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Unit 8, Part 6: decline and fall of rome

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1 Unit 8, Part 6: decline and fall of rome

2 PROBLEMS IN THE EMPIRE Tribes of Germanic warriors, whom the Romans barbarians because they considered them to be uncivilized, attacked Rome’s northern borders. At the same time, Persian armies invaded in the east. Rome defended itself for 200, but at great cost. Frontier areas were abandoned because they were too dangerous, and Germanic tribes moved in. Rome even invited Germanic farmers from the very tribes they were fighting to grow crops on their lands to help produce more foods. Whole communities moved in, developed their own leaders, ignored the emperors, and caused trouble for Rome. Disease killed many people. Government increased taxes to pay for defense.

3 DIVISION OF THE EMPIRE The Empire had become too large to rule effectively.  The outer provinces were pretty much doing whatever they wanted. Emperor Diocletian was looking for a way to fix these problems.  He decided that the only thing to do was to actually break the empire into two pieces: Eastern Empire – based in Rome Western Empire – based in Byzantium Two emperors – Work together against outside enemies, but each rule their half separately. This turned out to be a very good plan at least for the Eastern half of the empire.  When the Western Roman empire collapsed, the Eastern Empire continued for another thousand years.

4 FALL – Military Reasons
The Western Empire eventually fell. There is no one single reason, but was instead a series of problems: Visigoths plundered Rome People flee from the Visigoths, Vandals, and Huns into the Roman Empire In 476, Roman emperor is ousted Roman legions become lazy and poorly trained Military hires mercenaries

5 FALL – Political Reasons
Government oppressed people and lost their support Corrupt officials undermined loyalty 26 emperors within 50 years – instability Diocletian divided the empire into eastern and western parts to make it easier to govern. Constantine made Constantinople his capital

6 FALL – Economic Reasons
Heavier taxes to support government and military. Poor particularly overtaxed. Reliance on slaves discouraged exploration of new technology and put other people out of work. War and disease devastate the economy. Farmers abandoned their land because of poverty. Trade decreased while taxes and prices increased.

7 FALL – Social Reasons Traditional values eroded away.
Upper class became indulgent and lazy. Became more concerned with leisure activities (sports, games, baths, etc.) Handouts to poor undermined self-reliance Education and innovation replaced by indulgence.

8 THE END OF ROME Rome - Kingdom, Republic and Empire together – had lasted about 1200 years.  The Eastern Roman empire continued another 1000 years.

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