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Synapses Signal is carried chemically across the synaptic cleft.

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Presentation on theme: "Synapses Signal is carried chemically across the synaptic cleft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synapses Signal is carried chemically across the synaptic cleft

2 Post-synaptic conductances
Requires pre- and post-synaptic depolarization Coincidence detection, Hebbian

3 Synaptic plasticity LTP, LTD Spike-timing dependent plasticity

4 Short-term synaptic plasticity
Depression Facilitation

5 A simple model neuron: FitzHugh-Nagumo
I = 0 phase portrait

6 Phase portrait of the FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model

7 Reduced dynamical model for neurons

8 Population coding Population code formulation Methods for decoding: population vector Bayesian inference maximum a posteriori maximum likelihood Fisher information

9 Cricket cercal cells coding wind velocity

10 Population vector RMS error in estimate Theunissen & Miller, 1991

11 Population coding in M1 Cosine tuning: Pop. vector: For sufficiently large N, is parallel to the direction of arm movement

12 The population vector is neither general nor optimal.
“Optimal”: Bayesian inference and MAP

13 Bayesian inference By Bayes’ law, Introduce a cost function, L(s,sBayes); minimise mean cost. For least squares, L(s,sBayes) = (s – sBayes)2 ; solution is the conditional mean.

14 MAP: s* which maximizes p[s|r] ML: s* which maximizes p[r|s]
MAP and ML MAP: s* which maximizes p[s|r] ML: s* which maximizes p[r|s] Difference is the role of the prior: differ by factor p[s]/p[r] For cercal data:

15 Decoding an arbitrary continuous stimulus
E.g. Gaussian tuning curves

16 Need to know full P[r|s]
Assume Poisson: Assume independent: Population response of 11 cells with Gaussian tuning curves

17 Apply ML: maximise P[r|s] with respect to s
Set derivative to zero, use sum = constant From Gaussianity of tuning curves, If all s same

18 Apply MAP: maximise p[s|r] with respect to s
Set derivative to zero, use sum = constant From Gaussianity of tuning curves,

19 Given this data: Prior with mean -2, variance 1 Constant prior MAP:

20 How good is our estimate?
For stimulus s, have estimated sest Bias: Variance: Mean square error: Cramer-Rao bound: Fisher information

21 Fisher information Alternatively: For the Gaussian tuning curves w/Poisson statistics:

22 Fisher information for Gaussian tuning curves
Quantifies local stimulus discriminability

23 Do narrow or broad tuning curves produce better encodings?
Approximate: Thus,  Narrow tuning curves are better But not in higher dimensions!

24 Fisher information and discrimination
Recall d' = mean difference/standard deviation Can also decode and discriminate using decoded values. Trying to discriminate s and s+Ds: Difference in estimate is Ds (unbiased) variance in estimate is 1/IF(s).

25 Comparison of Fisher information and human discrimination
thresholds for orientation tuning Minimum STD of estimate of orientation angle from Cramer-Rao bound data from discrimination thresholds for orientation of objects as a function of size and eccentricity

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