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CSCE 121: Program Design and Concepts Lab

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 121: Program Design and Concepts Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 121: Program Design and Concepts Lab
Keishla D. Ortiz Lopez, TA

2 About me Birthplace: Arecibo, Puerto Rico
PhD student in Computer Science Graduated from the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (BS in Computer Science)

3 Peer-Teachers They’ll assist you in the lab too!
s and Office Hours: teachers/current-peer-teachers

4 Lab 1: Hello World Program!
Download the document from: Follow the steps starting at G.2. In step G.2.3 write this source code: Then, download this header file from: Save the header file to the directory you used in step G This will be the “../Visual Studio/Projects” folder if you took the default. Stop at step G.2.6.

5 Try it! Change the program to output the two lines Hello, programming!
Here we go!

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