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Summer Reading 2018-2019 Helpful Hints.

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1 Summer Reading Helpful Hints

2 Frequently Asked Questions
When is the assignment due? Both notecatchers are due on August 28, 2018 What if I don’t have a computer at home? You can complete the assignment on paper, packets are available in the front office or it can be printed from the website. Do I need to buy the book or can I check it out of the library? While it is not mandatory that you purchase either of the books, you may need to return to the texts in the Fall. What kind of book can I choose? Every MGM English I Honors student will read Hidden Figures: Young Readers Edition and a second book of your choice. When choosing a text remember the following: Choose a book that you have not previously read Choose a book that is just right for you

3 Choosing a Just Right Book
Choose texts with a content that you find interesting and engaging. If possible, try and read the first few pages to see if the text grabs your attention. Be mindful of your Lexile Range and the suggested age and grade recommendations for the book, try and select a text that will challenge you, but that you can comprehend. **NOTICE:​ Young Adult titles often cover mature subject matter and may include strong language. Parents should review all titles to determine if the book seems appropriate for their student reader. You can find information about most titles on the following websites: Amazon Book Reviews and Common Sense Media.

4 Synopsis A synopsis is a brief summary of a text, it provides a brief summary of the main events and characters. The synopsis is more than a gist of the book, it should include all components of a plot mountain.

5 Theme A theme is the central idea. It is the message or lesson the author wants to convey. **It is NOT a word or a phrase. **For example: The theme of The Lightning Thief is discovering one’s true identity. (Not just “identity”) Notice that the theme is written without identifying the characters or referencing incidents in the text; a theme is a central idea that can be applied to other texts and the real world.

6 Symbolism Symbolism is a literary device that represents a larger idea or quality different from their literal sense. Often, symbolism is an object representing another object, however, a symbol can also be a color, action, or word. ** Example: bald eagle=freedom; green=envy/jealousy white= purity/ holiness spring= youth

7 Tone The tone in a text is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words, or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject. The tone can be: formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad, or cheerful, dark, persuasive, critical, etc. Example: “I gasped for breath, and yet the officers heard it not. I talked more quickly, more vehemently but the noise steadily increased. I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased.” (Edgar Allen Poe, A Tell-Tale Heart) The tone of this selection from A Tell-Tale Heart is guilty and nervous, the author’s choice of phrases such as “talked more quickly” and “violent gesticulations” show the character’s nervousness while talking to the police officers.

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