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Purpose of this Report:

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1 BOARD MEETING 25 January 2018 Chief Executive’s Report Nicola Lees, Chief Executive
Purpose of this Report: To update Board members on national, regional and local issues, announcements relating to mental health, learning disability and community health services, and Chief Executive level discussions within the local health economy. Recommendations That the Board: Notes the content of the Chief Executive’s report Previous meetings/committees where the report has been considered: Executive Management Team Risk issues identified for discussion: Board members will want to identify any risks emerging from the content of the paper, and how new issues and challenges across the NHS might affect BDCFT. Any emerging issues may be taken forward through individual discussions with Directors outside Board meetings or suggesting a future paper to the Board or its Committees. Links to Strategic Drivers This report underpins all four of the strategic drivers. Publication under Freedom of Information Act: This paper has been made available under the FOI Act. Links to principal risks There are no specific risk issues identified CQC outcomes This paper provides assurance in relation to the well-led framework

2 CEO News- what you need to know
Trust News Local News National News Nicola Lees has announced that she will be retiring from her position at the Care Trust for family reasons . Read more The Trust is encouraging local people to nominate themselves in its forthcoming Governor elections. Read more A video explaining more about the role of Public Governors has been produced and can be access by clicking here’ Blue Monday on 15 January will see a free talk to help beat New Year stress . This will be held by the Trust’s MyWellbeing College team at Victoria Hall, Saltaire. Stressbusting Following a successful scheme last year the Trust is restarting its free weight loss groups at 11 locations across the district. These will be run by the Care Trust’s health trainers. You can read more about their work here The current overall influenza uptake at 11 January 2018 is 75.13% meeting the CQUIN target for this flu season Further details here. Airedale NHS Foundation Trust A message from Andrew Gold, Acting Chairman, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust. Read more Airedale Wharfedale & Craven Clinical Commissioning Group: People are invited to local drop in sessions regarding community health services in Craven. Read more. Bradford City & Districts Clinical Commissioning Group: Yorkshire Cancer Research to invest 94k in a new project to improve bowel cancer screening participation rates in the Bradford district and Craven Read more Bradford Metropolitan District Council Backing Bradford District Issue 6 December–2017: Kersten England, CEO of Bradford Metropolitan District Council shares news, views and agendas. Information here. New Year message from the Leader and Chief Executive Details here. Healthwatch Report on Health and Care partnerships Read report here. NHS England WRES Data Reporting December BDCT is mentioned on page 54. Read here. NHS operational update from the NHS National Emergency Pressures Panel Read here. HFMA NHS Efficiency Map. The map is a tool that promotes best practice in identifying, delivering and monitoring CIPs Read more. UK Parliament The introduction of Accountable Care Organisations in the NHS. Full report here. HSIB Interim bulletin on the provision of mental health care to adults in the emergency department Read more. Mental Health Foundation Paper addressing the rise of reported mental health problems amongst young women and girls. Read more Local Government Association Making safeguarding personal both on the front line and at a strategic level. Read more

3 FT Membership Strategy Progress Update January 2018
 Introduction  The Board received a progress update regarding the Membership Strategy at its meeting on 27 July It was agreed that a further progress update would be provided through the Chief Executive’s report in January 2018 and that the refreshed Strategy would be provided via a separate paper to Board around June/July 2018. Progress Made in Delivering the Strategy Objective 1 `to recruit to the Trust those people that have an interest in healthcare, whilst ensuring the membership remains representative of the community’ Since July 2017, Governors have supported the Deputy Trust Secretary to recruit new members at a Bradford College event, a district-wide Young People’s event and a Dementia event. Governors continue to promote membership to the people they meet through their networks and the Trust’s website contains a Membership page. The Involvement and Volunteering teams also continue to encourage service users expressing an interest in taking part in involvement activities and Trust volunteers to become members of the Trust. As at 11 January, there were 9,899 Public members. This is within the membership target of 9,000-10,000 Pubic members. During the period January 2017 to December 2017, 281 new members joined the Trust and 120 existing members left the Trust. The reasons for members leaving the Trust relate to members not providing details of their new address, members becoming deceased or members choosing to opt out of membership. The Foundation Trust Code of Governance provides that the Board of Directors should monitor how representative the membership is. Membership representativeness is also monitored by the Membership Working Group and, at its meeting in June 2017, it was considered that work should be undertaken to target and inform Eastern European communities about membership opportunities. Suggestions made at that meeting about ways in which to do this will be captured within the refreshed Strategy. The graphs on the at the end of this report provide details about the representativeness of the membership as at 11 January Whilst the number of members has increased since July 2017 (from 9659 to 9899), there has been no movement in the percentage of people within each category area. Consequently, approximately 28% of the membership continues to be within the age bracket; the split between female (60%) and male (39%) members is the same; 57% of the membership is still from White backgrounds and 40% from BAME backgrounds, with the majority of BAME members continuing to identify as Asian/Asian British; and the three Bradford constituencies (where population levels are the greatest) continue to attract the highest percentage of members, although the number of members within Craven and Keighley is only marginally lower than Bradford South.

