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The International Association of Emergency Managers

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1 The International Association of Emergency Managers
My name is ____________ and I represent IAEM Region _____. I’m here to tell you about the vision and mission of IAEM; the activities and impact of IAEM; and how YOU can become an important part of the work of our association. …helping emergency managers protect life and property from disaster

2 IAEM Mission To advance the profession by promoting the principles of emergency management To serve our members by providing information, networking and professional development opportunities To advance the emergency management profession Adopted a new mission in …

3 How Did It All Begin? IAEM implements Internationalization (2008)
2000 IAEM scholarship program created (1999) NCCEM becomes IAEM (1998); 5-year strategic plan adopted (1996) 1990 First class of CEMs conferred (1993) NCCEM hires professional management firm (1985) How did it all begin? We started out in 1952 as the U.S. Civil Defense Council… 1980 USCDC becomes NCCEM (1983) 1970 FEMA created (1970s) 1960 USCDC hired full-time executive director (1960s) 1950 U.S. Civil Defense Council formed (1952)

4 IAEM Members are Worldwide
At the end of the fiscal year, IAEM-Global membership included (Individual members (3,458), Affiliate members (39), and Student members (1,554) for a total 5,051 members. The largest council is the IAEM-USA Council, with 2,67 Individual members (53%). The second largest council is the IAEM-Student Council with 1,554 members (31%), while the third larges is IAEM-Canad with 249 members (5%). IAEM members are located worldwide, with our international contingency growing as we become more involved with international issues.

5 Advancing Our Profession Through Partnerships
We use partnerships to accomplish our mission. Here are just a few of our IAEM partners, which also include state emergency management associations across the U.S.

6 Advancing Our Profession Through Professional Standards
CEM/AEM: IAEM offers an accreditation program for individuals, the Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) & Associate Emergency Manager program. EMAP: IAEM also partners with NEMA to support the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP).  

7 The ultimate credential in emergency management
Certified Emergency Manager® CEM®… The ultimate credential in emergency management Internationally recognized Increased credibility Professional identity Career recognition Enhanced career planning Now let’s turn our attention to one of the most important programs administered by the International Association of Emergency Managers – our internationally recognized Certified Emergency Manager Program.

8 CEM® Program Highlights
Since the CEM Program was introduced in 1993, 12,683 candidates have enrolled to pursue the CEM®/AEMSM designation. As of May 31, 2011, there were 1,032 Certified Emergency Managers and 86 Associated Emergency Managers. The program was developed with input from FEMA, ICMA, ASPA, APWA, and others. The CEM Program was created to raise and maintain professional standards. It is a program to certify achievements within the emergency management profession. Any emergency management professional who meets requirements is welcome to participate.

9 Accreditation Program
Emergency Management Accreditation Program The Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) is the voluntary assessment and accreditation process for state and local government programs.  Accreditation is based on compliance with collaboratively developed national standards, based upon NFPA 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs, 2004).  Accreditation is open to U.S. state, territorial, and local government emergency management programs. To date, 8 states and 1 locality have been accredited through EMAP.

10 Advancing Our Profession Through Scholarships
Support the future of emergency management. The mission of the IAEM Scholarship Program is to assist the profession by identifying and developing students with the intellect and technical skills that can advance and enhance emergency management. IAEM’s goal is to raise $1,000,000 to fund scholarship awards to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in an accredited college program pursuing a degree that includes EM courses. Current Fund balance is $177,364. In 1999, IAEM established the IAEM Scholarship Program to help ensure the future of emergency management. The Scholarship Program was created to nurture, promote and develop disaster preparedness and resistance by furthering the education of students studying the field of emergency management. The ultimate mission of the program is…

11 First Scholarship Awarded at the 2001 Annual Meeting (Nov. 2001)
IAEM Scholarship Program First Scholarship Awarded at the 2001 Annual Meeting (Nov. 2001) 36 scholarships awarded to full-time students pursuing degrees in emergency management, disaster management or a related field. Total money dispersed = $47,500

12 Influencing Public Policy
IAEM and its members have always had high visibility. This photo shows then-President George Bush conferring with IAEM President Ken Schroeder.

13 Top U.S. Government Affairs Priorities
Influencing Public Policy Top U.S. Government Affairs Priorities Staffing/Funding of Local Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) U.S. Structure for E.M. (FEMA post-Katrina) Hazard Mitigation Funding Standards Protection of NWS Identity/Funding

14 Top U.S. Government Affairs
Influencing Public Policy Top U.S. Government Affairs Priorities, continued Federal Grants Guidelines Floodplain Mapping

15 Membership Benefits Access to the largest network of top emergency management experts who can offer solutions, guidance or assistance. A 20+ page monthly newsletter to facilitate info-sharing (also available online). Activities to advance our mission include regular meetings in the United States to talk about public policy and to share case studies and lessons learned about disasters. (Hold up sample newsletter or reference hand-out, talk about cover story.)

16 Membership Benefits A unified voice at federal, state and local levels to educate decision-makers about emergency management policies and legislation. Voting privileges at member meetings. Access to members-only area of the IAEM web site which includes access to current members, collection of previous Bulletins and other IAEM materials. Reduced rates at annual IAEM conferences and seminars. And here are more reasons why you should join IAEM…

17 Web Site: Latest IAEM & CEM® news Timely & informative
Current EM news, resources, & events Latest IAEM & CEM® news Adopted a new mission in …

18 Web Site: The IAEM Web site receives over 300,000 hits a month from an average 20,000 visitors worldwide. Join, pay dues, or register for a conference online at Find out about IAEM member benefits, the IAEM Annual Conference, the CEM® program, regional news, and committee updates. Look for jobs on the public EM jobs bulletin board. Members vote on officers and bylaws amendments online. IAEM offers a searchable online member directory, members only resources, IAEM Bulletin archives, and more.

19 Contact Information Write: IAEM Headquarters Park Washington Court Falls Church, VA Phone: Fax: Website: Visit our web site at to join IAEM on-line, register for our conference, make a donation to the IAEM Scholarship Program -- or just to find out more about the work of the International Association of Emergency Managers. Or contact our headquarters office, where IAEM has a professional management staff who will be happy to assist you. We hope you’ll join us in our mission to serve the emergency management community.

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