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ROME IS IN PANIC! In a very short period of time Hannibal destroys two large Roman armies. Rome is in a complete state of chaos and conflict, and is.

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Presentation on theme: "ROME IS IN PANIC! In a very short period of time Hannibal destroys two large Roman armies. Rome is in a complete state of chaos and conflict, and is."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROME IS IN PANIC! In a very short period of time Hannibal destroys two large Roman armies. Rome is in a complete state of chaos and conflict, and is facing the greatest threat in the history of the Republic. In the face of this state of crisis the Roman consuls elect a dictator, Fabius Maximus. Fabius is given absolute power to handle the situation.

2 Fabius understood that Hannibal had a huge advantage with his superior cavalry and worked to create a plan that could counteract the Carthaginian military force. Fabius knew that Rome would ultimately be victorious because of its numerical superiority. The new dictator put together his plan, that history remembers as the “Fabian Tactic”. Avoid direct confrontation with Hannibal’s forces. Protect Roman allies. Wear down Hannibal’s forces through small raids. The caution in this approach lost Fabius favor amongst Roman senators who wanted a more aggressive strategy. Citizens throughout Roman territory were upset at the approach as well as Hannibal’s forces were continuously destroying property throughout Italy.

3 The “Fabian Tactic” was proving to be ineffective as Hannibal’s forces moved throughout Italy unchecked, eventually destroying 400 Roman towns and capturing several large cities. Two new Roman consuls were elected and promised to make short work of Hannibal. The plan of the new consuls was to raise the largest army in Roman history and march to crush Hannibal’s forces. Roman forces would meet Hannibal’s army outside the town of Cannae. Cannae was the worst defeat in Roman history. 70,000 Romans were killed. Hannibal only lost around 6,000 of his men. An entire generation of soldiers and political leaders were wiped out in a single day.

Public displays of mourning illegal Negotiation with the enemy illegal Following Cannae, several major Roman cities revolted, as did large populations in Southern Italy. The situation was spiraling out of control. In less than 2 years, Hannibal had killed upwards of 175,000 Roman soldiers. Even in the face of the danger however, Rome rejected the thought of peace on Hannibal’s terms. THE WAR HAD JUST BEGUN! Rome resumed its “Fabian Tactic” strategy. Rome began to recapture cities that had been taken by Hannibal. Between B.C.E., Rome’s manpower and organization slowly turned the tide. At its peak of mobilization, Rome fielded an army of 25 different legions. Each legion held 6,000 men. It’s naval fleet consisted of 200,000 Romans. Because Hannibal was away from home and didn’t have the numbers, he was constantly reacting to Roman strategy. Hannibal had to act towards his ultimate goal.

5 If you were leading Rome, what would your strategy be?
In 211 B.C.E., Hannibal marched his forces towards Rome. It would be 600 years before another foreign army would be outside the gates of the Roman capital. Despite his success in large battles, Hannibal lacked the resources needed for a siege. By 209 B.C.E., Rome had retaken most of its lost cities. The decade long war had devastated the Italian economy. Rome was eager for peace and an end to the conflict. If you were leading Rome, what would your strategy be?

6 SETBACKS FOR HANNIBAL Hannibal’s brother, who was attempting to move Carthaginian forces to aid Hannibal was killed and the army was destroyed. In 207, Hispania was conquered by Roman forces. A large resupply fleet was destroyed in 205. Under the direction of General Scipio Africanus, Rome invaded Northern Africa. Hannibal was forced to return home to defend Carthage.

7 In 202 B.C.E., Hannibal and Scipio’s forces met at the Battle of Zama.
Hannibal was able to deploy war elephants in the battle, but Scipio had tactics to minimize their effectiveness. 20,000 Carthaginians were killed and another 20,000 were captured. Rome only lost around 2,000 in the battle. Hannibal survived the battle and attempted to regroup. It was all for not as Carthage sued for peace. The terms were even harsher than the First Punic War. Carthage surrendered all foreign territory to Rome. Carthage could no longer wage war without Roman permission. Carthage paid Rome 10,000 talents. (only 1,200 in the 1st War) Carthage’s empire and military power were broken. ROME STOOD UNCHALLENGED AS THE POWER OF THE MED. SEA.

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