4 Objective 2 `to engage those members wanting to get involved in the work of the Trust through engagement activities and events’ Since July 2017, Governors have attended four public-facing membership events in order to engage with the membership and public. These include the Dementia, Young-Peoples and Bradford College events; and the Annual Members Meeting (and the Governor drop-in session which preceded this) and the opportunity to meet Governors at these events is communicated through event flyers and press releases. Staff Governors have joined Directors at staff briefings and EMT-on-the-road meetings in order to understand issues raised by staff. A further membership talk is planned for 15 January which will present the work of the MyWellbeing College service (through a Stressbuster introductory session. [A further update can be provided at the Board meeting.] Additionally, we have invited undergraduates from Bradford University to undertake a piece of research to help us understand how the Trust could encourage more of its members to engage in the work of the Trust. We are working closely with a Lecturer from the Faculty of Management and Law on the development of a research proposition for consideration by the students. Objective 3 `to obtain views from the Trust’s members and the public about the services provided by the Trust’ Feedback regarding the Trust’s services is provided by Governors at Council of Governor meetings or directly to Directors/other members of staff. Additionally, a paper regarding the feedback received from: the Trust Board/Council of Governors Awayday held on 19 July 2017; the Governor drop in meeting prior to the Annual Members Meeting; the roundtable discussions at the Annual Members Meeting on 26 September and the evaluation findings from the Annual Members Meeting has been considered by the Executive Management Team, the Council of Governors and the Membership Working Group. The action taken in response to the feedback received will be shared via the website and a Governor stall at the 2018 Annual Members Meeting.

5 Age:

6 Gender:

7 % of Membership (Rounded)
Ethnicity : Constituency No of Members % of Membership (Rounded) Bradford East 2037 21 Bradford South 1297 13 Bradford West 2256 23 Craven 474 5 Keighley 1144 11 Shipley 1150 12 Rest of England 1524 15 Not Categorised 17 0.1%

8 External Media Report – Nov/Dec 2017
We achieved four pieces of national media coverage over November and December, these were in LD Today, Health Business, Nursing Times and Primary Health Care. The winter campaign which has been running throughout both months, but predominantly November, resulted in local media coverage and high engagement levels on social media. November’s engagement rate is high following work done for the allied health professions event and the opening of the new Carers Hub. The bounce rate in December is slightly up due to the high numbers of people visiting our ‘stay well this winter page’ from links on social media and leaving the page after finding all the information they needed on the page. Objective Monthly target Annual target Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Average Cumulative Local Media 42 54 46 35 56 45 44 64 Regional Features 5 1 4 National coverage 8 3 2 13 Web bounce rate 62 59 61 63 67 Twitter engagement 600 (680 with campaign in month) 576 755 503 985 554 725 1077 1452 647 808 Facebook engagement 680 1052 597 590 1222 687 533 871 937 532 780 YASA feature YASA feature, Nursing Times, Asian Sunday, Nursing Standard Mental Health Today, Nursing Standard School nursing feature Campaigns: Recruitment and winter. Mental Health Today blog and Asian Sunday LD Today, Health Business, Nursing Times Primary Health Care November/December coverage: Moving Forward BAME staff graduation - Telegraph and Argus, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Craven Herald and Keighley News. Stay well this winter - Telegraph and Argus, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Craven Herald and Keighley News. Complex care team - Nursing Times Stress awareness day and MyWellbeing College - Telegraph and Argus, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Craven Herald and Keighley News. Learning disability health checks - LD Today Suicide prevention - Telegraph and Argus, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Craven Herald, Keighley News and Health Business. Board meeting - Telegraph and Argus, Wharfedale Observer, Craven Herald and Keighley News. Thank you afternoon tea fro volunteers - Telegraph and Argus, Keighley News, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette and Craven Herald. District nurses and firefighters - Primary Health Care New groups to boost winter wellbeing, MyWellbeing College and Champions Show the Way - Telegraph and Argus, Keighley News, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette, Craven Herald and an interview with Catherine Jowitt on BCB radio. Tribute to award-winning Trust staff - Telegraph and Argus, Keighley News, Wharfedale Observer, Ilkley Gazette and Craven Herald. External communications focus Q4 (Jan end Mar 2018) Time To Talk (1 Feb) Staff survey (Mar TBC) Governor elections (Jan – Mar) YASA (Jan – July)

9 Other News - For Your Information
National News Local News NHS England - 34 million patients to benefit from improved GP services as NHS England boosts the number of surgery based clinical pharmacists that can offer expert medication and treatment Read more . NHS to join forces with major developers to build a healthy national future to create healthy living.Further details here Centre for Ageing Better Older women are more vulnerable to physical and mental health in later life review. Read here Department of Health Framework for Mental Health Research. Read report here. Sugary drinks to be further removed from NHS canteens, shops and vending machines during 2018 to tackle diabetes and obesity. Read more.

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