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Goose Creek Field Trip Unit 1: The Hydrosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Goose Creek Field Trip Unit 1: The Hydrosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goose Creek Field Trip Unit 1: The Hydrosphere

2 Overview Location – where are we going? History What’s there now?
What will we do? Field trip logistics and safety


4 Mid-June 1863 (post Gettysburg), Hooker’s army marched into NoVA, following Lee’s army.
Slocum (another Union general) had requested to Hooker that a bridge should be build at Edward’s ferry to send supplies over. This way he could get supplies from Maryland, as opposed to relying on the irregular confederate supply operating in Loudoun County. Bridge construction began just three days later, a mile down from where we’ll be entering. Four days after that (over a course of 3 days) a total of 80,000 infantrymen, 12,000 calvery-men, 270 artillery pieces, and 3,000 supply crossed the bridges heading north to try and cut off Lee’s march south.

5 Here’s the bridge, but what about the canal
Here’s the bridge, but what about the canal? At our site there’s an old mill and remains of a boat lock at part of the historic canal, that because of the Civil War, never began commercial operation. The intention was barges leaving the creek, crossing the Potomac and entering the C&O canal on the Maryland shore. How might have this been useful during the war? What else (other forms of transportation) might have rendered this canal useless?

6 What’s There Now? Homes Off Riverpoint Dr., near Habitat Cir. Kephart Bridge Landing – park maintained by Loudoun County Walking trails Canoe/Kayak launch USGS – taking data! Discharge of m3/sec (how will this compare to what we find?)

7 What Will We Do There?

8 What Will We Do There? Collect data!
Discharge – this is new! (Cross-sectional area and Velocity) pH and alkalinity Nitrate Phosphate Turbidity DO – tentative Some will be the tests we’ll do next class, others will be modified methods (pH paper instead of test) Collect (and try to identify) any invertebrates that we find Use the Leafsnap app to identify nearby trees!

9 STOP: Download Leafsnap

10 Field Trip Logistics/Safety
Over two class periods, we will leave minutes after the 5th/7th periods start Come in, grab papers and hip waders (maybe) If you arrive after that, we will leave you and you’ll be forced to complete the makeup assignment We will walk there (20 minutes), spend hours there, then walk back (you’ll be back well before the bell rings) You will not be “forced” into going in the water, but some kind of participation is necessary. Come prepared, mentally and physically (clothes)!

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