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12th Grade Registration Class of 2014!!!!.

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1 12th Grade Registration Class of 2014!!!!

2 Registration Dates Monday, January 14(Tirb, Henry and Gruneisen)
Tuesday, January 15(Beasley and Toney) Meet directly in the auditorium instead of going to class. Remain in auditorium for entire period Come prepared with entire registration sheet completed. If you don’t choose electives or alternates, we will choose them for you. Review form with parents. Sit in section by last name All math teachers must sign form. Honors classes require signature as well

3 Graduation Requirements
2.0 unweighted GPA Pass Reading FCAT 24 credits 4 English 4 Math(Alg I and Geom) 3 Science 3 Social Studies(Must be World History, American History and Government/Econ) 1 Fine Art 1 HOPE 8 Electives

4 Quiz Is foreign language required to graduate?
Is community service required to graduate?

5 College Admissions Requirements
Most 4-year universities 4 English 4 Math(Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and higher. See college website) 3 Science(including Chemistry and Physics) 3 Social Studies 2 or more of the same foreign language 2 Academic Electives(another math, science, language, etc.)

6 Advanced Placement vs. Dual Credit
High School courses taught at college level. Test score determines eligibility for college credit. To be eligible, students must show success in previous academics. Credit transferable to most colleges in the nation) Dual Credit College classes taught at PCHS. Can earn college credit with at least a “C.” Beginning of college GPA! Must have a qualifying test score(FCAT, PERT, ACT or SAT) and have a 3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA. Check your brochure for qualifying test scores

7 Registration Feel free to take your registration sheet and fill it out as I describe your options

8 Registration


10 Science Optional Senior year if you have your 3 credits. However, it is highly recommended by colleges in order to prepare you for their curriculum! Chemistry, Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Anatomy and Physiology*, Physics*, AP Chemistry(2 periods), AP Physics(2 periods), AP Biology, DC Environmental Biology *= Honors Available


12 Notes Might be placed into Math for College Readiness instead of the math you selected. Based on PERT Scores(State requirement) Office Aid OJT/Internship Occupational Specialist vs. Counselor roles

13 Suggestions Challenge yourself! Think about attending the CTC
Choose electives wisely. All classes affect your GPA Think about a possible a career and find appropriate electives Take a look at the curriculum guide in your History class Register now for Florida Virtual or Night School to get back on track! Your transcript will be reviewed in June to determine whether you will be promoted to a senior. Start touring colleges. You start applying to 4 year universities in early Fall! Register NOW for the SAT/ACT. There are only a couple of test dates left this year! “Like” Port Charlotte High School Class of 2014 on Facebook to receive important guidance info, updates and events Visit the Guidance and CIC website through Go to free tutoring Monday-Thursday in D112(behind nurse)

14 Graduation If you plan on graduating in December 2013, you must have a plan in place with Mrs. Matthews by August 6, Ideally, see Mrs. Matthews this month Diploma Awards Awards honoring outstanding GPA’s. D’s and F’s must be made up through FLVS and replaced with at least a C. Description of diploma awards is located on the Guidance Dept website Silver Cord-150 hours of community service. 50 must be done senior year. Must be non-profit organization(animal shelter, hospital, tutoring, etc.)

15 Junior Family Night March 7, 6pm Auditorium

16 Welcome Mrs. Wier!!!

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