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Writing Explanations When do I use it? To explain- What something is

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Explanations When do I use it? To explain- What something is"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Explanations When do I use it? To explain- What something is
How things work Why things happen How is thunder made? How do aeroplanes fly? Why does the wind blow?

2 Explanations Where can we see examples of explanations? recipe books
newspapers instruction manuals magazines guide books non-fiction books

3 How do I write an explanation?
Explanations How do I write an explanation? Title: Use how or why in the title helps. Try to make the title interesting to the reader. For example How to play a kazoo?

4 This sounds interesting!
Explanations This sounds interesting! Introduction: Name the object and tell what you are going to explain. Give a little detail, e.g. definition, where it’s from ask a question to interest the reader For example, Have you played a kazoo before? The kazoo can be a tricky instrument to play, but lots of people enjoy playing it. I am going to explain how to….

5 Explanations Explanation:
Ordered steps to describe or explain a process. Name it’s parts. Talk about how it works When you use it Why you use it You can include diagrams, which you will need to label and write captions for. First Finally handles tube wheels turn

6 Explanations Concluding Statement: You may want to include interesting or special comments about what you have explained or special features. For example, Try and make some fun noises like a fast racing car or a buzzing bee!

7 What features might I find inside?
Explanations What features might I find inside? Writing in present tense, e.g. you move it by pulling on the strings Conjuctions, e.g. because, and, but, when, so, as Time words, e.g.first, second next, finally Diagrams/illustrations, photos, with labels and captions Glossary of technical language

8 We can plan an explanation
Explanations We can plan an explanation What is it? Musical instrument Key words? -Mirlitons -Vibrate -membrane How does it work? When hummed into it makes the membrane vibrate, which makes the noise. Kazoos Where is it from? From the instrument family called Mirlitons What does it look like? -Tube like shape -2 openings -Wax paper membrane -Cap and tower How you use it? Hum /sing into it

9 Explanations Title introduction Explanation/description conclusion

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