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Modernising the Retained Service

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1 Modernising the Retained Service
“Out of the “Too Difficult” Box Modernising the Retained Service Is this familiar? (point to exploding box) RDS issues now appear so difficult to resolve, that any attempt to modernise them blows up in your face. WELCOME

2 Making the Transition Dene Sanders Assistant Chief Officer and Director of Personal and Organisational Development Humberside Fire & Rescue Service Introduce yourself explaining your role in the transition process.

3 The Research Questions
Can the RDS actually deliver an effective emergency response and the local IRMP to the IPDS standard? What would this entail? Go through each of the three bullet points. Explain that for each Service to provide a solution for their needs, they must be clear what these needs actually are. What do we do first?

4 The RDS “Stepping Stones” Strategy
Introduce a salary scheme Identify the reactive workload Identify the proactive workload Identify the delivery system Identify the support system Utilise the IPDS and NVQs Harmonise systems with the WDS Provide a standard audit system. Mention a full time researcher (an ex officer qualified in the subject matter) was employed full time to devise the transition programme. It became apparent that the first issue to address was the salary. If you do not protect this you are in reality asking RDS personnel to fund the modernisation programme through less pay when the calls reduce through community safety initiatives. In Humberside, pay is linked to each station’s historical workload and the type of contract. The local monthly salary is fixed and does not reduce as the calls reduce. Quickly go through the rest of the bullet points and say they will be explained during the presentation.

5 Advantages of the IPDS and NVQs
The IPDS is a National Standard. An NVQ is a National Standard. The IRMP is delivered to the National Standard. Use of the IPDS & NVQs validates systems and Processes. WDS/RDS Harmonisation occurs. Before you go through the bullet points, explain this is why Humberside chose the IPDS and NVQ route. After all the bullet points are on the screen say; our electronic recording and auditing system, PDRpro, provides a measure of the inputs, outputs and outcomes to produce a standard audit trail for both internal and external audits. By having a standard measure of performance, the duty system being worked becomes irrelevant. Development and maintenance of competence are therefore applied consistently to both individuals and teams irrespective of the location or duty system.

6 WDS and RDS Harmonisation
Same NFST Standard for Recruitment Same Phase 1 Initial Training Course Same Phase 2 Programme Same Phase 3 Programme (eight sessions) Same Personal Records System Go through the bullet points to confirm the current situation in Humberside. When you come to the Phase 3 programme, mention that he next slide will go into more detail. Same Transfer and Promotion Opportunities.

7 The RDS eight-session IPDS Cycle
UNITS Week 1 1 2 3 6 8 9 Week 2 1 4 6 7 8 9 Week 3 1 2 5 6 8 9 Week 4 Non-Specific Activities Week 5 1 3 6 7 8 9 Week 6 1 2 4 6 8 9 Explain that the RDS take eight weeks to complete eight sessions and the WDS take two tours of duty. This caters for the different duty systems. In reality this means the RDS are assessed (session 8) after 16 hours of activity whilst the WDS are assessed after 96 hours of activity. Managers confirm their IPDS role map by managing the firefighter development programme and managing emergency incidents. (A handout will be given to them explaining the system) Details of the Firefighter IPDS units on the screen: Community Safety Personal Development Save and Preserve Life Operational Incidents Hazardous Materials Risk Analysis and Standard Tests Team Development Technical Fire Safety Driving and Maintenance of Emergency Vehicles Week 7 1 5 6 7 8 9 Week 8 Assessments

8 Phase 3: IPDS Eight-Session Cycle
RDS cycle takes eight weeks to complete. WDS Cycle takes eight days/nights to complete. Sessions piloted at Snaith RDS Station. First two bullet points: Confirm that the only difference between the RDS cycle and the WDS cycle is that the RDS take eight weeks to complete a full cycle using their weekly development sessions. Mention also that Humberside has found two hours per week is sufficient for the development and maintenance of competence. Last two bullet points: The system was piloted at one of our most remote RDS fire stations (30 miles from our HQ) which does little emergency work with the majority of this performed in North Yorkshire’s Fire Service area. Before the pilot very little CFS work was being done. This was the best place to pilot the system because if it works here it would work anywhere. Snaith is now fully involved with its community, delivering the local IRMP to the IPDS standard with everyone qualified to the NVQ standard. How did we do it? (next slide) All 12 personnel achieved an NVQ in 12 months.

9 Learning and Development in Harmony
Personal Development Advisor Training Associate Watch Based Personnel Go through each bullet point in turn: All station based personnel are supported by a Personal Development Advisor. They assist not only individuals but also the Watch Manager to plan training and development matched to the IPDS cycle and needs of his/her personnel. A Training Associate (a HQ based trainer) assists the Watch Manager to deliver specialist training such as trauma care, road traffic collisions and use of specialist equipment. The Training Associate also trains watch personnel to act as advisors in certain subjects so that they are a self-sufficient unit as far as possible. All Watch Based Personnel have responsibilities under the IPDS (unit 2: Personal Development and unit 7: Team Development) to mentor and support each other.

10 Collaborative Approach
Identify individual and team needs. Pre-plan using the appropriate IPDS Cycle Deliver the Session Assess and Evaluate the Outcome Provide NVQ evidence if required. Record the activities on PDRpro Use the bullet point titles to explain that you cannot transform systems and processes by treating just the effect, cherry pick or in a piecemeal fashion. You must treat not only the cause or causes that lead to the effect but also the system and processes that have served the UK Fire Service well over the years, but are now obsolete in the modern world we find ourselves in. Pre-plan using information and the IPDS Cycle.

11 Direct Transfer Policy
Based on National Assessment Unit guidelines Selects the ‘best’ person for the vacancy Uses a points based league table open to all uniformed staff Promotes personal development Is fair to all

12 “Win-Win” with RDS to WT Transfers
Many RDS transferees are willing to offer good daytime cover in their WT rota days. Achieved through job share and ‘short hours’ contracts The above makes RDS cover more attractive to existing WT firefighters (no need to give 70 hours availability)

13 Benefits “You have a harmonised approach to learning and development that delivers the local IRMP to the IPDS standard irrespective of the duty system worked. It is also Health and Safety compliant enabling inter-operability to occur naturally.” Read PowerPoint text. Today, change is still occurring in Humberside. For example: we are piloting a new RDS crewing system to provide a Working Time Regulation compliant system at three stations. At two other stations we are piloting the provision of RDS Clerks. Change is a continuous process and in order to appreciate the importance of that statement – more of the same means more change.

14 Any Questions?

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