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§1.1.4 Affine space (points)

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1 §1.1.4 Affine space (points)
Christopher Crawford PHY 416G

2 Outline Affine space – linear space of points Points vs. vectors – comparison and contrast Position vectors, displacement, differential Affine combinations, transformations Cylindrical and spherical coordinates Coordinate & component transformations Coordinate lines and surfaces Differential line (dl), area (da), volume (dτ) elements

3 Affine Space – points Points vs. vectors: coordinates vs. components
Position vector Operations on Points / Vectors Point + displacement Head - tail

4 Weighted points Weighted point as a vector Affine transformation
Center of mass Linear errors Affine transformation

5 Summary: Points vs. Vectors
Operations Affine combination Basis N+1 vs. N Decomposition Coordinates vs. components Transformations Affine vs. linear Fields / Differential / Integral Parameterization vs. field (coordinates)

6 Cylindrical & Spherical coordinates
Coordinate transformation Physics vs. math convention; singularities Can you mix coordinate systems? Component transformation

7 Cylindrical & Spherical coordinates
Differential elements

8 Example Position vector as a field in different coordinates

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