped. The cost of deploying fiber optic cable in the local loop can be significantly reduced. FITS Features: • Reduced total cost of ownership • Quick deployment allows rapid turn-up of enhanced services • Permits end-to-end testing before FITS is shipped to the field • Eliminates costly field inventory holding costs • Promotes increases in field installation productivity • Minimizes network installation expense • High quality factory termination maximizes network performance • Reliability lowers system maintenance cost over time • Full factory warranty against manufacturing defects • Meets or exceeds stringent Telcordia testing standards For splicing up to four fiber drop cable to a fiber distribution cable Allows for testing entire system before it goes to the field Designed to work with central core tube cable and stranded fiber Significantly reduces the cost of deploying fiber in the local loop Meets same environmental/mechanical performance specifications as XAGA 1650 closures (filled splice closure based on heat-shrink technology) The Factory Installed Fiber-Optic Termination System (FITS FOSC) is a taut-sheath, in-line closure for "pre-terminated plant" where all fiber splicing and closure installations are done in a controlled factory environment. Installed closures can be shipped to the field on 30-inch reels and pulled through two-inch bores with up to 600 pounds of force. Closure sealing and cable strain relief are achieved by heat shrinking an outer body or sheath. During the installation, a cable core blocking system capable of withstanding a 20-foot waterhead for 30 days seals to protect the termination.

10 WDM PON architecture Source:

11 Fiber to the Tower Source: Light Reading and Ericsson

12 Fiber access networks have the smallest carbon footprint of all broadband technologies
For 1M users equates to 250K-700K gallons of CO2 or $1-3M Source: Light Reading and Ericsson

13 CO2 reduction effect of Internet connection service with PON (passive optical network) system
CO2 reduction of 57% by sharing an optical fiber Source: NTT

14 Summary Optical fiber access networks leverage current fiber product and invested Plant Optical fiber networks offer the strongest technical capability Fiber networks installed today are future-proof Fiber networks are the best infrastructure for Innovation and Investment Fiber networks are the optimum baseline infrastructure for extending broadband and developing new and improved service models and applications

15 References “Environmental Impact Reduction by Broadband Services”, Mr. Hiromichi SHINOHARA, ITU Symposium "ICTs and Climate Change“. Kyoto, Japan, 15 – 16 April 2008 “NEBS/FOC: Green Network Topologies” L. C. Graff, Verizon NEBS Conference 2008 “Communication Goes Green” “GPON in Practice Where, When, How?” Michael Gronovius. A Light Reading Webinar June 22nd, 2009.


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